Sa Xmas Case Swap 2006

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Just as soon as I have access to a faster computer and internet connection I will post some. Either that or if I find an extraordinary level of patience before then.
I took a few, they're all shockers though. I definitely wasn't born to be a photographer. Might get around to posting a couple tomorrow after checking them out on the big screen.

I'm off to die in my bed after 2 very long days of rellies, getting drunk and being tired and hungover.
If it's any consolation I'm not that happy with my first effort with the TT yeast. I just gave it a run at a simple grist of 99% MO and 1% Choc malt.
The finish is very dry and not a lot of the malt gets picked up after an early tease.
I get similar characteristics with kirem's Case beer. There's definitely the start of an English Summer Ale but as others have experienced there's no real finish.
I'd blame the yeast.
Just looking at the difference in colour between TTL and kirem's beer tells me that if TTL is all Golden Promise the malting specs are almost certainly different from the Bairds GP, which is what I presume kirem used.
I think the TT yeast may be a bit of a challenge to get right but isn't that what this brewing game is all about?

The real TTLLPA is pretty dry for an english bitter/ pale ale, as for the colour a number of bottles of finished beer from my whole bag brewday were brought along to the Sandgroers case swap a few weeks back. Our finished beer was a 90 minute boil and also a lot lighter than the real TTLLPA and probably came from the same shipment of Bairds GP you guys have. I made a TTLLPA in the past from 05 delivered malt and boiled some of the 1st runnings down which helped get the colour close.

I have also made a tasty pale mild with it using all vienna as the base malt which was well received by the brewer at a WA micro, I gave him a sample of the yeast which got pitched into some of his house bitter so I should get some feedback in the new year on how it compares to WLP005/007 (can't remember which one he uses at the moment). I wouldnt be trashing the yeast too much yet, I guess its just one of those ones you need to play around with to get the best out of it.
37 on red bottletop lid No idea if this is Peas and Corns Honey Ale?

Pours a light golden colour, excellent clarity and smallish head.
Aroma is predominately honey.
Can certainly taste some honey, thin body and the finish is extremely dry.
Not bad after putting the pool up today.

AnthonyMacs Pils

Pale yellow with a great white head, some haze evident.
Aroma is mainly sweet malt, could not detect a hop aroma at all.
Bitterness is obvious but to me it does not seem like Saaz? Some malt backbone and very clean finish.
I enjoyed this one.

37 on red bottletop lid No idea if this is Peas and Corns Honey Ale?

Pours a light golden colour, excellent clarity and smallish head.
Aroma is predominately honey.
Can certainly taste some honey, thin body and the finish is extremely dry.
Not bad after putting the pool up today.

Sounds like it- I didn't do the numbering, the illegibility is the other half's fault :p
Wee Stu's American Wheat

Pours yellow with small head that fades. A bouquet of resin with a subtle grass characteristic is prominent. A bitter front introduces the slim malty profile, with a good wacking of bitterness lingering to the finish. Pick up a slight metallic tang, but overall a refreshing beer.

Taylor's American Pale Ale

Pours a copper colour with a moderate lacey head.. On pouring a stone fruit/marmalade aroma is prominent, but fades throughout the beer. A medium malty mouthfeel is evenly balanced with an up front bitterness that is core to this style. Good session beer. (haven’t had simcoe hops for a while now…thanks Russ)
Voosher's ESB

Pours amber with moderate white head.
Aroma is toffee and light malt, quite clean.
Firm bitterness backed up by nutty flavours and rich malt, medium carbonation.
A great beer Voosher, well done.

Kai Bock :D

Lovely mahogany colour with great clarity, small head that dissipates quickly.
Deep chocolate and malt aroma, could even pick some coffee aromas.
Flavours are chocolate and malt and finish is crisp, excellent balance with the bittering. Nice warm alcohol kick and a very clean beer.
Awesome work Kai! :super:
For those of you who are interested, here's the recipe for my honey beer- 45L batch

4.2kg Pale Malt
3.8kg Wheat Malt
2.0kg Honey

40g at 60min Pride of Ringwood (will change to Northern Brewer in my next batch)
30g at 5 min Hallertauer
22g dry Hallertauer (there was some left over- any suggestions if you think of a better dry hop?)

Is there a way of boosting mouthfeel without affecting the flavour much?
Increase the mash temp or add some carapils. Honey is prone to drying a beer out.
Voosher's ESB recipe:

13.5l batch
2125g (85%) Bairds Maris Otter; 250g (10%) Flaked Barley; 100g (4%) JW 140 Crystal; 25g (1%) Weyermann CaraAroma.
Single infusion mash @ 66.5C
OG 1055

22g Challenger (6.6%AA @ 60m)
22g Goldings (5.2%AA @ 20m)
15g Fuggles (3.8%AA @ 5m)
45IBU approx

Wyeast 1728

11 days primary @ 17C; 16 days secondary @ 22C; 17 days conditioning @ 1C.

FG 1014
Primed with 4.5g/l cane sugar.
Pedro's Pale

Clear, good low carbonation and a nice light amber colour. Faintly ashy/grainy on the nose but does not linger. Moderate body, fairly clean. A little too clean, though there's a very faint caramel-choc finish.
Adam's IPA

Pours with a little haze, but I did get greedy and let some yeast through. Colour is fairly similar to pedro's pale, if slightly lighter. Moderate head that has a some subsistence to it. The smell I can best describe as "fresh American", there are some uplifting lemon notes as well as a little grapefruit, general peel and piney resin. Flavour is bitter marmalade with more emphasis on that resiny note than orange. Malt is sufficient to provide a sweet backing, medium to medium-low body.

Overall tastes like a grouse american ipa to me. Good work.
Kirem's GP TTY

Sharp yeasty aroma, I have a hazy staw-gold pour with only a rim of head. Flavour leans the other way, lacking in acidity, some pleasant bready yeasty notes with some light apricotty dried fruit. A little sulphur too, showing up a little late.

I'm thinking the TT yeast is a beast to work with, this one is better than my effort with it.
The Drunk Arab's Helles

Pours with a mild haze, a soft golden colour, low-ringed head.

Flavour is strong clean malt with a hint of spiciness. A little overcarbonated for balance, but mouthfeel is good - medium to medium-light. A faint lingering hint of clean sulphur on the nose.

Sweet and malty, but avoids being cloying and carries a good freshness. Two thumbs up here, and it's not just polite reciprocation :)
Hey guys, when are we doing this again? :p

My case must have had a hole in it, there's only Doglet's and TDH's left which I can't touch for a couple of weeks...

All great beers, thanks very much! :beerbang:
Am 1/3 through case and the Arab's Helles is top of far.
Am 1/3 through case and the Arab's Helles is top of far.

It's damn near the top of mine too.

Dr Gonzo's Weizenbock Intoxicator

Poured it gently with a quick final thrust. Filled the remaning inch of the glass with head that died back, beer itself has a moderately strong haze on a burnished brown colour. Aroma of banana, dried plum and nectarine with a christmas pudding malt backbone and some alcohol, replicated in flavour with a crispness from high carbonation. A certain breadiness to the malt on the mouthfeel that is quite pleasant. It's perhaps fortunate that the carbonaion stops me from drinking it too quickly.

[edit] and raisins. I should have mentioned raisins. The big fat sweet ones made from gordos.
Pedro's Phest

Clear, amber with a short head. By now though I'm happy to blame fatty lips since I haven't changed glasses.

Malt smells a little old, like its been pared down to the backbone. Superstructure is sweet and full-bodied, but still light and clean enough to knock back. Needs a little more malt complexity without stressing the sweetness to become a stellar drop.