Perlick Flow Control Taps

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Careful Spiesy, when I installed my Perlicks I poured about 8 pints, just to make sure the next one poured well too. Drunk AS
lol... I am very tempted to keep on testing, but waiting for a mate to come round to shoot some hoops... so just a couple of glasses have been poured so far.
My two taps drip.
Over the years I've gotten into the habbit of disconnecting my beer lines after use so it's not really a problem, unless I forget.

Maybe I should do like Frothie and partially disassemble them.
Maybe some of this stuff might help.
The dripping problem with Perlick Creamers is caused by the creaming function stretching the floating O-ring at the back of the tap over time thus causing the tap to leak.
The solution is to replace the floating O-ring whenever the tap starts to drip.
The stretched O-ring will soon shrink back to its original size & be ready to replace the replacement when it starts to leak in a year or so depending on use.
Sadly, I could not find a floating O-ring replacement in Oz so had to get from the US. Perhaps you will have better luck if you go this way?
Just a couple of quick questions regarding these taps. Am building a keezer and must admit I thought I was doing pretty well until I started pricing up the hard ware! Was looking at gradually building up to 4 taps but with postage might as well jump straight in. These taps seem to have many happy users so seem like the way to go. There seem to be plenty of rumours of a SS version of the 545 but can't seem to find anyone stocking them, are they just rumours or do they actually exist?

Also has anyone had experience dealing with CHI? They seem to have the cheapest prices at the moment when shipping is factored in but would be interested to know what their service is like.

I'm going to have to drink a lot of homebrew to pay these off!
they will eventually send the items but the email use is tragic and useless as they just dont answer.
ordered form them twice with the only issue being 3 months before items were delivered.
I just received a couple of 545 flow control taps from Conner Breware(Sponsor above), good price and quick to process and post. I think from memory he had some sort of deal with shanks, can't remember if it was with 545s or not though.
Thanks for the replies. 3 months sounds like an incredibly long time to wait for delivery and have had a similar experience with their reponse rate to requests for information. I'll keep looking as I'm in no rush to make a decision on this.
Given the rumours regarding a stainless flow control tap from perlick I decided to contact them directly to see if there was any truth to it. They told me they were working on revamping the 525SS and the new model the 630SS would be available in march next year but there were currently no plans for a stainless version of the 545.

I have spoken to a few people who love flow control and I can see the benefits for having multiple taps off one CO2 cylinder at different pouring pressures and not needing as much tubing in a keezer.

So to summarize the options we have celli flow control that are not forward sealing and are comparatively expensive.

Perlick 545 PC which are forward sealing and flow control but not stainless steel.

Another stainless tap with an add on flow control.

Stainless taps with tubing to balance.

I'd be interested if anyone has stainless taps with an add on flow control adaptor and how well this works. Either way it is a major decision that hopefully I will only have to make once!
Thanks for the info contraian. I almost pushed the button on the chrome stainless last week, but decided to hold out for the stainless. Bugger. Interested to see if there are other options.
On my inside kegerator I had issues with the so called upgraded font/taps and could never get a beer that had a great head and had heaps of bubbles in the beer itself. I purchased one of these flow controls, it was **** and I could never get a good pour. I replaced it with a set of Perlick 545PC and have never looked back.

On my workshop fridge I've got the Keg King / Dorado flow control tap. I purchased 3. What did I think of them? I used one and gave the other two away. The one in use pours a beer, but if you over gas the keg a bit, it's hopeless as the flow control just makes it foam. It also has had prostate problems from day one, it always dribbles after your pour a beer.

A couple of brewers up here have Celi taps. Whilst the Perlicks are a great tap for an excellent price, the Celi taps are a better tap. When I win lotto and replace the crappy Dorado tap I will be looking at a Celi.

On the PC Vs SS tap debate, I think a lot comes down to quality of the chrome work. Stainless is best, but a decent chrome tap will last many years. My Dorado (sorry to pick on it again) the chrome is gone on the inside of the tap, no sign of it left; bit of a worry since I've probably ingested it. Whilst my original standard taps I purchased about 9 years ago are still in use at my mates place, and still have the chrome intact.
I swapped my 545PCs to 525SS after losing quite a lot of the chrome plating out of the interior of the tap and into my beer. Was not impressed after spending quite a bit of cash on them. Stainless steel all the way for me, not worth the hassle.
I ordered 2 545pc's from CHI company and they arrived in a matter of weeks. They must have had them in stock. If you want better service I guess you have to pay a little more, but horses for courses.

I've found them to be fantastic. I have about 70cm of beer line for each tap and leave the gas on a constant .8 bar. Also able to wind the pour right down when filling bottles. Pretty win win for me.
Thanks for the feedback. It sounds like there is a lot of praise for the 545 PC taps but that stainless will always last longer.

In my searching for the perfect tap I cam across these

While they are not cheap they are stainless and if not specifcally forward sealing must be a close approximation. It also looks like they have upgraded the design on their flow controller from the ones Qld Kev had problems with. The main issue with these would be that they don't seem to be tried and true but at around half the price of cellis for a SS flow control tap I wonder if they are worth a look...
contrarian said:
Thanks for the feedback. It sounds like there is a lot of praise for the 545 PC taps but that stainless will always last longer.

In my searching for the perfect tap I cam across these

While they are not cheap they are stainless and if not specifcally forward sealing must be a close approximation. It also looks like they have upgraded the design on their flow controller from the ones Qld Kev had problems with. The main issue with these would be that they don't seem to be tried and true but at around half the price of cellis for a SS flow control tap I wonder if they are worth a look...
They look very similar to the ones used at the Belgian Beer Cafe at Eureka in Melbourne. Those flow controls were an absolute joy to use. I have never used an easier pouring tap!
QldKev said:
On my inside kegerator I had issues with the so called upgraded font/taps and could never get a beer that had a great head and had heaps of bubbles in the beer itself. I purchased one of these flow controls, it was **** and I could never get a good pour. I replaced it with a set of Perlick 545PC and have never looked back.
I have been down the same road with the same outcome, beware or the Perlick creamers, they are notorious for leaking. I know one brewer who bought some well after I had my 545PC's, my 545PC's are still fine, he has had to rekit already.

GalBrew said:
They look very similar to the ones used at the Belgian Beer Cafe at Eureka in Melbourne. Those flow controls were an absolute joy to use. I have never used an easier pouring tap!
If they are the same tap then I am sure the next hurdle will be getting them to Australia! So far I have only seen them on the US site at $93 for the tap, so add shanks and postage and it won't be a cheap exercise but still substantially cheaper than cellis with flow control.

With the PC I wonder how much difference climate makes? For example living on the coast or inland etc. Just a thought as I live at the beach and things tend to wear hard here.
I've taken the plunge. 8 of the roto taps ordered, comes to just about 550 usd delivered. Ordered more to split the postage. I'm going to keep 3, peeps are welcome to grab the 5 extras. At cost etc.
Pref Canberra pickup since I get bugger all chance to get to a post shop.

In related news, 3x 545PC up for sale, 2x vgc. 1x gc (little chrome removal on outside near spout). 30, 30, 25 resp. Or 70 bux the lot.
Got asked for pics of the taps. Bit difficult to put in a pm. Here you go mate, note slight chrome wearing on the third one, hence the discount.



Internally the taps are in great condition as taps in use.