Sa Xmas Case Swap 2006

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Really not doctors orders I'm unable to consume alcohol at the moment and I have a cupboard full of booze plus the xmas case I can't touch!
Really not doctors orders I'm unable to consume alcohol at the moment and I have a cupboard full of booze plus the xmas case I can't touch!

Maybe Dr. Gonzo can give you a second opinion?

I hope it's only temporary and minor. Most of the beers should keep but if you need to get rid of them I'm not too far away and I'm always happy to help :D
Really not doctors orders I'm unable to consume alcohol at the moment and I have a cupboard full of booze plus the xmas case I can't touch!

Maybe Dr. Gonzo can give you a second opinion?

Get a bag of fresh hops and stick it over your head, breathing in deeply through the nose.
That should help to clear the sinuses.

I still have a couple of cases that need picking up.
One belongs to stoutdrinker.
There's also a grey fish bin. Anyone know who's this is?
Also, someone left a blue drink pouch with a PET bottle in it.
Just opened doglet's American Brown and wondered why there was no fizz.
Then I noticed the bottling date was 17/12/06.
Please nobody else do this.
From what I can taste there's nice caramel sweetness and gentle roasted notes. There's probably also some priming sugar that adds to the sweetness.
I'm disappointed in myself. It's a style that I'm just getting into and I was really looking forward to it.

Voosher! :eek: With the cryptic labelling on some of the bottles in this years case I thought I would clearly state the bottling date as things got pretty hectic and I bottled literally an hour before I rocked up at Dr Gonzo's. B)

The hops used were Hallertauer and Cascade for both bittering and aroma which is a combination that I have fallen in love with. :chug: I made a double batch and because I was disorganised - again! - I doubled the malt and not the hops!! Because I like to up the hops anyway it didn't turn out too bad.

I have a keg of that beer just carbonating at the moment. PM me if you'd like to come over and sample one. The keg is at my brother's in Melrose Park.
I still have a couple of cases that need picking up.
One belongs to stoutdrinker.
There's also a grey fish bin. Anyone know who's this is?
Also, someone left a blue drink pouch with a PET bottle in it.

Hey Dr Gonzo, I think left a 100L kettle there... ;)
Voosher! :eek: With the cryptic labelling on some of the bottles in this years case I thought I would clearly state the bottling date as things got pretty hectic and I bottled literally an hour before I rocked up at Dr Gonzo's. B)

The hops used were Hallertauer and Cascade for both bittering and aroma which is a combination that I have fallen in love with. :chug: I made a double batch and because I was disorganised - again! - I doubled the malt and not the hops!! Because I like to up the hops anyway it didn't turn out too bad.

I have a keg of that beer just carbonating at the moment. PM me if you'd like to come over and sample one. The keg is at my brother's in Melrose Park.

Clearly the label was just a bit too obvious for a straight interpretation. Probably a little blinded by keenness. Perhaps a little blinded by other factors as well ;)
I didn't get a lot of hops and I was blaming the lack of carbonation. It didn't worry me 'cos I'm more of a malt freak most of the time anyway.
I'll see how things pan out over Christmas. I may just have to take you up on the offer and bring along a couple of my first attempt which is a little more "American Brown Porter" than "American Brown Ale".
I've got a label-free 330mL crown-seal bottle with "86" (or 98) on the lid... any idea what it is? I'm not cracking it just in case it was only bottled recently.
Stoutdrinkers Porter

Pass the Porter

Pours dark brown with a creamy textured, tan head. Mild chocolate and roasted malt aroma. Carbonic acid bite masks a lot of the palate but a smooth balance of medium hop bitterness and dry roasted malt flavours linger in the finish.

Refreshing for a cool evening after work, but a little too much carbonation for my taste. Then again, I'm definitely no expert on the style.
I've got a label-free 330mL crown-seal bottle with "86" (or 98) on the lid... any idea what it is? I'm not cracking it just in case it was only bottled recently.

"86". A "Smart" beer? :p

SteveSA's APA
Ready to go now.
Mine's already gone.
Silly me, how did I not deduce it was Steve's beer? :blink:

I must be getting deranged in my old age :eek:
Sipping on Voosher's ESB. Nice dark bronze in colour but a little cloudy. Poured a nice small head that has lasted through the beer. Good malty aroma and flavour. A little more bitter than I was expecting from the aroma but a very well balanced and enjoyable beer. Cheers.

Update: I'm getting to the end of this and have to say I have really enjoyed it. Nice drop.
Had JSB's IRA. It is one of my favourites to date. Nice smoth almost creamy taste. I ignorantly gave it to a couple of my uncles today to try it, who don't appreciate good beer and they continued their trend of rejecting good beer :unsure: oh well, you cant win them all...
Took the plunge last night and today and on the most part have been really impressed with the beers. Please don't take my comments too seriously as my sinuses are still screwed...

