Sa Xmas Case Swap 2006

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Just so it's on record mine are in random assortment of stubbies. Capped with Cooper's Home Brew caps and labelled BDG on the cap.

See you all there.
mine are the blue caps with 5150 written on em its another mongrel brew
Hi brewers

My HalfWit is bottle conditioned and only been in there for a week. so give another couple of weeks.

wee stu's wheat

botanic passionfruit aroma draws out the glass, pours quite clear with a low head though good fizz. strong sweet passionfruit flavour. reasonably full bodied. tasty
wee stu's wheat

botanic passionfruit aroma draws out the glass, pours quite clear with a low head though good fizz. strong sweet passionfruit flavour. reasonably full bodied. tasty
How did I know you would be the first to post a review? How many more can we expect this evening?
Capped off a big couple of days with JSB's belgian.

JSB's Belgian

JSB BA on lid.

Poured clear and copper coloured with a small head that faded quickly. Bold fruit aroma. Malty sweetness on the palate with a dose of peach esters. Smooth alcohol warmth on the finish more noticeable throughout the glass.

Quite enjoyable.
wee stu's wheat

botanic passionfruit aroma draws out the glass, pours quite clear with a low head though good fizz. strong sweet passionfruit flavour. reasonably full bodied. tasty

The man's away :D

I have my case courtesy of a special delivery from Kai. Thanks mate.
I hope you all had a good day.

If you want this thread split into a "Consumption" thread I'm happy to drag together the bottle identifiers and any other relevant details already posted and start a new thread tomorrow if others think it's a good idea.
Otherwise we'll just keep this thread a-rolling.

Just to reiterate, my ESB is bottled in Coopers Dark Ale stubbies with the caps marked "15/11 FB".
It was bottled on the 15th November and is drinkable now but will probably get a little better towards and just after Christmas.
It is prone to some chill haze but that's just 'the Maris Otter warning'. If you get chill haze, you're drinking it too cold :D
Try it at the right temp on a cool'ish evening.
Cheers and thanks especially to Dr Gonzo for hosting the rabble.
Really looking forward to this case.
There is no need for a separate thread. Lets keep it all in here.
Aaron's Biere de Garde

Hazy, a little overcarbonated, head dissipates quickly. I'll wash my glass after this one just in case it's my fault. Aroma is surprisingly malty, though light and quite sugary. There are some slighty white-winey qualities present that are quite appealing and give the impression of an alcohol content that is higher than I know this beer is. High carbonation lends a little too much pain to the mouthfeel until I draw and expel a mouthful to both knock out the CO2 and boost the head a little. A little undefinable spice lurking. Ultimately would have been a lot better if I'd had the patience to keep it for another month or so.
The Drunk Arab's Munich Helles

The bubbles on this beer went turbo the whole time it took me to drink this beer, with the head being fairly full throughout. Very clean smooth taste with nice fairly prominent taste I am guessing is imparted by the yeast. Wish I had had it during the warmer parts of the day.

Adam t's IPA

Somewhat hazy, but a nice copperish colour. The head is present and has a nice late hopping. The bitterness is balanced nicely with the malt character.
Not involved with this years swap, but following very carefully. I might give it a serious crack next year.

Cant wait for the tasting notes on TDH's beer........anything less than 95/100 isnt good enough Thomas !! :D :p
JSB's Belgian ale

Pours a rich amber, bright and no head (forgot to wash the glass). Peach brandy aroma that carries through to flavour. Sweet malt flavour. Low carbonation and medium body. Exceptionally pleasant.

Yeah sorry for the low-carb - bottled from keg !!
But Poured at 15psi from the Keg it is all sweet.

Enjoy - cant wait to tuck into em'

Fark - how good are Dr Gonzo's Wheat Beers !!!
Cheers to the organises, and Merry X-mas

Thanks everyone for coming over and making a day of it.

Thanks to those who undertook the daunting task of splitting the cases.

Special thanks to Justin T for the effort he put in as Brewer.

The end result for the beer was about 33L @ 1.067. Was aiming for 23L @ 1.091.
Will have to look at my evap rates i think.
Might have a go at making it into an eisbock to get it back into shape.

A word of caution when trying the intoxicator, use a really big glass & chill it down before pouring. Otherwise you will end up with nothing.
Thanks for having us and putting on some good food Dr.

Just knocked over Adam's IPA. I quite enjoyed it. Nice balance. It was perhaps a little under attenuated but a very enjoyable drink. I could of knocked off a couple more.
Yes - I agree with Aaron - thanks for Hosting and collecting the beers.

So far - looks like another Beertastic Xmas Case...
peas_and_corn's Honey Beer

30 on lid.

Pours pale straw in colour with lasting head. Mild German hop aroma and flavour (I think...). Smooth bitterness with a slightly sweet finish. Can taste a little honey in the finish near the end of the glass. Would work well as a session beer.

Bottoms up!
I'm drinking Russ' APA. It is going down nicely after a day at work and then some work around the house.

A nice copper colour but a little cloudy and not much head. However, it has a great balance and is very refreshing. Could use a little more hop flavour for my tastes but I do like them a bit over the top. I could quite easily sit on this beer for a session.