I get excited making beer too but you should stand back right at the end next timeUmm, beer isn't meant to have slimy white stringy stuff on top, is it?
Looks like my heroic last minute effort was completely wasted. I guess I'll be heading off to buy a carton of shame
Sorry gents.
At least you came up with Weihenstephan tho!mmm - or Swan Stout, I'm a bit partial to that.
as I was the inaugural piker Barf - I feel our pain brother
I don't suppose there are any attendees who have a spare seat on the freeway at the South St Drop n Ride ?
I can see myself wheeling the case and a party keg onto a bus and a train....
Here's hopeing !
PS I'll third the Swan Stout submission .
Sigh.....I have a dream.....One introductory post from me. One post from each person confirming participation. One post showing photos of the swap. And here I am confronted with references to discharging into your own fermenter. Still..it could be worse, I could live in Queensland. See you tomorrow boys.
In Queensland, they are so conventional, they do a pig on a spit. Here in WA I am going to deep fry a turkey.