Sa Xmas Case Swap 2006

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Humble request for next year, definitive labels. I had to leave half the case out in the heat for two weeks because I wasn't sure if they were RTD or not.

Right now I am drinking something with a 3 and what looks like a tiny malformed 'd' on the cap, I'm going to assume it's p&c's honey wheat because it has a spicy aroma with a little candied floral sweetness. Aforementioned aroma carries through to flavour where it's backed by a good carbonation, excellent body and just enough bitterness to support everything. Noble hop flavour carries through the entire beer to a good degree.

Still not precisely sure whose beer it is but well done anyway.
Voosher's ESB

Pours copper in colour with a thin rim of head, slight haze. Aroma is of fruity caramel tone, with a hint of toffee. Carbonation is spot on to my liking for this style.Nice malty flavour is amplified throughout the beer, supported by a firm bitterness, very complimentary.

Great beer Voosher, a real pleasure. :beerbang:

These are from last night after work, didn't get around to posting.

TDAs Munich Helles

Big lasting white head on the pour. Missed the aroma as I dropped some yeast in and caught the smell of that. Medium carbonation, with a light sweetness before the malt flavour comes through. Nicely balanced, an enjoyable light lager.

Pedros Phest

Golden brown colour with dying head (the glass for sure). Rich sweet and toasty malt aroma. Very complex malt flavour profile. Medium bitterness and a very smooth malty finish. My first Oktoberfest and definitely not my last after that one!
GMKs Oktoberfest

Its a gusher with huge carbonation. Poured with a huge (three quarters) off white, rocky head. Smells tangy, tastes tangy. Down the sink she goes.
A-Macs Pilsener

Pours bright straw with small head. Herbal hop and sweet malt aroma. Grainy and German noble hop flavour with a clean, dry and bitter finish. Stock standard pilsener, tasty and effective.

GMKs Oktoberfest

Its a gusher with huge carbonation. Poured with a huge (three quarters) off white, rocky head. Smells tangy, tastes tangy. Down the sink she goes.

I got the same. I tried to pour it heaps gentley but still got a pint of carbonation....
Kais Rock out with your Bock out

Served cool, not cold; as suggested. Pours very dark brown, bordering on opaque, with a persistent off-white head. Rich malt and chocolate aroma. Toasted malt flavours dominate with a gentle bitterness, still leaving a little malty sweetness in the finish. Slight alcohol warmth reminds me to slow down and enjoy it.

My second favourite of the case so far. Of course my contribution is the best, naturally.

Kicked off the night with Jazman's lager and TDA'a Helles last night. Unfortunately there were many beers between then and now. I will just say I really enjoyed them both as any descriptions I tried to make would not do either of them justice.
Kai’s “Rock out with your Bock out”

Pours a nice rich dark brown, with ruby highlights. Aroma is of a (nice) burn't chocolate, almost coffee, with a thick malty aroma. Mouthfeel is awesome, great body with a firm biterness that compliments the warming alcohol crossing the palate. A great beer Kai takes me back to Munich, sucking on some great Bocks - I'm not worthy !!! :beer:

amac's pils

Pours with some chill haze, or at least I think it does as it wasn't this clear earlier on. Low head, nice light colour, full-bodied with a very crisp bitterness, hop flavour seems low but I haven't really been paying attention. Has a malt flavour that reminds me of fresh dough. Very nice.

Pours with an agressive carbonation, coarse bubbles and head. Golden colour. Soft cider fruit on the nose. Strong fruity hop flavour (NZ hops jaz? :p ) dominates. Medium to med-light body but carbonation makes it a little difficult to tell. Quite tasty beyond that though.
SteveSA's APA

A careful pour rewrds me with a very bright beer, red-gold with a coarse head but a fine active bead. Strong passionfruit and berry aroma that carries through moderately into flavour. Also tastes slightly ashy. Carbonation is high but not too high and complements a very creamy mouthfeel and full body. Once I have time to sort things out I also get some faint pine on the favour and can establish a sensation of moderately high bitterness.
5150 by Jazman

A deep golden colour and long lasting tight white head, medium to high carbonation.
Very floral nose with restrained malt.
Flavour was firm bitterness and deep malt/toffeee, body was quite full on for a lager but it was also enjoyable. Nice work Jazman!


