RecipeDB - Little Creatures Bright Ale Clone

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Tony, which do you think is better, this one with Amarillo subbed for the Cascade or your B Saaz/Amarillo Pale Ale recipe?

Id say stick with the same recipe you used in the first beer but sub the cascade for amarillo. That way you can see the difference it makes.

I have used a few different malt combo's but in the end, the origional recipe is micky mouse.
Been 10 days in the fermenter....S189 for the yeast, otherwise pretty much Tony's Original recipe.....

WOW this beer smells and tastes amazing. If I didnt have any beer in bottles then I'd just drink it straight from the fermenter, even if the SG is still only 1020.

Well, I can jump onboard now, I have been itching to get into some BSaaz due to this thread, finally I got some and I have put this brew down. WOW!!!! It smells AMAZING just after 24 hours in the ferm. One change is that I am using a lager yeast, S189 Swiss Lager and brewing it at 10.8degC.

I cant wait to take a hydro sample...I am having to hold myself back..... :)

Will report back later....thanks Tony...!!!
I have to say, drinking my version number 3 of this, if you are a huge fan of LCBA then I would avoid amarillo in anything after a 45 min addition. I am happy with JW ale malt, happy with Wy 1272 but the amarillo later on gives it an aroma and slight flavour that is delicious, but is not LCBA in my ignorant opinion.

Rogginroll. :beerbang:
I have to say, drinking my version number 3 of this, if you are a huge fan of LCBA then I would avoid amarillo in anything after a 45 min addition. I am happy with JW ale malt, happy with Wy 1272 but the amarillo later on gives it an aroma and slight flavour that is delicious, but is not LCBA in my ignorant opinion.

Rogginroll. :beerbang:

No its not..... hence why it has been stressed many times before in this thread they subbing "some other hop" doesnt work if you want LCBA.

It will usually make a great beer.... no questions asked but it wont be what you were aiming to make


PS...... did you get passionfruit?
Gday Tony, yea -I only had amarillo in my 10 min and final hop addition...and bugger all of it!!! But being the beast that it is it just overrides the cascade and motueka that little bit in the initial aroma and flavour. Passionfruit more in aroma than taste.

Still friggin tasty (the 750 mls was gone in 15 mins), but I wasn't as happy with it as the other two I did.

I noticed earlier you recommended that if someone is using JW ale malt to drop the vienna back to 500gms? I didn't have too much issue with mine - I did 3kg pale, 1kg pilsner, 1kg vienna, 250gms carapils and was very happy with what my taste buds told me. Having said that I will try dropping the vienna back a bit, but using Wy1272 helps add a kind of dryness at the end anyway (to my taste). I don't know why I chose to blend pale and pilsner malt - mostly because some heavily pilsner malt ales have been a bit empty to me and the blend seems to work. Did the same with DrS GA and preferred it with a blend.

Cheers again for the recipe and the advice, this site is gold once you finally hit the ground running!!! (after many years of f*cking around with homebrewing) :icon_cheers:
Id say stick with the same recipe you used in the first beer but sub the cascade for amarillo. That way you can see the difference it makes.

I have used a few different malt combo's but in the end, the origional recipe is micky mouse.

It's Mickey Bloody Mouse alright! Thanks for a great recipe Tony.
Bottled yesterday!!! FANTASTIC...Thank you Tony, this is a great brew. As stated I used S-189 (Swiss Lager Yeast). What a great yeast. Fermented at 10.8degC, came out crisp lager clean and so much less sulphur than WLP830....I am a fan of S-189 and this recipe :)


Maybe I should drop a 7Pot chilli in the fermenter next time I brew this???

Been 10 days in the fermenter....S189 for the yeast, otherwise pretty much Tony's Original recipe.....

WOW this beer smells and tastes amazing. If I didnt have any beer in bottles then I'd just drink it straight from the fermenter, even if the SG is still only 1020.
my effort on tap at the moment.

Side by side with a pint bottle (used by oct 11 so its fresh) is almost unpickable.

Hops are a bit more up front in the mouth in the LC offering but mine has a tad more maltiness so id say its hiding some of my hops.

All in all, too close to call. Very happy.

Geez Tony I have not yet followed anyones recipe to make a brew yet but this is looking pretty tempting.

Cheers Brad
Hey guys,

I have this one in my fermenter at the moment, I used 1272 and it's the first time I have used this yeast. I love to taste a small fermenter sample frequently to see how the beer changes during fermentation and I have to say that after 2.5 days this beer is getting a distinctive lemony flavour. Is it the Saaz B or the yeast that is contributing more to this? It tastes great, but it is slightly overshadowing the lovely floral charcters of the cascade that I love. I have been ferementing at 18 and last night pushed it up to 18.5. Will pushing it up a little more give some (good) fruityness? What else can I expect from this yeast at different temperatures?

Has anyone dry hopped this one? I'm considering 25-30gm of cascade... :icon_drool2:

All in all, I'm very excited for this one to be done and in my glass :icon_cheers:
lemon flavors????

I tend to get a very mild nutty kind of fruitiness from the 1272 but not lemon.

Who knows.... could just be your preception of flavours....... its different for all of us.

Dont dry hop it......... its not ment to be a big hopped APA....... its a bright ale, drink it as such.

But saying that....... if you want to dry hop it, go for it, but if its your first go, let it be and enjoy it, then make it again and dry hop, and see the difference.

Its a well ballanced beer without dry hops.

Im enjoying mine on tap........ god its good :)

Doh, gone and dry hopped it!! :p Is tasting wicked good though Tony, not over the top. The dry hopped flavours tend to disappear in the bottle in time, so I suspect I will have a fair idea of the flavour of your recipe mate.

I've never used Saaz B before, do you think that is the lemony citrus flavour I'm getting not the yeast?

Cheers :icon_cheers:

lemon flavors????

I tend to get a very mild nutty kind of fruitiness from the 1272 but not lemon.

Who knows.... could just be your preception of flavours....... its different for all of us.

Dont dry hop it......... its not ment to be a big hopped APA....... its a bright ale, drink it as such.

But saying that....... if you want to dry hop it, go for it, but if its your first go, let it be and enjoy it, then make it again and dry hop, and see the difference.

Its a well ballanced beer without dry hops.

Im enjoying mine on tap........ god its good :)

who knows.......... i cant really coment on flavours as they are different to everyone, and you may be describing something quite normal in the beer as you taste it.

B SAAZ usually has a peppery spicy kind of citrus character so i guess that could be lemony if you took it that way. Best test is buy a bottle of the LC offering and the hop character should be about the same.

enjoy :)
How long would you condition before consumption?
I was at the brewery over the weekend and the Bright Ale fresh on tap was an absolute standout. The hop aroma was fantastic.

Needless to say i'll be brewing this clone soon (again)
I am nearly at the end of a keg i brewed up, tasted good.
Only thing I think i would change next time is since I no-chill, possibly dry hop the 0 min additions instead of the coffee plunger method.. (or possibly add plunger liquid after fermentation)

Didnt seem to have the big hop aroma I expected.

Good all the same though :)
no chill is murder on late hops.

Get a copper coil :)
Have this cold conditioning at the moment. Tasting sensational too.

Mashed at 65, and it has finished quite dry however.

Hit 1008 on FG, only problem is, hit 1050 on the OG. Will be in for a rough ride after a session on it I suspect. Kegging it this week.
30Lt On its way down...

All flowers this time... Frothing at the mouth already...
i made my current batch with pellets for the first time and its much better with flowers....... guaranteed

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