T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

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I left the brew mashing at 50degrees for 24 hours... do you think it'll still be ok??? kinda wanna complete it as it was being brewed as the baby was born... hehehehe..

Congrats mate. Super news.

Your brew should be fine, might now be a tad sour, but it should still be drinkable.
21. Raven19 - Robust Porter2

Very dark but not quite black, deep brown when held up to light, dark tan head. Not much in the way of aroma. Big Malty Roasty acrid flavour with a hit of vanilla. warming alcohol.

I enjoyed this a lot cheers mate.

Stubby with 'CPA' on the cap

Nice, this beer goes down quite well, this is the sort of beer that I would like to drink first thing when I get home- it's got some malt body and some hops backing it up. I would probably go for a bit more malt body, but as it is, it's very enjoyable.
19. JestersDarts - Autumn Amber Ale

Cracked this one last night, nice easy drinker too. Subtle chocolate aroma, medium to low carbonation, light brown with some reddish hues, off white creamy head that lasts too. Malt presents nicely imo, some minimal lingering bitterness at the end of the pallette, nice clean and easy to drink this one.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the posted comments so far - please keep them coming
(inquiring minds want to know :D).

BTW, I hope noone minds but I've been adding adding posted comments
(and brewlog links to previously posted recipes) to the swap article which,
as a reminder, is at:
AHB Article - 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-Adelaide Autumn Case Swap


Nice work mate, you truly are the master of the article update.

I've had several of these now & have taken either no notes or poor notes. I've had Smurto, Boston, Tony, QB & Goofinder's beers & all have been top beers. I had Boston's when some non beer geek mates were here & wished after that I hadn't shared it with them. In the last week I've also had A3K & MOM's beers from the last swap & they were bloody delicious as well.

I mashed in earlier on what I hope to be my swap beer next time round. I figured I should brew early for it so if it's rubbish I've got plenty of time to rebrew.
Tom, just had a look at the article mate... That it top notch stuff. Very impressed the way it all links around the place, bit like Wikipedia :icon_cheers:

I'm still yet to try any, but will try and have one a night this week... No more than that coz I'm on standby again... <_<
First tasting of the swap beers for me...

Phil's 10min Centennial IPA

A bubbly but controllable pour. Carries a head with medium size bubbles - not much lacing. Mine poured a little hazy. In the aroma I get more yeasty esters than hops (though my nose is a little blocked at the moment) which carries through on the flavour. Finish is smooth for the high carbonation, ever so slightly sweet with bitterness in the background. Enjoyable beer but reckon it needs more hops :)

What yeast did you use Phil? 1187 or denny's fav?

Liking the article MaltyHops.

I have tried mine and is tasting nice and carbed. For those who can't wait then mine can be cracked.
Liking the article MaltyHops
Thanks guys - having a consolidated tasting notes list is handy for
when holding a beer tasting party - a big reason why I'm doing it.

BTW - I'm thinking brewers can comment on their own beers too?
(hint! hint! :) - just pretend someone else brewed it)

Thanks guys - having a consolidated tasting notes list is handy for
when holding a beer tasting party - a big reason why I'm doing it.

BTW - I'm thinking brewers can comment on their own beers too?
(hint! hint! :) - just pretend someone else brewed it)

do you mean something like

11. Mayor Of Mildura - Stout

possibly the raddest beer ever. this is like a whole mouthful awesome. well done me.

I think someone is taking the mickey out on me :angry:

C'mon, you know what I mean ... He knows what you mean
... Who knows what who mean?
I think someone is taking the mickey out on me :angry:

C'mon, you know what I mean ... He knows what you mean
... Who knows what who mean?
i know what you mean. i was just being a banana. B)

my taps were starting to seize up after drinking all this bottled beer so i have been busy this afternoon mending them.

I'll chuck a bottle of my beer in the fridge and put up my serious thoughts in the next few days.

cheers malty!!!
22. Rooting Kings - Brown ale

Pours a brilliant clear copper colour. Nice lacing. Tastes like juicy fruit chewing gum with pineapple and a bit of toast at the end. Has a sweet, slight yeasty aroma.

very interesting beer. Cheers.
Last night i had #5 Gunnas- Dr Smurtos Golden ale.....Loved it! I have my first DrSmurtos fermenting now! Hope it also turns out well!

Also had #25 Bostons IPA. AMAZING! Is the recipe around here some place?

Today i had......

10. DrSmurto - Bo Pils. Very nice! I would also love the recipefor this one!

1. QuantumBrewer - Not-so-Irish Not-so-Red. Very nice! And one of Nats Favs so far! :)

Thank you all! :)
Also had #25 Bostons IPA. AMAZING! Is the recipe around here some place?
Hey Josh,

Boston's recipe is one of a few linked in the Tasting Comments section
on the AHB Article - 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-Adelaide Autumn Case Swap
- look for the '....... [brewlog]' links - I'll add links if anyone else post their
swap beer recipes (hint! hint! ;) ).

PS. @Boston - what was the hop schedule for your 10min IPA - does the 10min
indicate all the hops were added at10min prior to flame out?

Thanks for that MaltyHops!

Mine was kinda just a experiment.....

AussieJosh....(Michalskis's) Dark Ale.....

3.50KG Tf Maris Otter Pale Ale Malt
0.50KG Weyermann Munich l
0.23KG Crystal 105L
0.23KG TF Pale Chocolate Malt


30.00g Goldings - E.K. 60min
20.00g Goldings - E.K. 20min
20.00g Cascade - 20min

Kieren IPA

Nice colour, looks nice :) Getting some nice hop aroma, which is of course important for an IPA. This is really flavourful, I'm really enjoying it. The bitterness is present but not overwhelming- it sits back and lets the hop flavour really take over, and the hop flavour is really nice. I'm getting all sorts of citrus flavours which is something I love in an IPA. Really enjoying this one.
PS. @Boston - what was the hop schedule for your 10min IPA - does the 10min
indicate all the hops were added at10min prior to flame out?

Yeah if it is a 10min IPA then all hops are added 10mins from flameout.
Dr Smurto's Bo Pils
Nice clarity, dark straw colour. Slight sweet malt on the nose. Good balance leaning toward the malt. Do I get some english yeast esters coming through? I don't know? Great beer though.

Amin's APA

Pours a nice clear rust copper, very slight haze. Good carbonation and head formation. I get some of the yeast notes on the nose that MOM was getting along with some maltiness (damn my blocked sinuses). i don't much any hops until I sip - then lots of hoppy goodness, great pineapple up front and orange? flavours. Good body, finishes with a lingering maltiness and firm dry bitterness. Very nice beer, Amin :icon_cheers:

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