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Interesting topic on the radio this morning - responsible service of alcohol at home parties

According to this solicitor/TAFE lecturer (of RSA) you can be held legally liable for breach of care if you are the host of a party where there's alcohol.
If somebody drinks and hurts themselves they can take legal action against you because you are supposed to be responsible for them as the host.

It doesn't matter if they bring their own grog and serve themselves, hurt themselves on the way home or disobey your request to stop drinking.

You as the host can still be sued for damages the same as a Licensee in a Pub if there is a percieved breach of care (letting somebody drink too much)

I haven't read the RSA regulations but maybe someone here has and can enlighten us. :chug:

Edit: Applies to NSW I don't know about other states.
WTF? I've got an up comming do where we will be getting sloshed I might have to get them to sign a waiver - joke.
When I lived in the US, a similar law is the biggest hurdle for any homebrew club. Makes it very difficult to have a club meeting at anywhere other than a pub, who has their own liability insurance.
I dare say its a big problem here too.

People should be prepared to take responsibility for their own actions. Unfortunately as soon as something goes wrong the first response seems to be to look for somebody to sue.
WOW makes me wonder what this world is coming to, maybe I should have sued my mates when we got too drunk and we decided to walk home, we trecked through the bush and down some back streets. I woke up the next morning with some really nasty scratches and bruises from climbing fences!

Or the time a mate lent me his pushy to get home and I woke up in a big drain at 6 in the morning with a push bike on top of me and the worst headache I have ever had!

I could be in the money here!
If it's true there could be some interesting paternity cases around town.

If someone gets in the family way after drinkng too much at the office party - does that make the boss liable for 16 years of costs.( ie the devil made me do it)

Her indoors has an RSA and teaches in Hospitality - I'll consult and report back
Kramer said:
WOW makes me wonder what this world is coming to


Take a look at the USA - that is exactly what the world is coming to unless the rest of us suddenly grow some balls and make our own rules in life, instead of following the pied piper. It's insane that people can act like complete twats then sue someone else. The direct result is removable of liberties. What sort of a society are we leaving for our kids?

Personally I give public barbecues 5 years before they are all removed, I never saw any in the UK and they always struck me as a very Aussie thing - but you can almost hear the ticking of the clock. It'll only take 1 drunken idiot to fry his backside and sue the council then the insurance companies will freak out and you know the rest.

If we are to believe the stories we hear, then Australia is quickly becoming the 51st state of the scariest place on earth!

Could start going into the politics and how this is all related to John Howard being elected becuase of interest rate fears, but this is a politics-free zone.

I'll leave it at saying that a few years ago a few friends and myself were having a few too many drinks at a friend's house. Host and friend started drunkenly wrestling and being idiots, leading to the accidental breaking of friend's neck. Luckily for everyone the serious damage was repaired without complication. Even so, my friend's life was turned upside down, not being able to work for months and needing some rehabilitation.

He didn't sue, even though he would have had an absolutely iron-clad case. It was an accident and he knew if there was any fault it was his as much as anyones. If only more people thought like that rather than sacrificing friendship in refusal to take responsibility for their actions. The two guys are still best of friends.

I don't know whow this could possibly be applied to the real and not theoretical world.

Does this mean that the fireworks committee are responsible for all New years revellers in Sydney? I think not.......

Why not pass it further up the chain.... absolve yourself of responsibility as the holder of the party, and lay the blame at the brewery/distillery who made the alcohol?

Why is nobody capable of being responsible for their own actions anymore?



If a mate of mine sued me for giving him too much to drink I don't reckon I'd be inviting him back anytime soon.

*sigh* too many lawyers out for a quick buck.

What do you call 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start.

shmick said:
Interesting topic on the radio this morning - responsible service of alcohol at home parties

According to this solicitor/TAFE lecturer (of RSA) you can be held legally liable for breach of care if you are the host of a party where there's alcohol.
If somebody drinks and hurts themselves they can take legal action against you because you are supposed to be responsible for them as the host.

It doesn't matter if they bring their own grog and serve themselves, hurt themselves on the way home or disobey your request to stop drinking.

You as the host can still be sued for damages the same as a Licensee in a Pub if there is a percieved breach of care (letting somebody drink too much)

I haven't read the RSA regulations but maybe someone here has and can enlighten us. :chug:

Edit: Applies to NSW I don't know about other states.

Just proves that todays law makers are protecting the stupid,dumb and others who would normally be saving the 'herd' by getting in the way of trouble, and then breeding more into the world.

Thats messing with Darwinian laws of nature

not a lit solicitor are you shmick??
Think it is about time people take responsibility for their own actions...

Yeah, this had been around for a while, created by precedents of people suing bars for letting then get drunk and then doing something stupid like try to fight a 7 foot crazy man or drive into a tree.

EDIT: spelling
Linz said:
not a lit solicitor are you shmick??

Ouch, hot ... burning? ;)

I had to laugh at some guy in Sydney recently who drunk 30 schooners (WTF?) and fell off a pedestrian overpass bridge onto the road while staggering home then sued the pub and local council.
I couldn't crawl after 30 schooners let alone climb over a 1.4 metre guard rail on a bridge.

Must be like the drunk guy who got hit by the train:
"I got these steps figured out but the low handrail a killer" :chug:
Gotta be an exaggeration, even a hardcore pisshead would be legless after 30 schooners - Unless its Boony ofcourse.
i dont know. some people can drink frightening amounts!!!
i have seen a guy drink a 5L cask of wine and a case of beer. complete alcoholic.

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