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Does anyone know of a software program that is freely available where I can record what, where and how I did that type of brew info for the computer :)
just use word... i do and thats adequate (for me anyway)

if you dont have word you could use notepad just as eaisily... heres an extract from mine....

From my log book said:
4th Brew Honey Kilkenny (Honeyone)
Muntons Yeast
500g Light DME
1 kg honey
Muntons Yorkshire Bitter
Fuggles hops (~5g, 2 mins boil, 10 mins stand)
Goldings hops (~5g 2 mins boil, 10 mins stand)

18c Fermenting Temp
Final Volume 20L

Yeast Added: 1/5/08
Initial Specific Gravity = 1041
In situ reading #1 = 1017
In situ reading #2 = 1017
Final Specific Gravity = 1016
Bottled: 28/5/08

3.3% Alch
just use word... i do and thats adequate (for me anyway)

+1 for word. I have a similar thing to koikaze going on. Recipe info, date it was brewed, date of bottling, with sg and fg, abv and comments.

Preeeeetty simple and works a treat
I used to use excel- this was my structure (one per column):

Brew no. | Style | Can | Extracts | Adjuncts | Additional ingredients | Yeast | Notes
Does anyone know of a software program that is freely available where I can record what, where and how I did that type of brew info for the computer :)

Im with peas and corn,excel, you can add as many columns as you like, for SG readings and dates etc. :icon_cheers:
What's wrong with Word?
I could have used excel, but my log is just the first few pages of a document that lists upcoming recipes, a wishlist, any ideas for brews and equipment to buy etc :D
I might seperate them and start using excel, I always need more columns (eg pitching temp), and room for more comments than I can fit on a page in Word.

Another vote here for Excel.
I can have a column for each bit of relevant info and even a column with the formula to calculate the ABV% for me :D

If you don't have Microsoft Office, you can always get a set of free programs called Open Office that do more or less the same thing as MS Office (including an excel-like spreadsheet program) from
+1 for Open Office or any other spreadsheet application.


I just use excel. Simple, easy...and free ;)
I now use Beersmith since moving to AG, but prior to that for my K+K, K+Specialties, and Extract + Specialties, I used Excel.
These were the headings I used

Brew Number
Brewed date
Kit / Extract
Malt / Brewblend
Volume Litres
Alcohol %
My brew name
I use a software package called The Home Brew Kit Master.

It is shareware and downloadable from

A mate uses the same, have no idea what it's like though!

Before AG I used excel and then my own access database program until I realised I wanted to do so much more and then I bit the bullet and bought beersmith, couldn't be happier and never regretted it! Very powerful and customisable program!
Nothings free mate.

I used excel and and then free trials of Beersmith and Promash.
I opted for Promash (because I am a hippie), but a think Beersmith is better because the lay out make more sense and the update are more frequent.

Either way you go, you need to learn about the principals of he calculation to suit style of beer you make.
I use the Google Docs applications as this hosts the spreadsheet online and means I can access and edit from more or less any computer connected to the internet without needing to be sat at my home computer (does need you to sign up with google though, but if you've got a gmail account you're already in there anyway).
I use beersmith now, but I still have my old Botany book that I started using way back in the 80's when 'puters weren't so portable.

The book records some very poignant moments and provides a real 4 dimensional record of those happy times when I spilled wort, dropped hops, scattered yeast and stood beer glasses all through it. I still get it out when I'm feeling nostalgic.


+ 1 for open office spread sheeting. Until I go all grain, no point in buying Promash or BeerSmith
I just use excel. Simple, easy...and free ;)

Really??? :lol:
As others have stated, Open Office has an Excel equivalent that is actually is free.

No offense intended pokol but i can assure you M.$. aint handy out freebies! ;)
Systems? I use a pen and write on my garage workbench. I should take a photo of it, quite funny - there must be at least a dozen AG brews recorded on it now.
I know you asked for free but I would recommend getting brewing software like Beersmith or promash. You can but it for the price of a K&K recipe and you will learn a lot from it. Its filled with useful brewing tools, unit conversions, ingredients and on top of that you will be supporting the Homebrew industry. If we dont support these sort of things than they may not be there in the future.

Wow that was deep for first thing in the morning :p

Kabooby :)

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