Queensland Brewerhood Xmas In June 2008 Case Swap

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Alll beer bottled, carbed and ready. Might CC for the rest of the remaining time....

How's everybody else's swap beers?

Bottled my black ale on the 24th May. Age currently 3 weeks and 1 day.
Around 6% and drinking is good ATM....

I went for more roasty flavour which probably pushes this beer into Porter or Stout category....Does this mean I need to name it Shed Stout #2 and find a suitable hottie for the label??

Can't wait till the 5th July...

Bottled my black ale on the 24th May. Age currently 3 weeks and 1 day.
Around 6% and drinking is good ATM....

I went for more roasty flavour which probably pushes this beer into Porter or Stout category....Does this mean I need to name it Shed Stout #2 and find a suitable hottie for the label??

Can't wait till the 5th July...


The Shed Stout 2 name is still available :D

I'm keen as for the 5th.. and then the 26th at the Batcave!
Well the "Eunuch's Uncle" has had the yeast pitched should be good......
Had a few QA bottles of my case swap beer - slightly disappointing carbonation level but drinking well non-the-less. Just have to attach some labels and Roberts yer fathers brother. Hopefully the new pool table lights will be working by then - the old ones had a bit of a melt-down :(
Had a few QA bottles of my case swap beer - slightly disappointing carbonation level but drinking well non-the-less. Just have to attach some labels and Roberts yer fathers brother. Hopefully the new pool table lights will be working by then - the old ones had a bit of a melt-down :(

I'm yet to QA the Shed Stout , but have a bottle in reserve. Will get right onto it this week.

Tonite i was supposed to go to this Parenting night for fathers at my son's christian school. My wife has been going to last few weeks each Wednesday with one of her mates whose son is in the same class. We (she) has been putting this course on hold for 18 months, but the school is reminding us that it is a condition of enrollment that we both attend. So the wives go. And the men pretend they don't exist. We have our hands over our ears making sounds like this "blah blah blah blah blah blah"

My mate Justin and I managed to use the State of Origin as an excuse not to go - twice. But tonite we had run dry of reasons not to. He emailed me this morning at work and said to pick him and his mate up at 6.45 for the 2 hour meeting at 7pm. I was a barrel of monkeys all day.

So making my way home, I got a lift to Mooloolah station - a 5 minute train ride from where I live. I often get a lift home this way and have a Coopers on the platform. It's a quiet town - so much so that you still see horse manure in the street. Really!

The 5.19pm service never came. Bugger.

5.30 came, still with no train. I'm hungry and want a beer, but have to drive. Double Bugger.

At 5.40 some 14 year old gets off the only train I have seen so far and says there is a bomb threat. and the trains are delayed.

Yeah right. As if I'd be so lucky!

Today was my day! All I had to do was fudge my arrival time by 45 minutes to make myself unavailable for tonites course. I chose to spend this time constructively by chatting to the Queensland Rail staff at the station, and have a pint. And tell then why I was not catching any of the buses they were running as the trains where stopped. I was chewing up time!

Apparently some clown called a bomb threat on the Sundowner Train when I was heading towards Glasshouse Mountains and the sniffer dogs were doing their thing.

Cool as. Needless to say I was unable to attend the parenting class and am now safely ensconced in the Man-Cave having a HB and playing Lego Indiana Jones on the Xbox 360 with the eldest son.

What a parent I am! :lol:
I'm yet to QA the Shed Stout , but have a bottle in reserve. Will get right onto it this week.

Tonite i was supposed to go to this Parenting night for fathers at my son's christian school. My wife has been going to last few weeks each Wednesday with one of her mates whose son is in the same class. We (she) has been putting this course on hold for 18 months, but the school is reminding us that it is a condition of enrollment that we both attend. So the wives go. And the men pretend they don't exist. We have our hands over our ears making sounds like this "blah blah blah blah blah blah"

My mate Justin and I managed to use the State of Origin as an excuse not to go - twice. But tonite we had run dry of reasons not to. He emailed me this morning at work and said to pick him and his mate up at 6.45 for the 2 hour meeting at 7pm. I was a barrel of monkeys all day.

So making my way home, I got a lift to Mooloolah station - a 5 minute train ride from where I live. I often get a lift home this way and have a Coopers on the platform. It's a quiet town - so much so that you still see horse manure in the street. Really!

The 5.19pm service never came. Bugger.

5.30 came, still with no train. I'm hungry and want a beer, but have to drive. Double Bugger.

At 5.40 some 14 year old gets off the only train I have seen so far and says there is a bomb threat. and the trains are delayed.

Yeah right. As if I'd be so lucky!

Today was my day! All I had to do was fudge my arrival time by 45 minutes to make myself unavailable for tonites course. I chose to spend this time constructively by chatting to the Queensland Rail staff at the station, and have a pint. And tell then why I was not catching any of the buses they were running as the trains where stopped. I was chewing up time!

Apparently some clown called a bomb threat on the Sundowner Train when I was heading towards Glasshouse Mountains and the sniffer dogs were doing their thing.

Cool as. Needless to say I was unable to attend the parenting class and am now safely ensconced in the Man-Cave having a HB and playing Lego Indiana Jones on the Xbox 360 with the eldest son.

What a parent I am! :lol:

Glad you enjoyed it
My wife was traveling down,trains to buses and arrive in the city after dark...just what she trying to avoid.
I am at home having a couple of Alts BTW :chug:

The current batch of Acerola Pale is drinking very well, hopefully it'll last until the swap on tap :) .
What glue was best for labels (my glue stick sure wasn't)?

There are a couple of futons up for grabs for those sleeping over, maybe a fold-up bed or two on the front patio, otherwise bring a swag and kip in the bar.
Or the overflow park area.
View attachment 19678
The current batch of Acerola Pale is drinking very well, hopefully it'll last until the swap on tap :) .
What glue was best for labels (my glue stick sure wasn't)?

There are a couple of futons up for grabs for those sleeping over, maybe a fold-up bed or two on the front patio, otherwise bring a swag and kip in the bar.
Or the overflow park area.
View attachment 19678


Clag clear gum by Bostik does the trick. Even comes with a brush. :)

TP :beer:
The current batch of Acerola Pale is drinking very well, hopefully it'll last until the swap on tap :) .
What glue was best for labels (my glue stick sure wasn't)?

There are a couple of futons up for grabs for those sleeping over, maybe a fold-up bed or two on the front patio, otherwise bring a swag and kip in the bar.
Or the overflow park area.
View attachment 19678

I will kip in the Bar. Last time I slept outside, but we'll see if it rains... he he he he
Dibs on a futon...... depending on how I'm faring on the night, and wether or not I'll have the car with me!

I'd love a bed/futon/floor space to roll out a camping mat. Preferably with walls all round and a roof. Can I bags a futon too?
if there is still a futon/beanbag/sofa/spare mattress can i call dibs on one?

only if you promise to spoon with me incider!
I call big spoon! :lol: :lol:

I spoon so well and so big they call it forking! :lol:

But seriously, make some undies out of termimesh in case others are still up after you go to bed. To keep you safe.
Any left over mesh can be used as a hop screen. :p

will this be enough do ya think?

You've obviously never been to a swap mate..... better bring two....

I can't find Barbra goddamit.
Will have to ask Mrs frogman wher she hid her.