I will be in on an Easter case if there is enough interest.
Adamt's IPA
Pours a lightish amber colour with haze, medium carbonation and white head.
Aroma is estery and some floral notes.
Flavour is nice firm clean bitterness with medium malt flavour and a medium body.
All up this was a really nice beer.
Pedros Pale
Lovely clear copper coloured beer with tight white head.
Aroma is spicy, toffee with some background esters.
Huge malt flavour backed up by well balanced bitterness. Clean finish, the base has to be MO surely.
Nice one Pedro.
Pedro's Phest
Burnt orange in colour with good clarity and creamy head.
Aroma is sweet malt with something else I can't put my finger on.
On tasting I can get the beginnings of oxidisation and makes it hard to decipher any other flavours although I can detect some toastiness.
Shame but I had tried one of these before and can confirm it was good then.