Xmas Eve
GMK Oktoberfest - Not sure what the Drunk Arab was on when he tasted this one, but I couldn't taste any oxidisation or infection. After realising it wasn't going to hurt me, it was quite enjoyable
Vooshers ESB - Fantastic beer! Lots of aroma and flavour - give me more!
Kirems Timothy Taylor Yeast - Had big hopes for this one with such a good name:), but sorry didn't go down too well - lacked body, watery, low flavour and aroma - but maybe this was because I had Vooshers beer first...
Pedros Pale - Um, not sure if Pedro used an unusual hop here or there's something wrong with it - didn't go down too well.

Xmas Day
Pedros Wit - Yum! Had all the things a good half wit should have!
Wee Stus Wheat - Good solid beer. Went down real nice!
Kirems Timothy Taylor Yeast - Had big hopes for this one with such a good name:), but sorry didn't go down too well - lacked body, watery, low flavour and aroma - but maybe this was because I had Vooshers beer first...

Timothy Taylor Yeast is not the name of the beer, it is the yeast I used. My assessment of the beer is similar to yours. 100% Golden Promise didn't work for me on this beer. Unfortunately it is probably one of the least successful experiments I have done in brewing. I have a few more bottles of this brew and I am going to see if more time in the bottle gives it any more character.

The beer was designed to be a light weight session beer, not really something to be drinking after two bigger beers.

I really put all the information together I could find on TTLLPA and brewed according to that. I have come to the conclusion that either the GP barley is malted to a different spec than what we get or they use some speciality malts such as crystal that are made from GP.

Sorry to disappoint.

Hey guys, any chance of anyone sharing their recipes? Kai has his on his label and Kirem has some ingredients but that's about all. Mine is as follows

Batch 16

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 4.70
Anticipated OG: 1.039 Plato: 9.64
Anticipated EBC: 11.5
Anticipated IBU: 33.0
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
85.1 4.00 kg. JWM Traditional Ale Malt Australia 1.038 7
10.6 0.50 kg. Weyermann Vienna Germany 1.038 7
2.1 0.10 kg. Flaked Barley America 1.032 4
2.1 0.10 kg. Weyermann Caramunich II Germany 1.035 125

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
10.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.00 15.8 60 min.
10.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.00 8.0 30 min.
10.00 g. Amarillo Gold Pellet 9.50 2.5 10 min.
10.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.00 1.6 10 min.
15.00 g. Amarillo Gold Pellet 9.50 3.1 5 min.
15.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.00 2.0 5 min.
20.00 g. Amarillo Gold Pellet 9.50 0.0 0 min.
20.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.00 0.0 0 min.
15.00 g. Cascade Plug 6.00 0.0 Dry Hop

Yeast - DCL Yeast US-56 SafAle US 56

Batch 17

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 5.00
Anticipated OG: 1.041 Plato: 10.29
Anticipated EBC: 10.2
Anticipated IBU: 36.0
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
60.0 3.00 kg. JWM Traditional Ale Malt Australia 1.038 7
40.0 2.00 kg. Weyermann Vienna Germany 1.038 8

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
10.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.00 15.8 60 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.00 7.1 45 min.
14.00 g. Cascade Plug 6.00 5.2 30 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 12.00 4.0 30 min.
14.00 g. Cascade Plug 6.00 2.0 10 min.
15.00 g. Cascade Plug 6.00 1.8 5 min.
14.00 g. Cascade Plug 6.00 0.0 Dry Hop

Yeast - DCL Yeast US-56 SafAle US 56

Both mashes 2L/Kg and infusion mashes at 66C
Sorry to disappoint.


Hey Kirk, don't be sorry mate. Was only a few months ago that I used to say that "beer is beer mate!" wrong I was. Experimentation is the key for good brewing :party:
The recipe for my India Pale Ale is in the Recipe section under "Chinook IPA"
Good day, brewers.

Just a quick suggestion, when sampling my bock let it warm up a few degrees from normal fridge temp; I find it a little one-dimensional when its too cold.
Timothy Taylor Yeast is not the name of the beer, it is the yeast I used. My assessment of the beer is similar to yours. 100% Golden Promise didn't work for me on this beer. Unfortunately it is probably one of the least successful experiments I have done in brewing. I have a few more bottles of this brew and I am going to see if more time in the bottle gives it any more character.

The beer was designed to be a light weight session beer, not really something to be drinking after two bigger beers.

I really put all the information together I could find on TTLLPA and brewed according to that. I have come to the conclusion that either the GP barley is malted to a different spec than what we get or they use some speciality malts such as crystal that are made from GP.

Sorry to disappoint.


If it's any consolation I'm not that happy with my first effort with the TT yeast. I just gave it a run at a simple grist of 99% MO and 1% Choc malt.
The finish is very dry and not a lot of the malt gets picked up after an early tease.
I get similar characteristics with kirem's Case beer. There's definitely the start of an English Summer Ale but as others have experienced there's no real finish.
I'd blame the yeast.
Just looking at the difference in colour between TTL and kirem's beer tells me that if TTL is all Golden Promise the malting specs are almost certainly different from the Bairds GP, which is what I presume kirem used.
I think the TT yeast may be a bit of a challenge to get right but isn't that what this brewing game is all about?
I remember a couple people taking pics with their phones on the day, any chance they could be posted here?