Scale Of Sour Beers

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I recently had a Cantillon Gueze and was wondering where this sits amongst other sour beers. Is it rather not sour, middle of the road or near the extreme end? I would have trouble believing it is the later.
It was very enjoyable and I would like to try more of these, just looking for an idea of what I am in for...
I would place the Gueze on the lower end of sour. I think the Cantillion Grand Cru is more sour but still very enjoyable.

Some of the Lindemans range have been sweetend and are not as sour as Cantillion.

Kabooby :)
really? i would certainly put it towards the top end (but as kabooby said the grand cru is sourer). once had their young lambic (scooped out of a bucket!!!) - it was flat, brown, hazy and the most incredibly sour thing ive ever had

try the lindemans cuvee rene if you can, that's their unsweetened one - great stuff
recently picked up some 2003 Boon mariage parfait gueuze from platinum cellars too, that was magnificent
So what are the sours that you can get out here? So far I have seen or heard of:


Any others I should have my eye out for?
I would place the Gueze on the lower end of sour. I think the Cantillion Grand Cru is more sour but still very enjoyable.

Some of the Lindemans range have been sweetend and are not as sour as Cantillion.

Kabooby :)

I'm with neonmeate - I've had the pleasure of trying a few sours over time, and the entire Cantillon range sits near the top of the sour scale for me. Within the Cantillon range itself though - there are varying levels of sourness, personally I find Fou Foune or their Bourgogne Lambic to be the sourest, the standard bio Gueze being quite a bit softer. Compared to other peers though (Drie Fontaine, Boon, Girardin etc) Cantillon is pretty intense for me!


The Bellevue range of sweetened InBev beers are here too. Some Mikeller sours have made their way over recently (USAlive!), plus Liefmans, Orval and Rodenbach are normally available around the place. A couple of the 't iJ beers have distinct sour characters too, I'm not sure whether this is intentional, but they're certainly interesting!
[quote name='O'Henry' post='546103' date='Nov 1 2009, 07:04 PM']So what are the sours that you can get out here? So far I have seen or heard of:


Any others I should have my eye out for?[/quote]
Rodenbach and Rodenbach Grand Cru. Nice stuff, but can be challenging for drinkers of "standard" beers.
I'd have agree with neonmeate and Kook, after trying lambics from at least 8 different brewers, Cantillion is sour amongst sours! Particularly their Ros De Gambrinus, the raspberries add their own tartness, it's like an explosion of sourness...yet so delicious!

As far as recommendations go, i'd also recommend Boon mariage parfait gueuze after trying it recently. I'd also recommend anything from Oud Beersel or Hanssens. Not as sour as Cantillion but their lambic tends to be a bit more complex and funky, very different experience.
Well, I will do my best to get to Platinum Cellars next week when in Sydney and see what they have. Not sure how it will go, but it will surely be an interesting session.
I should clarify that by lower end I mean't PH wise. So when I said low end I meant towards the more sour end :huh:

Kabooby ;)
You can also add Timmerman's Gueze as one that is available.

I love it.
IBS have the Cantillon Lou Pepe Gueuze at the moment. That's definitely the most sour beer I've ever tried. They also have Lou Pepe Framboise, which is a fruit explosion, and the Saint Lamvinus, which is made with wine berries. And don't forget the Liefmans range, they're fruit beers based on flanders red/sour ales rather than lambics, but still very sour, IBS currently have Liefmans Goudenband, Framboise and Cuvee.
Also, +1 for the Lindemans Cuvee Renee Gueuze, and their Cuvee Rene Kriek. Both fantastic lambics!
Got my first one of these waiting for me at home! looking forward to it VERY much....
This would have to be my pick of the Cantillon beers that i've tried. Being a straight lambic it's a bit different, but the flat vinous quality it has seems to make it very approachable and the flavours more discernable.
Cantillion is sour amongst sours! Particularly their Ros De Gambrinus, the raspberries add their own tartness, it's like an explosion of sourness...yet so delicious!

+1.. I found the Kriek to be one of the sourest lambics I've had.