This turned out really well. The Vienna gives a subtle biscuity character but if I was doing this again it would be 50% vienna and 25% each of Munich and Rye.
The Amarillo gave me an unexpected result. The overwhelming character I get from this is boiled strawberry flavoured lollies. Weird I know, but not unpleasant. There are hints of passionfruit which was expected. Has anyone else got his from Amarillo?
50/25/25 vienna/munich/rye....sounds very malty...good backbone for something hoppy. Keen to see how it goes for you...I have done a 55/20/20/5 TFFMMO/MunichII/Rye/Pale Crystal and that turned out really nice...
TBH as soon as I started to smell the body odour smell from Amarillo, I have been sort of turned off of it. Especially when there are so many Australian whole hop cones variety's begging to jump into some boiling wort.
Can anyone say how a 10 min IPA compares to a SN Torpedo?
I find the SN Torpedo to be somewhat lacking in hop aroma and flavour...that is my tastes though...and remember I am continuously chasing the hop dragon - which is why the 10 min IPA is now in the Recipe it really packs a punch.
So if the 10 min IPA ever came commercial, I think it could hold it's own against SN Torpedo in it's dan murphy's bottled form.
Last one I did with cascade and columbus was similar. Not the same, but just as good IMHO. My 10min APA's started at 6%. Worked so well, I bumped them up to 7%+. The one I have in the ferm fridge now should comfortably hit 8%+. Im a big fan of them!!.
Glad you like the 10 min hop additions! I am a fan as well
Columbus is a fantastic hop - I find that it cuts through whatever is going on in the malt department and gives you a swift elbow to the face - it really lets you know it's there.
I have combined Columbus and Centennial in a red belgian IPA back in the day - I liked the combo - though I would assume that cascade and colombus would go just as well together :chug: .
10 min IPA Smasch (single malt and several c hops) :icon_drool2: Now that would be interesting.
How did you find the bitterness as you increased the OG? I have found that going over the 1.065 region requires a quick 60 min addition to keep it in check...not technically a pure 10 min IPA, but a few pellets at 60 of magnum isn't going to be noticed after the 8+ g/l at 10 still singing in the same key as a regular 10 min IPA, but just bigger