RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Golden Ale

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Yeh, congratulations, Dr Smurto. Fame at last. :D
this recipe really is great, I've done a few 50l batches now!

Anyone used Cascade instead of Amarillo? I've got a batch fermenting, and need to add more hops into secondary today. Only have Cascade on stock at the moment so might try using this. Anyone else had a go?
Looking to already brew a second batch of this, as I can tell it will not last long!

I'm looking for suggestions on ways to up the maltyness, while still maintaining it's easy-drinking appeal. I was thinking of replacing a bit more of the wheat with pilsner, and slightly upping the munich 1. Any ideas?

Input is always appreciated.

Thanks. I didn't even think of changing the yeast.

I was pretty impressed with what the s05 did, I had never used it before.

Wouldn't using the 1332 significantly change the flavour profile? I'm only looking to slightly boost the smurto maltyness.
I think that's a good idea of Paul's. Several other yeasts would also work and will give a different balance between malt and hops than US-05 which tends to accentuate the hops and cut back the malt in my experience. Can you get Wyeast or White Labs up there? It's amazing the difference the yeast makes though and part of your brewing education to brew this beer again, possibly several times, but all for research of course. ;)
i've brewed a similar golden ale a fair bit and i'm also after a diff yeast, i'd like a high att english yeat i think as JSquire claims it to be based on an summer ale style which i thought was english, or is it just a new catch phrase?
I haven't used nottingham before, i hear it is quite malty?
This is one of my favourites, everyone loves it. I have not felt the need to fiddle with the recipe as yet but today I throw a cube of Dr Smurtos golden ale(?) onto a yeast cake of S-189. Mainly through shear laziness.

Ill see how it goes and report what I come up with
sorry, i should have stated also, that i've loved the results from it, but i use that yeast for everything and i would like to try something else, simply for a change.
1332 sounds good, any idea what brewery it originated from?

I'd also like to bring the ABV to about 5.5-5.8% ish. Kind of goes against the whole summer ale thing, but might be interesting having the Amarillo plus a bit more alcohol kick.

Would a bit more of the munich 1 be a good choice?
also, i saw a thing about it on TV with one ofteh malt shovel guys, he stated it to be a bit of a lager/ale hybrid in that the ale strain they use is fermented clean and at low temps. More food for thought.
I have some 1272 (american ale II) for my next batch. Never thought of playing around with english yeasts in this beer, not sure why i hadnt.

I hit 5% on my last attempt and its still a pretty easy drinker. Upping the munich would be my tip but then i struggle not to put munich in every beer i make these days! :D
If I increased the munich to a level which brought the ABV to 5.5% ish, do you think that would be overkill? More malty would be good, but I don't want to completely destroy the very drinkable nature of this brew.
You could either just increase the whole amount of grain to keep the % the same or up the munich by itself.

Can you overdo munich? Brewing a munich dunkel on Saturday with >95% munich so i suspect not :D
Might try upping only the munich. Could be interesting.
I think go for the Munich. First because it's a nice malt (especially the German stuff). And more importantly because it sounds like you really want to. What better reason. :D

Be interested in how you like the 1272, Dr S. I really like that yeast myself. Works well in a number of styles, APA especially. :chug:
Just pitched some US-05 onto a cube of this that's been sitting and waiting for a few weeks.

Can't wait to try it!


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