RecipeDB - Little Creatures Bright Ale Clone

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0 Min hopping is easy mate...... when the timmer goes off to say the boil is finnished, turn off the heat and drop in the hops. They dont really boil... just steep as you chill the wort.

Thanks Tony. Will try your recipe when i've got a spare fermenter, can't wait!
Tony, would you say if someone was no-chilling that the 0 minute hops would be more like dry or maybe cube hopped?

By all means not trying to open the no chill hoping door argument just asking for the benefit of others.. Oh, and me!

Mmmmmmm just my opinion but i think no chilling doesnt work as well for beers with a lot of late hops. It seems to kill the hop character and the bitterness becomes unpredictable as it will vary with the cooling time. With all those late hops.... they will continue adding bitterness as the brew slowly cools as aposed to adding bugger all with a chiller coil in the brew where the temp is dropped to below 80 deg in about 1 or 2 minutes

I know people have come up with a few different methods to to try and counteract this but at my place...... snap chilling highly hopped beers is the only way to go for repeatable quality results.
Cocko, if your a tightass (like me) and don't wanna buy a chiller, you can put your kettle in a sink and run water in and out at the same rate. I just run the tap, and siphon off hot water into the washing machine. This way, like tony said, you'll keep all that amazing hop flavour.
Also, doing this method you may want to adjust your hops by about 3-5 min.
I'm bending towards doing a 14.5 Litre batch of this AG for my first AG ever.. Now, reading into it, 52 litres for the original recipe,

1) how many litres of water should I use to start mashing?
2) How much yeast do I need? 1 Packet of US-05 rehydrated or is that too much? I have some washed US05 saved up from the last yeast cake, ~30 ml I think.. I can always try stepping that one up
3) Reduced to 14.5 Litres, I would need exactly 25.1 grams of each hop as per recipe. I bet the hops I get in the shop are bound to have different Alpha acid%, Now, should I only adjust the 45 minute and 20 minute additions for the aa% difference or should I change the amount of 0 minute additions as well?

Sorry to ask such noob questions in advance, trying to clear up some of my unasked questions here. And thanks in advance :)

PS: I plan to tweak the batch size (upto 17-18 litres max) depending on what figure lets me use entire hop packets in one go.
Hi Tony!
And greets from Finland. Here is early autumn and weather goes colder.

But If I try your recipe w/o suggested hops, do I go very wrong if I test it with Palisade and First Gold? With lots of palisade I get promising results when make pale ales.
I also thinkin Bramlig Cross and Amarillo or Perle and Spalter. Other hop in freezer is EKG, Vanguard, Whitbread golding and Fuggles (and local finnish).

What would be you opinion?
How does this sound for a small batch?

JWM Export Pilsner	1.95	kg

Weyermann Vienna	0.56	kg

Weyermann Carapils(Carafoam)	0.167	kg

JWM Wheat Malt	0.167	kg

Cascade (Pellets, 5.9 AA%)	25.10	g

Saaz B (NZ) (Pellets, 6.8 AA%)	25.10	g

White Labs WLP001 - California Ale	200.00	ml (or 1 pkt US05)

Irish Moss	1.00	g

CaCl2 Salt	1	tsp


Total Grain:	2.68	kg
I personally haven't made it,but come to know about others.

7.00 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (3.2 EBC) Grain 68.63 %
2.00 kg Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 19.61 %
0.60 kg Carafoam (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 5.88 %
0.60 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (3.5 EBC) Grain 5.88 %
20.00 gm Saaz B (NZ) [6.80 %] (45 min) Hops 5.9 IBU
20.00 gm Cascade [5.90 %] (45 min) Hops 5.2 IBU
30.00 gm Cascade [5.90 %] (20 min) Hops 5.1 IBU
30.00 gm Saaz B (NZ) [6.80 %] (20 min) Hops 5.9 IBU
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
40.00 gm Cascade [5.90 %] (0 min) Hops -
40.00 gm Saaz B (NZ) [6.80 %] (0 min) Hops -

just try it onces. :D
Enjoy!!!!! :D :D
I know one more resource you can ger more.
How does this sound for a small batch?

