Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
Looks like fermenting beer to me fuggle. Take the advice of your signature.
Looks like fermenting beer to me fuggle. Take the advice of your signature.
Saturday arvo,
Looks like fermenting beer to me fuggle. Take the advice of your signature.
Looks like fermenting beer to me fuggle. Take the advice of your signature.
yep looks like a nice healthy vigorous fermentation... nice one... Which yeast are you using? 1469 i hope :icon_drool2:
Hi Guys,
I've just got home from work, I've had Landlord carbonating over the weekend.
Just poured my self a glass from the tap of my new kegerator.
I can taste a little fusel alchohol. My fermenting method is just a carboy in the shed with an old t shirt over it, so I dare say that's why I'm guessing that, It fermented very fast the first day or 2 then slowed down, etc.
I wacked it into secondry for a week into my kegerator at 3-4c. Kegged it on Saturday morning and Carbed @ 300 kpa or around 45 psi, also @ around 3-4c.
It's slightly over carbed, but hey a little froth dosn't hurt.
See what happens in a few days.
I have a primary of Arons best and a secondry of Arons best also ready to keg soon,
I'm havin' so much fun makin' my own brew.
PS, I jst got a pm from somebody, I won't name them...
quote, "how can someone with 24 posts know about fusel alchohols"
I guess painting cars for 25 years and dealing with "thinners" one would know what that tastes like.
And secondly, I still methanol and ethanol, have done for the past 5 years. I also recycle thinners...
Cheers guys
Hi Guys,
I brewed this on Saturday.
Today when I got home from work I noticed my beer looks milky, see pics !!!
I have made a few all grain recipes lately and all have been good.
This was the first batch I wacked a wirlfloc in.
Is that why it's milky, or is it stuffed ???
Down to 4 bottles of my first attempt of this left. Just pitched a 1469 on this tonight. Hopefully the ice bottle trick should keep the temps down sufficiently with 39 degrees tomorrow.
I allowed for some lower efficiency as I wasn't sure what my new mill and first time using Crisp MO would do. Ended up with spot on 75% and 1048. Hydro sample is :icon_drool2:
Now the struggle is to wait a month until it's fermented, bottled and carbed...
Maybe 1469 with some extra hops would be perfect.
I recently used your hopping schedule with 100% TF Golden promise and the wort caramelisation trick.
Still pretty pale (looks beautiful and clear though) but having trouble not drinking it. Batch nearly gone
...TF FM GP ...
...The lack of nuttiness and more of a sweet honey like quality when compared to the MO is very noticeable.