RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

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I would aim for 40 ibu in an APA to ensure a nice bitterness. Also a touch of crystal in replacement of the carapils will have a recipe almost identical to my entry into the WA state comps which placed first.

Looking forward to making my next 10 min something, im def hooked.

First, schmirst :p :)

I have another 10 min apa planned for the holidays. It's been a while.
I'm thinking of putting one of these down next, could I grab some opinions on the following recipe.

(Carafa Special added to darken her up a bit)

Batch Size (fermenter): 25.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.062 SG
Estimated Color: 28.9 EBC
Estimated IBU: 62.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
6.82 kg Pilsner Grain 1 92.4 %
0.36 kg Carafoam Grain 2 4.9 %
0.20 kg Carafa Special T1 Grain 3 2.7 %
90.00 g Amarillo [9.30 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 4 28.6 IBUs
90.00 g Citra [11.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 5 33.8 IBUs

Mash @ 67'

I'm thinking of putting one of these down next, could I grab some opinions on the following recipe.

(Carafa Special added to darken her up a bit)

Batch Size (fermenter): 25.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.062 SG
Estimated Color: 28.9 EBC
Estimated IBU: 62.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
6.82 kg Pilsner Grain 1 92.4 %
0.36 kg Carafoam Grain 2 4.9 %
0.20 kg Carafa Special T1 Grain 3 2.7 %
90.00 g Amarillo [9.30 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 4 28.6 IBUs
90.00 g Citra [11.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 5 33.8 IBUs

Mash @ 67'


Hi there mate...I would try and use a bit more amarillo than citra simply because it is lower in AA%. For a 25 litre batch of beer I would be aiming to be adding at least 200 grams of hops - I would rather 225 grams but 200 would be enough. So maybe 125 amarillo and 75 citra...


PS: Let us know how you go either way :)
Cheers Phillip, It was the Scottish in me trying to get away with two packs of hops but I'll do it properly :p

I'll let you know how it turns out :icon_cheers:
Cheers Phillip, It was the Scottish in me trying to get away with two packs of hops but I'll do it properly :p

I'll let you know how it turns out :icon_cheers:

Easy then mate...just lower your batch size to 20 litres...that will keep it as only two purchases...
Less... beer.... Never!

I'll buy the three packs ;) really looking forward to smelling this!
I'm brewing a version of this today. 100% vienna and Amarillo to around 60 IBUs. First time with Vienna as a base and first brew with a chiller. Should be interesting...
Good luck mate. If this is your first 10 min ipa then you are in for a treat.

So I'm planning this as my first AG brew on my new rig, it seams like a good simple recipe to start out with. I'm going to try a single 10min addition of Motueka (AA 7.5%). I have never used this hop before so am flying blind but it sounded like an interesting one to try.

Does anyone see any trouble with this hop in 10min IPA?
So I'm planning this as my first AG brew on my new rig, it seams like a good simple recipe to start out with. I'm going to try a single 10min addition of Motueka (AA 7.5%). I have never used this hop before so am flying blind but it sounded like an interesting one to try.

Does anyone see any trouble with this hop in 10min IPA?

Motueka (or b saaz for the old heads) would go great in this beer. It has a lovely citrus aroma and flavour with that touch of kiwi hop character.

Really glad you want to try this as your first beer. Let us know how you go! I would however, do this as my second brew, just so I could dial in my system first before throwing in a lot of hops. If this is your first run on your system dial your eff down to 65%...that should help you get your target gravity. Also, I must also you have a good pick up tub and a chiller? Two things I think are necessary for this beer (unless you have a hop sock :) ). A lot of this could go wrong on your first brew I would recommend maybe a dry run of your system first just to make sure everything is in working order, or maybe a simple smash of 100% base malt and all motueka...just to get your system dialled in and kinks worked out.

Good luck either way.

I'm glad the Motueka sounds ok as I've already ordered it! :D

I have a 30 plate CFC currently winging its way to me so wort cooling should be sorted! Yeah I plan on doing a dry(wet) run with plain water first on the system to check everything is working, nothing is leaking and measure evap losses etc. I'm a bit paranoid about the plate chiller blocking so will probably use a hop sock. I've used the boil kettle for my last brew, a full boil extract IPA, and used a hop sock for hop additions and it worked out well so am confident that part should be ok!

I'll take your advice and dial in a low efficiency to start with. I'll be sure to post back with the result if it works out.
I'm brewing a version of this today. 100% vienna and Amarillo to around 60 IBUs. First time with Vienna as a base and first brew with a chiller. Should be interesting...

This turned out really well. The Vienna gives a subtle biscuity character but if I was doing this again it would be 50% vienna and 25% each of Munich and Rye.