JWM Export Pilsner	1.95	kg

Weyermann Vienna	0.56	kg

Weyermann Carapils(Carafoam)	0.167	kg

JWM Wheat Malt	0.167	kg

Cascade (Pellets, 5.9 AA%)	25.10	g

Saaz B (NZ) (Pellets, 6.8 AA%)	25.10	g

White Labs WLP001 - California Ale	200.00	ml (or 1 pkt US05)

Irish Moss	1.00	g

CaCl2 Salt	1	tsp


Total Grain:	2.68	kg


don't know if you've made this beer yet. It's a cracker. Actually it's my "house beer". Awesome recipe...

Do you use brewing software? If not, get a copy of beersmith or promash (i use beersmith) - available as a free trial download.
Enter the recipe as per tony's db recipe. Then hit the "scale" button, enter the volume you want and there you go. All ingredient quantities will adjust automatically. If you use hops with different AA%, have a look at the IBU's on the recipe, go to the top of the screen, hit the bitterness button, enter the IBU's required and there you go. When you adjust the AA of your hops, the quantity will adjust too if i remember correctly. Couldn't be easier mate!

Have fun making this beer, it's a bloody ripper (as the votes suggest).
I'm bending towards doing a 14.5 Litre batch of this AG for my first AG ever.. Now, reading into it, 52 litres for the original recipe,

1) how many litres of water should I use to start mashing?

3kg of grain @ 3L / Kg would be 9 liters. Asuming you will be mashing in an esky add you 9 liters @ 71 to 72 deg c for a 65 deg mash.
Sparge with 15 liters of water to get your final volume of 14.5 liters with a 60 min boil accounting for 6L/kg evaporation rate. If you come up a bit short after the boil you can top it up in the end.

2) How much yeast do I need? 1 Packet of US-05 rehydrated or is that too much? I have some washed US05 saved up from the last yeast cake, ~30 ml I think.. I can always try stepping that one up

one pack of dry US-05 will **** it in! No need to rehydrate it....... just sprinkle it in the fermenter and rack your cooled beer onto it.
Your saved yeast should be fine too, but prove it first... make sure its kickin!

3) Reduced to 14.5 Litres, I would need exactly 25.1 grams of each hop as per recipe. I bet the hops I get in the shop are bound to have different Alpha acid%, Now, should I only adjust the 45 minute and 20 minute additions for the aa% difference or should I change the amount of 0 minute additions as well?

Adjusted recipe:

LC Bright Ale Clone

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 14.50 Wort Size (L): 14.50
Total Grain (kg): 3.00
Anticipated OG: 1.048 Plato: 12.01
Anticipated EBC: 6.9
Anticipated IBU: 24.9
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
66.7 2.00 kg. JWM Export Pilsner Australia 1.037 3
20.0 0.60 kg. Weyermann Vienna Germany 1.038 7
6.7 0.20 kg. Weyermann Carapils Germany 1.037 3
6.7 0.20 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 4

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
6.00 g. B-Saaz Pellet 8.00 8.6 45 min.
6.00 g. Cascade Pellet 5.40 5.8 45 min.
8.00 g. B-Saaz Pellet 8.00 6.2 15 min.
8.00 g. Cascade Pellet 5.40 4.2 15 min.
10.00 g. B-Saaz Pellet 8.00 0.0 0 min.
10.00 g. Cascade Pellet 5.40 0.0 0 min.

Sorry to ask such noob questions in advance, trying to clear up some of my unasked questions here. And thanks in advance :)

PS: I plan to tweak the batch size (upto 17-18 litres max) depending on what figure lets me use entire hop packets in one go.

Edit: If you buy your hops and the AA of the hops is way different... let me know the %AA and i will adjust the recipe. A small difference..... i wouldnt worry too much..... a bit less or more bitterness wont hurt it.
Hi Tony!
And greets from Finland. Here is early autumn and weather goes colder.

But If I try your recipe w/o suggested hops, do I go very wrong if I test it with Palisade and First Gold? With lots of palisade I get promising results when make pale ales.
I also thinkin Bramlig Cross and Amarillo or Perle and Spalter. Other hop in freezer is EKG, Vanguard, Whitbread golding and Fuggles (and local finnish).

What would be you opinion?

A lot of those hops are english hops. This beer is known for its subtle maltiness, bright refreshing citrus hops and clean quenching finnish.

I and many others have made this beer with a range of different hops and it usually works out great.

If i had to choose from the hops you listed i would use Spalter and Amarillo.

Brambling cross and Pearl could be interesting too but it just wont be the same
Just a note for those following this thread thinking about dry hopping this beer.

