Queensland Brewerhood Xmas In June 2008 Case Swap

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After the unfortunate incident with 400 IBU's @ Ross's, I'm wondering if Sqyres taste buds are up for it. :p
LOL, poor old Sqyre - don't think we'd classify him as a hop-head.... :p

After the unfortunate incident with 400 IBU's @ Ross's, I'm wondering if Sqyres taste buds are up for it. :p

maybe somebody should bring along a six pack of cruisers for sqyre...
LOL, or a goon bag... plus some coins for the slot machine.... (Cue InCider with Sqyre crack photo.......)

AHH new job is good but havnt been able to brew with the poor weather and the fact i brew outdoors, may have to change to something less roasty, otherwise it prob wont be ready in time......
HTFU Troydo! Have brewed outdoors the last 2 days in the SEARING SUNSHINE.....ahem.....................

Geez, just HTFU you softie :p

maybe somebody should bring along a six pack of cruisers for sqyre...

Now i'm copping sh*t from the newbie.... :blink:
After "Lobby" has a few "Real" beers at the swap i reckon will we see something more like this...


Just another "SMASHED" crab... :icon_vomit:

Sqyre... :lol:
LOL +1 on seeing the "newbies" cop it at the swap....

(say he who has yet to make it past 9pm at a swap......ahem..... :p)

Keep an eye out for the "chooks" fellas...
Now i'm copping sh*t from the newbie....
After "Lobby" has a few "Real" beers at the swap i reckon will we see something more like this...

Just another "SMASHED" crab...


hahahaha, u now i luv u in a completely heterosexual way there sqyre. on the whole smashed thing, yes, it will most definitely happen, and as i am on my provisional licence, i probably wont be able to drive home till about 6pm the next day :p . and i might have to step up the drinking for the weeks preceeding to build up my tolerance...

remember, i will only have had less than a year experience drinking by the time of the swap. am i making any of you feel old yet? (real drinking, not a couple of sneaky tinnies while the parents are out :p *underage drinking is bad*)

Bring on the real beer!!!


LOL @ Lobsta - making me feel like NOT the youngest person at the swap (again)

Keep an eye out for the "chooks" fellas...



Sqyre... ;)

EDIT: i should add - No chickens were injured during the making of the swap...
(actually they were loved very much.... over and over...) :p
hahahaha, u now i luv u in a completely heterosexual way there sqyre.


Ewwww.... i just noticed this... :unsure:
Hopefully not in the same way incider did in the Birthday Drinks Post.. HERE. :p

sqyre... ;)
Ewwww.... i just noticed this... :unsure:
Hopefully not in the same way incider did in the Birthday Drinks Post.. HERE. :p

sqyre... ;)
nah, i could never get in the way of the special bond you and incider seem to share... i guess once you root enough inflatable sheep side by side, you form a man-bond that none can tear asunder :p
Ewwww.... i just noticed this... :unsure:
Hopefully not in the same way incider did in the Birthday Drinks Post.. HERE. :p

sqyre... ;)

Nice rack! I won't be able to make the swap as I will be having a bath in SNPA with my awesome rack! :lol:
I'll never think of 'racking' in the same way.
Sorry guys I am not going to be there,no not working but because of that fact we are bring my Mum up for a visit.
No she's not coming along either,she 84 and I don't trust incider with a lady of that age.

Now I am thinking of a little Sunshine Coast brewers get together in July,some of the Bundy boys I believe will attend.I'll start a new topic on this one...sorry only the Sunshine Coast or northerly guys....shape up or ship out ! :icon_cheers:

Sorry not to have you here Batz :eek: .
To the nitty gritty...
If anyone wants to bring a keg but has no party set-up, I'll have available a party keg thingy (suitable for Reem or Corny kegs needs ice + keg + gas), a guest tap (needs a bucket, ice + keg + gas) and possibly two taps from the fridge (you just need keg(s)).
If anyone want to take up a tap please let me know sooner rather than later.
I'll have on tap three kegs (maybe more depending on how much I drink in the next few weeks) - definitely a dark mild, a best bitter, and either/and a oatmeal stout/fruit ale/CAP. Some bottle samples as well - I'm guessing the self heating chilli/oatmeal/coffee stout will make a reappearance.
Alll beer bottled, carbed and ready. Might CC for the rest of the remaining time....

How's everybody else's swap beers?