A few beers from a few nights back when I forgot to post :S
SteveSAs American Pale Ale
Pours light amber, slightly hazy with mousse-like white head. Cannot detect any hop aroma, but a big citrussy hop whomp on the palate with a crisp lasting bitterness.
Jazmans Mongrel Lager
Pours with a quality head that stays without lacing. Woody, pine and citrus hop aromas fly everywhere. Malt is mostly subdued in the background by the big hoppiness. Medium bitterness on the finish.
Gonzos Intoxicator Weizenbock
Pours rich, dark brown with very wheat-like tan head. Aroma of heavy malt and prunes? Cant quite pick the fruit but its dark. Very strong malt flavour with chewy wheat mouthfeel. Picking up esters of banana, raisins and possibly bubblegum? Can feel a vanilla-like smoothness on the throat, along with alcohol warming.
I fell asleep at the computer after finishing the Intoxicator, but it was awesome. Thanks Sam.