While brewing this I got otherwise distracted at flame-out and missed out the 0 min hops. So in my wisdom I figured I'd dry hop instead, can't be that big of a difference, surely.

Brew was no chilled, primary for 10 days, secondary (with the dry hops) for a further 10 days, followed by a cold crash for about another 12 (until I had a spare keg). Dry hops removed at kegging time. A sip of the FG sample was quite "citrus" to say the least but I didn't worry too much at that point. A week under pouring pressure will calm that down I figured.

I figured wrong.

The first thing that sprung to mind was memories of the time I experimented with lemon zest while bottle conditioning many, many moons ago. For the record, that batch got up-ended in the garden. While I won't be carting this off to the back yard just yet, the hops are WAY overdone for my liking.

It's like if you just poured yourself a beer and left it sitting on the table while you raced off to the toilet, and in the mean time your malicious housemate/ex-girlfriend snuck into the room with a mouldy, tart lemon they found festering in the gutter and gave it a cheeky squeeze, just to **** you. I felt like I should be looking for the hidden camera somewhere in the room. It left a strangely unpleasant tingly/mild burning sensation in my mouth for near on an hour.

Now I'll admit, this was my first foray in dry hopping the secondary and in 20-20 hind sight it was hopped for a fair while with a fair dose. And perhaps I'm one of those types whose not cut out for dry hopping, it isn't for everyone apparently. Hopefully it will mellow out with a bit of time. But what I will say for those thinking of treading the dry hop path, tread carefully.

Oh and don't leave your beer unattended while you wizz, just in case. :unsure:
How much hops, what kind and how long in the secondary?

Don't get put off dry hopping just because of that experience but it doesn't suit every beer or every hop.
whew... I totally missed all the replies here since I made it.

Ended up using Amarillo instead of the B-Saaz as local HBS didn't have B-Saaz. Hops I had were a bit higher in aa% cascade @ 7.8% and amarillo @ 8.6% Since I was brewing it in a pot on stovetop I didn't mess with balancing things around for equipment, t all went into the fermenter, nothing (almost, I did attempt to deecant off the hops).

Its errr.. crash chilling atm, I should pull it out and bottle it, I'm dying to taste it again, was so damn great out of the fermenter, might just pull some and carb with the sodastream :p. I plan to make this again with the original recipe once I have some equipment issues sorted out, aka, acquiring a burner, grain from the BB and a way to reduce the murkiness of wort from BIAB. Have a 50 Ltr converted keg now so I'll give this a whirl again and compare my bastardized Little Monsters Bright Ale with the recipe here :)
How much hops, what kind and how long in the secondary?

Don't get put off dry hopping just because of that experience but it doesn't suit every beer or every hop.

As per the original recipe, but just scaled back for 23 litre batch.

Don't have the recipe with me, but it would have been about 15g each of cascade and B-Saaz I'd say. 10 days secondary + 12 days cc = 22 days. Obviously over-done, at least for this little black duck.

Live and learn.
Yeah I had a feeling that was a big part of it manticle, cheers for the direction.

I will try it again sometime, perhaps when I regain my sense of bitterness and the fear subsides.
I just finished with a union jack clone that was dryhopped with 88g total of cascade+centennial in the primary, and then racked onto another 88g in the secondary with no nasty flavours, But they were only on the hops for 4-5 days each. Manticle knows the score.
Now I'll admit, this was my first foray in dry hopping the secondary and in 20-20 hind sight it was hopped for a fair while with a fair dose. And perhaps I'm one of those types whose not cut out for dry hopping, it isn't for everyone apparently. Hopefully it will mellow out with a bit of time. But what I will say for those thinking of treading the dry hop path, tread carefully.

Mmmm yeah im not a fan of dry hopping at all. I just dont like the character in gives the beer.

But for beers that are over hopped....... Time heals all. Let it sit on the fridge carbed in the keg for a few weeks and try again.

Thanks for the glimmer of hope there Tony. Time is something I do have. Statistically at least... :unsure:

As a token of fairness to the original recipe, I brewed this again last weekend with flame-out hops instead of dry (still no-chill as before). I probably won't touch my first batch until the new one is ready and carbonated, so I'll be able to A-B them with perhaps with a couple of real LCBA's for a C reference. Will post my opinions in due course.

Cheers for everyone's input, appreciate it :)

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