Perth Suggestions

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I got to Perth yesterday and am staying on the beach at a very windy Mandurah.

Work today and tomorrow, but have Saturday free before catching the red eye back to Cairns around 11.00pm Saturday night.

My wife and bub are also here and as it is our first visit here, we could use some tips on the best places to see on Saturday.

We'll be going to Little Creatures sometime in the early afternoon, but if you are a first time visitor, what are some of the highlights of the city and surrounding areas?

if you are a first time visitor, what are some of the highlights of the city and surrounding areas?


Pistol Pat , Katie ... Haha ...

Was about to say what the hell its 07:30 you should be at work , but perth explains it .. normal time to be online...

Duff, if that's your wife in the pic in Post #1, I'd really like to catch up :).

Seriously though, it would be great to join you for a beer on Saturday arvo if you're up for company. I'll have to behave though as I have to go out that night.

If you are up for company, I'm sure a few others will want to lead you astray as well.

Maybe prior to this, do the Fremantle Gaol tour. It is every half hour and is very interesting. (Goes for an hour). You could then get a feed and a beer at the Sail and Anchor. Opposite this are the Fremantle Markets where hippies are on permanent display.

You could then walk down to Little Creatures via the Roundhouse and maybe the Maritime Museum.

I'll send you my phone number now.

Hope we get to see your wife you.

Im brewing on Saturday but wouldnt mind a pint a Creatures... what time?
Im up for a train ride to Freo , what time ? Weather dependent ! Shite weather = no GB.Shall I bring Greg :lol:

Should we met you at Clancy's or Little Creatures first GB? Ill finish brewing around 1.00....
It looks like it might be filthy weather on Saturday.

Well non-beer related a trip up to Kings Park is nice. Check out the Boab tree and take the tree top walk. In Mandurah you can take a trip in the estuary and do some Dolphin spotting (you would be very unlucky not to spot one)
Duff were are you staying as Fremantle is a little way from the city?
Very jealous!!! wish I was back home in Freo to join you all :(
miss my old stomping ground...
Thanks for the ideas.

Pat, I have your number. I don't know how the day will pan out tomorrow but I'd think we'd be around LC early afternoon.

Will send you a message when we are getting close.

Hi Duff,

It would be great to catch up with one of forum's old timers (been reading your posts for years now), and I'm hanging out for a beery afternoon, but sport taxi-ing - my usual Saturday afternoon job, will probably intervene unless I can trade a large number of points for a pass. We'll see how we go.

Given your short stay, Freo is probably the best spot, but it sounds like that is already sorted. Clancy's is worth a look - usually have a bit of a range (diminishing) of local beers and is a pretty relaxed spot out the back. Reviews of Mad Monk vary a bit, but it might be worth a quick sample and its very close to both Sail & Anchor and LC's.

Have a great day if I don't see you.
It looks as though Duff has had to change flights so it's a no go for this arvo.

Sorry to miss you Duff (and your wife) but will look forward to seeing you at the Swap :super:

All the best,

Sorry I missed you and some of the other WA brewers, our stop at LC had to be very brief.

As it is turning out, I will be back in Perth in around 6 weeks for a follow up work trip. This trip will be without the wife and bub.

I'll get back in touch a week or so out and we'll make a definate time.


Sorry I missed you and some of the other WA brewers, our stop at LC had to be very brief.

As it is turning out, I will be back in Perth in around 6 weeks for a follow up work trip. This trip will be without the wife and bub.

I'll get back in touch a week or so out and we'll make a definate time.


hopefully the weather will be better for you...