aye aye cap'n
Fallen angel bo pils
Read the BJCP guidelines for this one, cos that is what you get. I would be surprised at anything less from the Junctyard.
Wit for brains
Its a while since I 've had a Wit, and after this one I should revisit the style soon. All the spicy notes in the right place that set it apart from the German wheats, refreshing to the last drop.
Wheezing Bock
Great label, and a beer to match. Had one of Jeffs bocks before and this is a refinement of the process, nice colour, well carbonated to style, alcohol warming may be a little out of place but will mellow. Time to start entering comps Jeff.
Jason Y APA
Poured out to reveal a massive rocky white head out of character for the style but very pleasing on the eye, and it stayed for the end of the beer.
Not much hops on the nose but made up for in the taste, huge aggresive citrus hops up front that decimate the pallate for any later malt, very satisfying and one for the hop heads.
Roger Mellie Summer Ale
Nice pour , restrained carbonation, subtle well formed head. Citrus hops seem to dominate and come though to the finish, but there is something else there, probably the Nelson Sauvin which I am not familiar with, a sort of mint herb aromatic thing. The malt is balanced well with the hop, but slightly more toward the hop which is fine with me. This could be a classic with a bit of tweaking.
Ash's Bavarian Surprise
Mrs. Vlad is the wheat beer afficianado of the family, and gave it the claws up, which is a compliment.
Unidentified wheat beer
The bottle has a Ren or Stimpy character sucking on a bottle, sorry I can't identify where it came from.
The beer itself is a dunkel weisse, and a good one to boot. Plenty of body, the aromas lasting through as was the fine thick head, whatever it was it was a good one.