Pride Of Ringwood

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YES or NO to POR

  • I have used POR and like it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have used POR and Don't like it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3.I have never used POR , but all the negative hype makes me shy away from it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.I have never used it, but feel compelled to bag it because its an aussie hop and not an import or&

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
you'll have to start a new thread if you want to discuss Pacific Gem Jim
(i use it in Belgian inspired beers) - whoops, nuff said
TDA, I guesstimated them at being ~9%.

I got some homegrown flowers from Grumpy Thomas a few years ago and used them in my third all grain beer. GT didn't have an alpha rating for them so I used 30grams for bittering in an Aussie Ale, it was horridly bitter! :eek:


tdh said:
TDA, I guesstimated them at being ~9%.


I too estimated my homegrown POR around 9% last year.
Seemed to be fairly bitter at the start but mellowed out quite nicely towards the last couple of bottles.

I've used POR every which way I can.

Can't say I've ever been able to tame the bastard. <_< I look at it this way. If people say it's only an OK bittering hop why take the risk when there are better alternatives that can give guaranteed results? :unsure:

In late additions I've found it to be dreadful. :ph34r: Comes as no coincidence every time I've used it late the beer has had a strange, flavour that tasted like somebody lobbed a sputum sample in the wort and it wasn't pleasing at all.

All that stated I'm sure there are others who can get the best of it and good luck to them. I'm defintely not one of them. :)

Warren -
I used pride pluss insted of the normal by mistake in a past brew...
Made it too bitter as I didn't allow for the extra alpha acids, but was still fine to drink.

I have been told that Pride Plus is more for brewerys who want to cut back on the amount of hops used to achieve the same bitterness?
Im going to have a go at GT's POR stout.

Sounds MAD!

Tony said:
Im going to have a go at GT's POR stout.

Sounds MAD!


I'll pay COD for you to send me a "longneck" when u do :eek:
I guess if you don't like POR then you probably don't like Coopers.
I have never used it myself, but buy some fresh wort batches from a local brewer who uses it and all taste fine to me.
I guess i'd have to vote [Never used it but will try it when AG setup is finished]




As a second thought the results are quite an eye opener, up until this thread I would have though it would be somewhat reversed as usually when POR is talked about I only remember it as negative(not saying this is so just what I remember).
send me an email and I'll send you the IRS 1007 recipe.

recharge said:
As a second thought the results are quite an eye opener, up until this thread I would have though it would be somewhat reversed as usually when POR is talked about I only remember it as negative(not saying this is so just what I remember).

That was the motivation to start this poll,I wanted to find out figure wise what the deal was.
ozbrewer said:
now if you want to try something realy special, mix POR with Hallertau, that is 2 hops that for some reason go realy well together

Hear Hear Ozbrewer,
When I first started making lagers, I followed that formula and perhaps my memory has become a little dulled, but I'm certain those early brews were better than some of the things I've been knocking up lately. When these kilo hop blocks turn up from Tassie, I shall return to the beginning.
Jazzafish said:
I used pride pluss insted of the normal by mistake in a past brew...
Made it too bitter as I didn't allow for the extra alpha acids, but was still fine to drink.

I have been told that Pride Plus is more for brewerys who want to cut back on the amount of hops used to achieve the same bitterness?

I'm sure this is the reason why it was developed, since it is similar but higher alpha. But I do recall reading somewhere that Pride Plus has a lower co-humulone level, meaning it is less harsh at high bitterness levels. With hops like simcoe floating around, its about time research into a new Aussie bittering hop attempted to reduce the co-humulone level.

I made a beer once that was over 60 IBUs using basically only POR flowers. Tasted horrible - undrinkable. It was a mistake - I got some bad advice that when using flowers you need to double the weight to achieve the same bitterness (compared to pellets). Very bad advice! haha
Almost 12 months on I thought I would drag this out for any extra comments /thoughts from a year later perspective,and as an opportunity for more recent members to contribute.

Tony's title triggered my memory,and reading the subsequent posts he was an exponent back then(onya Tony :beerbang: ).

I am planning to do a run of single hop Ipa's into this year without any end in sight(unless I get sick of em).

Same grist for all just different hops front to back and yeast as per style (brit, US) and even a POR with a coopers reculture to keep an aussie element in there.

PoR has it's place ... and occasionally that place is in a beer. Apparently fresh it is quote aromatic (in a good way) - don;t think I've ever got any fresh enough though. I've used it in the odd Aussie Ale, Aussie Lager and Aussie Stout to give it that 'Aussie" feel and it works well for that. Best to keep it belwo 20 IBU I've been told, and I've stuck to that.
there's a lot of "so I've been tolds" on this thread.
i bought a bag of pellets and tried a CPA clone.
Hey this hop is alright, not my favourite or even in my top 10, but alright.
there's a lot of "so I've been tolds" on this thread.
i bought a bag of pellets and tried a CPA clone.
Hey this hop is alright, not my favourite or even in my top 10, but alright.

My CPA clone was hopped to 23 IBU and it was very close to the original.
I have done another one since to 22 IBU. (not ready yet )

What was your bitterness Tangent?

I used some old POR once and the beer was undrinkable.
POR doesn't keep as well as some other hops so make sure it is fresh.
The taste of "cheesy" hops in a beer is unforgetable :blink:

I'd agree with tangent,

I've been playing around with the pride plus recently, its not too bad and I reckon you can bitter up till about 30 IBU's safely.

For the sake of experimentation In the last 5 weeks I've tried an Aussie Style amber and red ale using Pride plus with Nugget and coopers yeast, they are conditioning in the fridge at the moment, but seem ok so far.

Today I just racked a sparkling ale type clone using Pride Plus, Coopers yeast and again another pale ale combining both Pride plus with Styrian Goldings and 1028 London ale yeast and Im quite pleasantly surprised at the taste so far.

I reckon it definitely has its place if used wisely and I would get it again, but it looks like the hop deal through Graham Sanders "OZ Craft Brewing" is not going ahead this year.

i've still got some of your pride+ in the freezer BB. waiting for you to post a tried and tested recipe :) :p

my calcs on the latest CPA batch were out so SG was down and therefore IBU's were up.

hey Dicko - the latest brew was about 24-25IBUs but the next should be about 20.

here's the next batch:
Ingredient Amount % When
Australian Pale Ale Malt 3.75 kg 71.4 % In Mash/Steeped
UK Pale Ale Malt 0.50 kg 9.5 % In Mash/Steeped
German CaraAmber 0.30 kg 5.7 % In Mash/Steeped
German Wheat Malt 0.25 kg 4.8 % In Mash/Steeped
Sugar - Invert Sugar (Golden) Syrup 0.45 kg 8.6 % End Of Boil

Variety Alpha Amount Form When
Australian Pride Of Ringwood 9.2 9 g Pelletized Hops First Wort Hopped
Australian Pride Of Ringwood 9.2 10 g Pelletized Hops All Of Boil
Australian Pride Of Ringwood 9.0 20 g Pelletized Hops At turn off

the crystal is up a bit because that Coopers yeast is so damn hungry!

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