Queensland Brewerhood Xmas In June 2008 Case Swap

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I'll see your taxi and raise you a chicken! :lol:

I see your chicken, and raise you a Zizzle/Man Bitch.... Or maybe a Sqyre.....do we NEED to pull out the photos..... :p
I'm pretty sure Mothballs was attending as he was offering to car pool at one stage

Can we reserve position 2 for him as he's always keen to participate (drink) in the case swap.

I'll PM him now for him to confirm.


PB :rolleyes:

Thanks Dave if it is not taken I will take up position 2. I thought I had put my name down months ago. 16 bottles of beer unknown at this stage :lol:
Thanks Dave if it is not taken I will take up position 2. I thought I had put my name down months ago. 16 bottles of beer unknown at this stage :lol:

I thought you were in as well :blink:
I'm sure whatever you make will be good, mate :icon_cheers:
Swap beer bottled. Ahh. Bottling is fun, but it's like removing band-aids. Getting to doing it is the hardest.

Time to jerry-rig some labels!
Looking good for me attending this one at this stage :party:

Guys, I'm going to have to withdraw. My sincere apologies. I am away with work a fair but this month and haven't had too much spare time. Still can't even seem to make it to the Bunyips joint to check out his new rig.

Also, I don't want to burden the Bunyip with the way diesel is heading......

Have a great swap.
Guys and girls , Duff's post is timely as I am out as well .
I've had a few health issues in the last month or so and on Friday I had an ultrasound too confirm that I have bloody Gall Stones, Oh boy are they bloody uncomfortable. Anyway I'm on the QLD Health WAITTING list HAHA..

With diesel going through the roof I was thinking of changing to a flight down for the weekend but at this stage I don't think that will happen either...

I WILL SEE YOU ALL AT XMAS, one way or another...

Cheers and have a good one ...

Duff the new rig is going great guns , let me know when and we'll have a big brew up , How are you off for empty cubes?

Sorry to hear you can make it Ned and Duff,
Hey my uncle passed a Gall Stone, He said it richocheted of the dunny cistern and bounced down the hallway..
Half an inch to left he reckoned he would have shot and killed the cat.. :lol:

Good luck with Ned.. :huh:

Ned, Duff - maybe we can have a phone beer on the night eh? :D

Sorry to hear about your beerstones Ned. When you pass one you can used it aerate things the wort. :lol:

But seriously, lets hope it gets sorted soon.


Sorry to hear that Ned. It would have been great to see you and Duff again.

On the stone front, you've probably already been told, but APPLES... While you're waiting on that list, eat as many apples as you can. Apples not only prevent the stones from forming, but even dissolve the existing stones.

Hope you get more comfortable soon.
thanks for the thoughts guys

sqyre, that was probly a kidney stone , I've had them befor and have passed them with the associated pain.

Bonj , I've been told too eat apples, drink olive oil by the schooner glass, stand on my head for 15mins 3 times a day , rub patchatoli oil on my guts ,chew eucalyptus leaves .

incider MMMM beerstones you say , I had this thought when I had kidney stones, so mybe i should soak in nappie san overnight ..LOL

cheers guys
Sorry to hear about the health issues Ned. If you do decided to fly down let us know & we'll pick you up (as long as its not 6pm on Saturday the 5th :p ).
If anyone is intending to join the July case swap & getting poofaced competition can you put your name up on the wiki page. I should have a couple of taps from the fridge available if anyone has kegs but no party setup.
Sorry to hear about the bad news Ned, hope all gets well.

I was planning on actually BREWING my swap beer this evening, but it seems the backyard may have washed away..... :huh:

Gotta plan better I think! Just make a mental note to age mine some before consuming :p

Bring on the poo-facing!!!! :beerbang:

PS: Any objections to me bringing my dad along? He'll be up here on holidays from Hobart the week before and after....
Sorry to hear about the bad news Ned, hope all gets well.

I was planning on actually BREWING my swap beer this evening, but it seems the backyard may have washed away..... :huh:

Bummer Ned,I hope you can get it overhauled ASAP

Yes wet here too,first time we have had water flowing through the bar! :angry:

Hope everything dries out Batz!!! Oh, and sorry it's taken so long, but that DVD should arrive in the PO Box for you most likely Wed or Thurs!

A "pOOh facing" is in order!

I have nothing good to post today (have you noticed none of my 1400 post have anything to do about beer :ph34r: ) and had the most shit day at work. I'm here deploying the HTFU mantra and getting read to chop off some ears tomorrow! :lol:

Ok, when is swap [sh$t fight] ?
Stuff Goolgle, can't be stuffed, and the posts have gone on for ever, I am away 2 weeks in June and a week in July.
Ok, when is swap...... [Sh$t fight] ?
Stuff Goolgle, can't be stuffed, and the posts have gone on forever and I have gone back page after page.
I am away 2 weeks in June and a week in July, so when is it?.
I have beer, sh$t loads [required I suspect].