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well i built one today

had to be SS and dreamboats paddle inspired me

couldnt find any mesh to do the job so i drilled 8 x 16mm holes in it instead

its got a 3/4" 800mm long handle and the paddle is about 80mm x 140mm

Its going to be great :)

cheers all.
i got a new digital SLR.... 8 megapixel and set on the lowest setting the photos are 520kb so have to put pics on seperate posts now

here is a close up of the end

Digital SLR and you don't have the ability to edit photos on your computer, Tony? You'd better send that camera to me to take care of.
only had it a few days.

Will load the editing software on soon and work it out

cheers and no chance, it cost me a fortune but its worth it.
Nice paddle!
The holes will probably help it to mix a little better.

As for resizing your photo's.... go to and track down a piece of software called irfanview - can make the photo's your desired size. I used iton the picture I posted, down from a 5MP camera photo.....

will do tomorrow dreamboat

the software that came on the disk with the camers should do it too

Its a canon 350D

I already had a film Canon SLR so my expensive lenses i bought for it will fit on the digital.

Only cheap ones compared to the pro ones.

the top of the line canon is an 18 odd megaixel worth $13000 just for the camers body, before u buy a lens!

bloody hell!!!

cheers mate
i considered the Canon at 13 seriously but shooting Nikon lenses so went for the lousy 12.2 megapixel ;) with software to interpolate to 25MP when convrting from RAW to Tif.
In comparison, a scan from my 6x7cm equates to about 100MP with no interpolation :)
Digi is a nice toy buy it's no big boy. It's still the extract of the photography world.
Tony said:
only had it a few days.

Will load the editing software on soon and work it out

cheers and no chance, it cost me a fortune but its worth it.

Trade for a box brownie?
do the words "off thread" have any meaning anymore?

mash paddle, camera

no, I can't see any difference either :blink:
No-one seems to have mentioned Finite's paddle, so I will... "It's a good thing you got that girl and all those other nice people to help you lift the damn thing" :D

I have a little plastic-snap-it-stirrer, thought I was just being rough on mine, holding it right at the end of the handle and stirring a thick brew...*snap*... fortunately didn't break off short enough to dissappear into the brew :blink:

Since then I've thought about a nice stainless one, but then figured it's not the kind of thing you can leave just lying around on the edge of a boiler... before it gets a bit "heavy' if you know what I mean. Or is my concern misplaced ?

Looking at a couple of the other home made paddles, it appears to me that you'd have to fairly careful about the join between the handle and the paddle, otherwise any little crevice in there and an infection might hide in there and resist the sanitiser but still manage to fall into your brew, just because Murphy predicted it :lol:

Might just go to the Asian cooking utensil place and get a big wooden spoon, me thinks. After all, I'e got some holesaws here.
Just between you and me, I even stir my mash with my thermometer sometimes.

Now that I've said that out loud I predict disaster in the next brew.

I only stir my mash with it, not the finisshed wort so a good 75 min boil will kill any bugs.

I dare say a SS paddle will hold ledd bacteria than the rough surface of a timbet paddle any way.

And it is lighter than it looks :p

lighter than a solid timber paddle would be.

Tony said:

I only stir my mash with it, not the finisshed wort so a good 75 min boil will kill any bugs.

I dare say a SS paddle will hold ledd bacteria than the rough surface of a timbet paddle any way.

And it is lighter than it looks :p

lighter than a solid timber paddle would be.


Though you could still use it successfully to fight off a rabid pitbull :)

Kai said:
I got my plastic spoon from an old cooper's brewing kit, must be ten years old andstill going strong. They must just not make 'em like they used to.

This is what I use too, mines only 2 years old but still going strong. :)
tangent said:
i considered the Canon at 13 seriously but shooting Nikon lenses so went for the lousy 12.2 megapixel ;) with software to interpolate to 25MP when convrting from RAW to Tif.
In comparison, a scan from my 6x7cm equates to about 100MP with no interpolation :)
Digi is a nice toy buy it's no big boy. It's still the extract of the photography world.

As for a mash paddle I use a 2'6" piece of broom stick handle :)
Camera gear off subject , I have the 10D SLR with 4 L series lenses most 2.8f [plus others], would love the 350D, sold my 6x7 gear.
By the way the stick works :p
wouldn't a metal mash paddle suck heat from your mash?
i kinda thought thats why we use wooden ones
Wee stu:I was responsible for the hijac but i did start it so does that make it ok :p

Tangent: You might well have a point there, i read your comment earlier in the day and had a think about it.

Solution........... dip it in the HLT to warm it up before i go mixing the mash :D

best i can come up with after a bad day at work im afraid ;)

my paddle came from a parramatta rd hospitality shoppe. it was about $10 or $15 from memory. i took some delight, as most ahb'ers would, in adding some holes with my electric drill :)
same place as pumpy hey....

I like the look of them.

Would look good next to that grain mill mate, hows it been going?
I use the plastic spoon that came with my kit. However, it is bent and warped now- it's not very straight any more, I worry about it breaking, (especially after seeing all the broken spoons here) and am thinking about making a new one myself. Reading the posts on this thread have given me a few ideas on how to make one... Still not sure whether to go for wood or S/S, though

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