The Amarillo gave me an unexpected result. The overwhelming character I get from this is boiled strawberry flavoured lollies. Weird I know, but not unpleasant. There are hints of passionfruit which was expected. Has anyone else got his from Amarillo?
Can anyone say how a 10 min IPA compares to a SN Torpedo?
Last one I did with cascade and columbus was similar. Not the same, but just as good IMHO. My 10min APA's started at 6%. Worked so well, I bumped them up to 7%+. The one I have in the ferm fridge now should comfortably hit 8%+. Im a big fan of them!!.
This turned out really well. The Vienna gives a subtle biscuity character but if I was doing this again it would be 50% vienna and 25% each of Munich and Rye.

The Amarillo gave me an unexpected result. The overwhelming character I get from this is boiled strawberry flavoured lollies. Weird I know, but not unpleasant. There are hints of passionfruit which was expected. Has anyone else got his from Amarillo?

50/25/25 vienna/munich/rye....sounds very malty...good backbone for something hoppy. Keen to see how it goes for you...I have done a 55/20/20/5 TFFMMO/MunichII/Rye/Pale Crystal and that turned out really nice...

TBH as soon as I started to smell the body odour smell from Amarillo, I have been sort of turned off of it. Especially when there are so many Australian whole hop cones variety's begging to jump into some boiling wort.

Can anyone say how a 10 min IPA compares to a SN Torpedo?

I find the SN Torpedo to be somewhat lacking in hop aroma and flavour...that is my tastes though...and remember I am continuously chasing the hop dragon - which is why the 10 min IPA is now in the Recipe it really packs a punch.

So if the 10 min IPA ever came commercial, I think it could hold it's own against SN Torpedo in it's dan murphy's bottled form.

Last one I did with cascade and columbus was similar. Not the same, but just as good IMHO. My 10min APA's started at 6%. Worked so well, I bumped them up to 7%+. The one I have in the ferm fridge now should comfortably hit 8%+. Im a big fan of them!!.

Glad you like the 10 min hop additions! I am a fan as well :D

Columbus is a fantastic hop - I find that it cuts through whatever is going on in the malt department and gives you a swift elbow to the face - it really lets you know it's there.

I have combined Columbus and Centennial in a red belgian IPA back in the day - I liked the combo - though I would assume that cascade and colombus would go just as well together :chug: .

10 min IPA Smasch (single malt and several c hops) :icon_drool2: Now that would be interesting.

How did you find the bitterness as you increased the OG? I have found that going over the 1.065 region requires a quick 60 min addition to keep it in check...not technically a pure 10 min IPA, but a few pellets at 60 of magnum isn't going to be noticed after the 8+ g/l at 10 still singing in the same key as a regular 10 min IPA, but just bigger :)
just found a use for the 100g of magnum hops in the fridge.

could you use caramunich instead of carapils in this recipe or even a touch of carahell?
just found a use for the 100g of magnum hops in the fridge.

could you use caramunich instead of carapils in this recipe or even a touch of carahell?


Wait.... i mean: Why not? (200g of hops is going to cover just about anything)
Phillip, i added a FWH addition. I think FWHing such a high alpha hop might not have been a great idea haha. The sample is a little bitter, but not out of style, and should calm down after a few weeks in the bottle. Next time i'll just keep the single 10min addition. Uses lots of hops, but i only make a few of these a year, so who cares? haha. Should be bottling mine in the next few days. Its around 1.014 at the moment. Might drop to 1.012, have to wait and see. Im at 75 IBU for 1.078

Wait.... i mean: Why not? (200g of hops is going to cover just about anything)

Yeah, most definitely. Use whatever you feel like instead of carapils. Actually using just straight marris otter has had great results. This is more about the hops than the malt...however, you will soon find that your hop palate is being catered for but malt side is not very complex. As I have said before, I have done 10 min IPAs with 55/20/20/5 MO/munich II/rye/pale crystal (for those who can't see it, that is actually a cheecky use of the GA recipe from smurto). That pale crystal can be subbed for any crystal malt really. Play around with the malt bill...just don't over complicate it and still let the hops take centre stage.

Phillip, i added a FWH addition. I think FWHing such a high alpha hop might not have been a great idea haha. The sample is a little bitter, but not out of style, and should calm down after a few weeks in the bottle. Next time i'll just keep the single 10min addition. Uses lots of hops, but i only make a few of these a year, so who cares? haha. Should be bottling mine in the next few days. Its around 1.014 at the moment. Might drop to 1.012, have to wait and see. Im at 75 IBU for 1.078

75:78 BU:GU is a good rule of thumb (1:1) for bigger beers...

That's the spirit mate, who has time to be drinking mediocre beer when we have access to the world class ingredients. The only thing stopping your beer from being the best is just attitude (and a bit of competence - which sadly decreases with drinking).

When increasing the OG you will find that you will have to significantly increase the hops at 10 mins. The more you add the more likely you are going to be getting the dreaded grassy-ness and chlorophyll aroma coming through. Hence why I would recommend a small 60 min addition of a hop that is high in AA and is fairly neutral. This allows you to keep the balance in check whilst still achieving insane levels of aroma.

So far no issues with grassiness. THe last one was 7.4%, and i think the best one. I no chill as well, and don't adjust hop calcs, just a 10 min addition to the IBU i want. Works great.

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