Bit of a tekkie question but would like to hear other's experiences / thoughts. My fermentation fridge does not get up to normal fridge temperature and runs all the time. Minimum temperature it reaches is 6.6C. Could it be that since I have the STC on the power input side (compressor loses power every time the STC switches) have led to its failure? Should the STC be on the internal thermostat circuit rather so that the compressor itself does not lose power?
Also noticed that the deadband on my other fridge is around 8C (3.6C to 11.6C) while my STC is set to 2C. This means more stress on the compressor?What should/could it be set to?
Also noticed that the deadband on my other fridge is around 8C (3.6C to 11.6C) while my STC is set to 2C. This means more stress on the compressor?What should/could it be set to?