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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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A slightly pointless topic, other than just to see piccies of members kit.

Here is my fermenatation freezer, with four brews on the go, and a bunch in No Chill cubes waiting. Also a starter on the stir plate.


Jesus christ you blokes take brewing to the next level. :blink:
Here are some older pic's of my fermenting fridge using 30ltr barrels but I've since been using the 60ltr variety. I also from time to time depending on the season and stability of the temp use what I call my Ferm bath. Which is basically a plastic tub filled with water and a 300w fish tank immersion heater. I just submerge the barrels into the tank and let it go. It's surprisingly effective and great for doing ales/stouts around Autumn time where the average temp is 18 - 22c.

A slightly pointless topic, other than just to see piccies of members kit.

Here is my fermenatation freezer, with four brews on the go, and a bunch in No Chill cubes waiting. Also a starter on the stir plate.



My Sir, i take my hat off, bow down and kiss your shoes.
Here's my thermoelectric wine cooler complete with BX-24 dev board monitoring temperature via a DS18S20, a blower in the back to ensure the cool is evenly distributed and a thermometer adding no value at all. The brew is a Belgian dark ale. It all lives in my study.

Here are some older pic's of my fermenting fridge using 30ltr barrels but I've since been using the 60ltr variety.

Gawd Devo I wouldn't be letting you loose at any railway station with a whiteboard marker. :p

Warren -

My very tight fitting bar fridge, about to defrost and drip water all over my floor (though I didnt realise that at the time)
80L fermenter (only half full though :( )
I plan on putting 78L of Pilsner in there soon.
I'm with Devo on the aquarium immersion heater idea. I brewed through Winter last year with one of these, matched with a $5 pond pump from Bunnings to circulate the water around the fermenter...

Sorry for the weak flash;

I don't have any photos of my fermentation fridge, but it's not much to look at. A 520Ltr dead fridge/freezer. The insulation is enough to keep it at 18C most of the year. I sometimes throw in some frozen water bottles during summer or a hot water bottle in Winter, if my aquarium system is in use.
Yeah, I'm known for tagging batman station with OG readings.

I thought i seen your tag when i got off the train at Batman last night :p

I was so nearly tempted to walk around and sneak into the shed for another stout :D

Here's mine. Pretty boring huh? Beer in the picture was a wheat beer that was just finishing off. :beer:


Warren -
As Steve says " Holy Crap "

How the hell does that setup up work BrotherNutz??????????????????

One confused rook :unsure:
Here is mine, mainly used with up to four fermenters, two on top and two in the middle. At full capacity it could hold nine fermenters. Ideal for say four fermenters and heaps of bottles etc. It has an electric heat source and cooling is provided out of the coolroom.
Cheers 15BL :party:


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