Portion Control How Long Can Your Make Your Corny Keg Last ?

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brewtrekker said:
6-12 weeks those must be Middies not Schooners !!
Nope. 2 schooners/night for Fri/Sat/Sun = 6 schooners/week. 6/week = about 2.8l. 19l/2.8l = 6.7 weeks.

Some weekends I drink wine.

So yeah. 6-12 weeks.

brewtrekker said:
I cannot avoid drinking on weeknights when Im sitting on over six kegs of delicious home brew in my garage !!! You have more will then the rest of us or just less beer !
Control.... you must learn control.....
With 4 full kegs, and at least one of them usually being 7 or 8%, it will last 3 months or more. That's only drinking on weekends.
Bloody hell, some of you people drink fast! Assuming I've got 3 kegs full to begin with, and I can brew every 3 or 4 weeks, An average keg lasts me over a month, admittedly I might supplement that with quality commercial micros every now and then. I'm either a lightweight, or such a Fat Bastard I have no mates willing to sponge my cheap beer!
My current record is 3 years - just this arvo I emptied the last few litres of a forgotten imperial stout keg into bottles.
I'm opposite to the above posters. A couple of schooners after work. A heavy like I'm on now 2 weeks and counting a mid like the last few a week a keg. But I could drink more without falling over. It's horses for coarses. A keg will serve a brewer a s much as he drinks.. Some drink more than others. Some drink a lot more than others. Work out whT you drink as a rule, eg I'm a 3 pack a night man after work, is a 2.25l a night drinker over my 4 nights at work etc..etc
Some of the figures on here scare me just a little. I plan on being around when I'm 70, still drinking home brew. I was worried about my own consumption however some of the posts on here blow that away 4 fold.
I used to keg, but I also used to drink way to much. It's hard not to when you know yu have al that beer on tap. Depending who was around a keg would last a week to a month. I've gone back to bottles now, I always forget to top the fridge up and appreciate them more, knowing how much time I put into them.
Control.... you must learn control.....

I have all the control in the world I can go two weeks without having a drop and just did. I just really love my homebrew and I put heaps of time and effort into making it the best I can. Plus Im into variety. Cream ale, porters, hefe, saison, double IPa, imperial stouts, etc I am constantly trying something new.
dent said:
My current record is 3 years - just this arvo I emptied the last few litres of a forgotten imperial stout keg into bottles.
That is just crazy mate. The packings on your keg will rot off before you finish your beer !!
brewtrekker said:
That is just crazy mate. The packings on your keg will rot off before you finish your beer !!
Actually, I have a keg of a sour Belgian Golden that's still half full and pushing 5 years old now.

Its too sour (for me) to drink on its own so i blend it with other things. I'm currently mixing it with a stout (70% stout 30% sour). lovely. But it is taking a long while to get through.
Have 6 full size cornies and work on keeping different styles on tap. I'll only brew once every 3-4 weeks (normally) and will take a fair while to get through each keg.

Problem is though I might have 4 of the same beers on tap for 3 months bit then when one goes another one goes shortly afterwards.
My cornies have lasted since I bought them a few years ago. The beer inside keeps getting consumed though.
Droopy Brew said:
7-10 days. Need more fermenting space in the fridge.
Have knocked off one in a night with 4 drinkers- the following day was a bit rough.
I did this on a camping trip two nights running, I took 2 kegs for the easter break thinking that would be more than enough for 4 blokes for 4 days (they had slabs too). nope one keg a night and then we polished off 3 slabs and 3 bottles of scotch by the end of the 4 days..

Rough easter...
danestead said:
Some of the figures on here scare me just a little. I plan on being around when I'm 70, still drinking home brew. I was worried about my own consumption however some of the posts on here blow that away 4 fold.
Good for you, each to their own.

My legs are sporadic, when friends get involved I lose them quick (6 kegs gone on grand final day, and if I had more, more would've been drunk!), but on average around 3 weeks? I'd say at a guess.
syl said:
Good for you, each to their own.

My legs are sporadic, when friends get involved I lose them quick (6 kegs gone on grand final day, and if I had more, more would've been drunk!), but on average around 3 weeks? I'd say at a guess.
Freudian slip?

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