S04 Slow To Finish

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Hi All,

I'm currently fermenting an American Amber Ale using S04. The batch went into the fermenter on 26/03 and the airlock bubbled away vigorously for a few days as usual before slowing down. What I've noticed however is that I'm still getting activity in the airlock but it's happening really slowly - about once every 5 or 10 minutes.

I'm not concerned by this as I planned to leave the batch in the fermenter for at least a week once fermentation had finished, and the beer tastes great! The gravity started at 1.046 and has remained on 1.010.

Just curious as to whether anyone else has had this happen? Is this something that S04 tends to do?


Just carbon dioxide coming out of solution. Doesn't mean fermentation isn't finished and can happen regardless of yeast type.
Based on my own experiences I would say 1.010 is a normal finishing gravity for S-04.

I have just kegged a English Brown Ale that started fermentation on the 25th of march using S-04, my starting gravity was 1.055 and it finished at 1.014 which is only just off my target using the recipe in Brewing Classic Styles.

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