Great amber colour with excellent clarity, compact off white head.
Sweet malt and honey aromas.
The flavour is excellent, light malt and nuttiness with a lovely balanced residual sweetness.
Great beer this one.

Pass the Porter (Stoutdrinker)

Lovely dark brown, almost black colour with some deep red highlights. The head was a lovely tan colour but did not last a long time in the glass.
Aromas of coffee and dark chocolate, I'm excited.
Flavour is clean and dry, very reminiscent of JS Porter. Chocolate and coffee abounds with some apricot flavours as well. Would like to see the recipe for this Stoutdrinker if it hasn't already been posted.
Another great beer.
With the tsunami of Christmas and New Year alcohol now beginning to subside I got the chance to sit down and enjoy a couple of beers again.

Pours deep copper and clear.
Wonderful rich caramel, toffee and honey notes on the nose are backed up by classic rich raisin and plum fruit on the palate.
Roasted notes are muted providing crispness to the finish allowing the rich fruitiness to linger and roll into a warm finish.
Fantastic beer JSB. Recipe please?

Justin T's Olde English
Pours amber and a little cloudy with some residual yeast.
Light malt, some caramel and subtle sherry to the nose and a slightly deeper malty palate with gentle alcohol warmth.
A well made and enjoyable beer but I don't think that Justin will mind me saying that his current forays into all grain will no doubt yield something even better for next year?

And some other's from a couple or few nights ago amid the Silly season blur. I should add as well that these are styles with which I have only a passing familiarity so any comments can be taken with a grain of salt.

Amac's pils
Very pale. Moderate carbonation.
Light maltiness. Low hop aroma.
Solid bitterness perhaps a little high for my understanding and limited experience with the style especially with the gentleness of the malt flavour. I find it a little too dominant and even just a little harsh.

TDA's Munich Helles
Pours rich gold. Nice solid head and good carbonation. Nice gentle malty nose and deceptively firm bitterness for its 21 IBU. Winey notes and a little grapey fruit as it warms. Very nice beer even to my undereducated lager palate.

Jazman's Mongrel... No mongrel.
Deepish malt and prominent mango fruit aroma with a strong bitter backing made this an eminently drinkable beer.

GMK's Oktoberfest
Lovely malt aroma though a little overcarbonated. However it looks like I got a bad one as well. The flavours are overly sharp and any promise of malt from the aroma is overwhelmed by the piercing finish.

Kai's Bock
Deep rich ruby red colour. Light roasted notes blend with alcohol warmth and significant perceived bitterness to give a sharp dry finish. Definitely not to be served overchilled. It needs the warmth to give the base malt a chance to come through. Big beer!
Russ's APA

Pours orange-amber with a thick white creamy head and a moderate amount of haze. Pleasant typical grapefruit & pine aroma. Full-bodied and creamy mouthfeel. That coupld with a malty backbone surges up under the hop profile but does not overtake it. A nice example of a heavier style (imo) apa. Thanks for providing some recipe details on the label too.
PS voosher; if I haven't said it already the bitterness on the bock is definitely high, calculated as at least 5 IBU outside of the bjcp specs.

My case seems to be disappearing awfully quickly. Not many left :(
Pedro's half-wit

Pours with a high carbonation, pleasant cloudiness and a colour that goes from straw-gold to pale straw in a tapered 300mL hofbrau glass. Aroma primarily redolent of lemon and orange. Impression of body lightened by the tart citric flavour and zingy carbonation. A slightly chalky mouthfeel that is not unpleasant. Overall very pleasant and light.
Russ's APA

Pours orange-amber with a thick white creamy head and a moderate amount of haze. Pleasant typical grapefruit & pine aroma. Full-bodied and creamy mouthfeel. That coupld with a malty backbone surges up under the hop profile but does not overtake it. A nice example of a heavier style (imo) apa. Thanks for providing some recipe details on the label too.

Kai, can you remember what the number was on the cap - 16 or 17?
Pedro's Phest

Pours amber to orange and nicely clear no head whatsoever. Aroma is slightly smokey with some mild sulphur. Mouthfeel is on the thin side with slight sweet complex flavours. Otherwise a good beer, but lacking that malt punch.
