Stainless Conicals

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Hi Batz, ultimately we want to offer those options but it won't happen for a while unfortunately.

I was thinking along the lines of a stainless coil welded to the outside. We might consider the jacket arrangement but I suspect that to do this properly would put the price right up there so we'll see what the interest is once we have the basic model going.

A stainless coil should be fairly straightforward, and we could also include the cone section without too much trouble. Provided the exterior of the fermenter was well insulated I reckon it would work well.
Wortgames said:
Hey Batz, ultimately we want to have those options available but it won't happen for a while unfortunately.

I was thinking along the lines of a stainless coil welded to the outside. We might consider the jacket arrangement but I suspect that to do this properly would be put the price right up there so we'll see what the interest is once we have the basic model going.

A stainless coil should be fairly straightforward, and provided the exterior of the fermenter was well insulated I reckon it would work well.

I woould want cooling. I doubt I would be able to lift a 70 litre stainless + beer
Darren said:
Wortgames said:
Hey Batz, ultimately we want to have those options available but it won't happen for a while unfortunately.

I was thinking along the lines of a stainless coil welded to the outside. We might consider the jacket arrangement but I suspect that to do this properly would be put the price right up there so we'll see what the interest is once we have the basic model going.

A stainless coil should be fairly straightforward, and provided the exterior of the fermenter was well insulated I reckon it would work well.

I woould want cooling. I doubt I would be able to lift a 70 litre stainless + beer

Me too Darren,
Otherwise it would be use to me only a couple of months a year.
I think the coil mounted inside like a immersion chiller would be better . Sanitizing should not be any more difficult .
I suppose I could fit that myself.

If I had one of these babies it would be on show, probably in the middle of my lounge room, not hidden in a fridge, hence would be waiting for the cooled version.
Wortgames said:
I think we will have to say that they are definitely NOT pressure vessels, but we will probably sacrifice one in a mythbusters-style ceremony to see what does happen when you go over the line, and where that line is...
That would make for a good bonus DVD ;)
i like the idea of maybe an after market cooling/heating jacket and I just pump whatever heated or cooled liquid I need with my own pump/controller etc.

If we break this down into a basic model, then buy accessories later, it'll be easier to get past our Directors of Finance and Enjoyment!
OK, here are some pics to appease the piccy monsters :)

First the ball valve:


Then the butterfly valve:


These are both the 'smaller' 1" version. They are absolutely the best available, top quality seals etc. We'll be welding triclover type flanges directly to them, so they will simply clamp to the fermenter.

We can weld a fitting to both ends of the valve if you like, if you want to use triclover fittings on your hoses as well. We will be able to offer triclover ferrules with hose barbs, so you could interconnect your whole brewery with triclover.

tangent said:
If we break this down into a basic model, then buy accessories later, it'll be easier to get past our Directors of Finance and Enjoyment!

That's the plan - these are not particularly cheap things but hopefully we can customise them as time and money (and ministers) permit.
Can't wait to see some pics.

And if my missus asks anyone during the next brew day, they cost only $100 ok!
jgriffin said:
Can't wait to see some pics.

And if my missus asks anyone during the next brew day, they cost only $100 ok!

ABSOLUTELY - I'd be dead if my missus got a sniff at what I spend... :D

she asked how much the taps cost me - "Bargin" I said "only $50 compared to $70 buying here"...forgot to mention x 10 LOL... :D
Ross said:
jgriffin said:
Can't wait to see some pics.

And if my missus asks anyone during the next brew day, they cost only $100 ok!

ABSOLUTELY - I'd be dead if my missus got a sniff at what I spend... :D

Better not let her read this forum then Ross, especially the post you made tonight on Ventmatic taps :p


Picking up the Glycol unit & the driptray on Monday - Bar should be finished end of next week - getting excited...
Shame the conicals won't be ready for my birthday on Monday, but hopefully xmas is looking good :D
Early happy birthday for Monday Ross

Wortgames, i have organised someone who's coming back from Tassie after Festivus and will have room in the back of their wagon for a stainless conical when they drive from Melbs to Adl. - hint hint.
Keep me posted mate, and yeah, Director of Finance and Entertainment will be sniffing around so Mum's the word!
"They were practically giving them away, it was so cheap, I can't even remember what it costed honey!" ;)
I would love to get my mits on one of these babies, they will be soooo sexy.

Following the progress with interest. :beerbang:
Not much to report yet and no pics, but we've tacked the first prototype together and I am very happy with it at this stage. The first one was built out of 1.6mm stainless and is probably a bit over-engineered, so we are going to go with 1.2mm.

I think we've got the lids and fittings just about finalised, and I've settled on some target size configurations which I thought I'd share.

28L: approx 30cm in diameter / 56cm tall (ex valve). Suit 23-25L batches (10-20% headspace).
46L: approx 30cm in diameter / 81cm tall (ex valve). Suit 38-42L batches (10-20% headspace).
56L: approx 42cm in diameter / 73cm tall (ex valve). Suit 46-51L batches (10-20% headspace).

You'll need to add about 8-10cm to the height for valves and about the same again for your airlock. The rim will add about 3cm to the diameter.

Note that the 46L model does not have the ideal geometry, but I reckon it is within the bounds of sensibility. The advantage is that it will comfortably ferment 2 kegs worth and I can fit 2 of them side by side in my commercial fridge B)

The 28 and 56L sizes are both well within Fix's guidelines.

For temperature regulation we plan to offer a 316 grade stainless immersion coil, which will fit through the polycarbonate lid using cable glands. This is going to be a cheaper, neater and more efficient method than external coils or jackets, and it will be easy to add one down the track.

I am desperately hoping to get some of the small ones ready in time for Christmas, we'll have to see how things develop over the next couple of weeks. The larger ones shouldn't be too far behind, and once we've got the accessories sorted out we will eventually be able to offer custom sizes.

Prices are still subject to firming, but it's looking good.
