RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

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Wouldn't that affect hop utilization due to the volume being boiled?

It certainly will - you will probably have to use more, but I would prefer that than having muted hops and overly bitter beer...was just thinking aloud what other possibilities you could have before you get a chiller.

It certainly will - you will probably have to use more, but I would prefer that than having muted hops and overly bitter beer...was just thinking aloud what other possibilities you could have before you get a chiller.


Great topic and info.

I tried my first 20min pale ale (hops added at 20, 15, 10, 5 and dry) with all Galaxy .... awesome beer .... had my first one tonight - 23 IBU

Stone & wood draught copy .... extremely close recipe

Glad to see that others have tried Galaxy as I am about to hit a 10min IPA with 140g of Galaxy to hit the 60 IBU mark but was getting nervous over the amount. Still dwelling over the grain bill though, wondering if a small addition of roast barley or choc malt would add any choc flavours to mix with the galaxy fruitiness.
Glad to see that others have tried Galaxy as I am about to hit a 10min IPA with 140g of Galaxy to hit the 60 IBU mark but was getting nervous over the amount. Still dwelling over the grain bill though, wondering if a small addition of roast barley or choc malt would add any choc flavours to mix with the galaxy fruitiness.

Try a bit of amber malt,I have been using it my apa and it has a nice biscuit too it, I wouldn't use any more than 5%
cheers sav
Glad to see that others have tried Galaxy as I am about to hit a 10min IPA with 140g of Galaxy to hit the 60 IBU mark but was getting nervous over the amount. Still dwelling over the grain bill though, wondering if a small addition of roast barley or choc malt would add any choc flavours to mix with the galaxy fruitiness.

I have done an AIPA with 97% ale and 3% amber. Turned out great. +1 for not going over 5% - personally I would only go 2-3%.

Let us know how it turns out - great to see someone giving the 10 min IPA a go - you won't be dissapointed.

There are a few of us in the ACT Brew club that are going to be trying variations over the next few weeks so will let you know how they go.
My last few brews have been close to this - hopbursts where everything has been added in the last 15 minutes.

I think I'll give the 10 min idea a shot this weekend, but I'll be dry hopping also. Can never resist dry hopping......
great inspiration the 10 min IPA,

had a go yesterday at a half batch

93% marris otter, 7% carahell, 1.060 mashed at 67

60 IBU columbus @ 10mins, fermenting now with US05

i'm keen to taste
Also tried it (kind of) yesterday. 100% munich came out at 1.065 and a 90/90/65 mix of amarillo/centennial/simcoe at 10min for 60ibu.

Not sure why but I was expecting a much stronger hop flavour in the wort than what I got...ah well, see how it comes out on the other end aye?
Also tried it (kind of) yesterday. 100% munich came out at 1.065 and a 90/90/65 mix of amarillo/centennial/simcoe at 10min for 60ibu.

Not sure why but I was expecting a much stronger hop flavour in the wort than what I got...ah well, see how it comes out on the other end aye?

sammus, does 100% munich convert in the mash ?

how fermentable is it ?
sammus, does 100% munich convert in the mash ?

how fermentable is it ?

Sure does, I've done it heaps before (it's even officially supported! ;)). All munich beers are mmm tasty :)

I tend to get around 80% attenuation when mashed ~66 ie 1.050 - 1.010. I accidently when over temp on this one, so it may not dry out as much. Am expecting it to finish at maybe 1.015ish
I did a smash a few months back with 100% Global Munich (more like Munich II) and Amarillo and man, it was beautiful!! A nice deep red colour and awesome juicy malt profile!!

Back on topic, I recently acquired 750gms of NZ Mystery Hops 5.8% AA, a 10 minute IPA might be just the way to get a feel for them, or to completely ruin a beer :unsure: lol - They smell sorta floral which might be a bit of a worry, but only one way to find out I guess!
I've got about 135 grams of chinook sitting around that I'm keen to try this concept with. I'm thinking i'll use it with a fresh wort kit as the base and just do a 5 litre boil with .5 kg of DME.

After the boil, should I use a sieve to filter out the hop residue or just tip the lot in?
Just gonna use my BIABag as a massive hop sock.
Nice idea Nick!! I'll jump on board with that thinking.
Had the centennial version on tap for a bit right now - just as good as the Amarillo version. A few of us on here have had a taste. Quite balanced with the 1187 - quite like both the pacman and ringwood for this beer. Will be having one of these style beers on tap at all times - may have to scale it back to 1.050 and 50 ibu for my livers benefit.
Had the centennial version on tap for a bit right now - just as good as the Amarillo version. A few of us on here have had a taste. Quite balanced with the 1187 - quite like both the pacman and ringwood for this beer. Will be having one of these style beers on tap at all times - may have to scale it back to 1.050 and 50 ibu for my livers benefit.

Centennial version rocks!

I will be doing something like this soon and will use pacman or the west yorky.
Centennial version rocks!

I will be doing something like this soon and will use pacman or the west yorky.

Pacman for a hoppy version or west yorky for a slightly maltier version?

Currently drinking a hop monster fermented with 1469 and its great, doesnt hide the hops as much as other brit strains (it still does tho IMO) but still brings out the malt beautifully!

edit : Could be a good split batch opportunity?
I'm putting a cupboard cleaner sort of beer together for the next one and decided since the beer is already pretty much of no specific style and I keep thinking about this method I may as well do the testing myself on the no-chill thing so I can stop thinking about it. next couple of beers are gonna be high grav clone attempts so I was thinking of adapting this method to something more targeted to the low end of APA so I've got a smaller beer on hand. How do you think this might work, Phillip (ignoring the no-chill aspect for a moment)? Or do you think it'll really only work with massively hopped beers? The trouble is that looking at my proposed recipe in Beersmith and it doesn't look all that far off what I'd do for a bigger APA only there's no 60min addition. What I mean is that I'm looking at a recipe that is OG1040/32IBU but only 60gm of hops, calculated at 15min but they'll be cube hops (various no-chillers seem to report that their results seem to be either 10 to 20 minutes out so I thought it best to aim for the middle ground). Doesn't look like that big of a whack of hops at all to me. Will I be wasting good hops?

I know that my OG is a little low for style but I'm comfortable with the bitterness ratio (and up to +/-4IBU swing).
What I mean is that I'm looking at a recipe that is OG1040/32IBU but only 60gm of hops, calculated at 15min but they'll be cube hops (various no-chillers seem to report that their results seem to be either 10 to 20 minutes out so I thought it best to aim for the middle ground). Doesn't look like that big of a whack of hops at all to me. Will I be wasting good hops?

I just did a 10 minute APA with 50g of PoR for 10 minutes (18L) for 35 IBUs. Chucked the BIABag in with a few clothes pegs to keep it both off the bottom of the pot and away from the element - worked a treat - completely free-flow, yet all the hop material was removed for the no-chill.

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