Pale ale / galaxy hops

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ok so i just dry hopped 15 grams of galaxy. No bag, Im curious as the best way to get my beer out, Im reading alot about clogging ect. I dont have a siphon I have a tap at the bottom of the fermenter which i attach a bottling tube. I live in Canberra and its winter. Im thinking the night before I bottle should I place the fermenter outside to "cold crash"?

Thanks guys!
No no brew fridge. Im pretty new to this. It gets to -2 -3 over night here at the moment. Whats the worst case scenario here? I dont mind a floaty or two, I just dont want to struggle with a clogged valve
Don't worry about clogging. 15 grams is nothing. They will fall well below the tap level.

If you are really keen you can leave it out somewhere overnight for a mini crash chill but I never did that before I got a brew fridge and never had a clogged tap with that level of dry hopping
I don't cold crash generally, and have dry hopped 20 litres with up to 50 grams and haven't had any issues with clogging/floaties. I like your idea of crashing overnight though. And you could do it with something wedged under the tap side of the fermenter, that way the trub will slide backwards, away from the tap inlet.
Elderfi said:
So i put my brew down last night. I boiled 15 grams of galaxy in around 200 grams of BE2. for 12 minutes ( i was trying to remember all of my head and i fear I may have overdone the boil?) I then chucked it all in the fermenter as per usual. I just used the kit yeast ( as the LHBS was closed and I was eager to get this underway).

OG= 1050

the pre pitched wort had a definitive bitter taste to it, however no more bitter than the after taste of a Coopers Pale Ale. I guess the result I am after is the Galaxy aroma/ flavour, balanced with bitterness. I feel I've achieved the bitterness, will the dry hop deliver the flavour / aroma?

BTW the 15 grams of Galaxy pellets went along way in terms of additional bitterness in the boiled wort. Will 15 grams be too much in the dry hop?

I use a paint strainer bag from bunnings., boil to sterilise, through in hops a shot glass for weight, tie it off and throw it in. 15 grams is no worries. In fact just done 30 grams.
Shot glass B) I like it.
I always go with a bag but I did throw 25g straight into the FV once. After another week and a bit they settled out in the trub, and he bottler didn't block. Some hop matter did make it through though and considering that I now keg I'll continue to bag.
I just took a gravity reading and some hop matter got through but it really doesnt bother me. The galaxy aroma is defintly there but its not very strong. Its only been in the dry hop for 2days, Should I put more in? BTW gravity is 1010
Let it sit with the dry hops for another 3-5 days and it'll be fine.

Next time, you'll know to keep the boil time short ( ie 5-10 Minutes) and if you need to add more hops according to your own personal preference.

It's your beer and it needs to be about what YOU like. The 15 grams is still releasing the compounds from the hops responsible for the aroma and to a degree, flavour. 5-7 days is considered pretty standard. Give it time.

Typical dry hopping would be 1-2 grams per litre of beer. Up to you. Sometimes subtle is good.

yeah i will definetly keep it to a short boil next time. The wort was bitter, I dont mind the bitterness though. Im really excited about the galaxy flabour/ aroma and thats what im hoping to achieve with the dry hop.
Using a sock is the better option next time, just throw a couple of sanatised stainless steel bolts in the weigh the sock down and u will get the great aroma without the hassle of a murky beer (if u can't cold crash that). By the way I love galaxy as well, if you get a chance try some citra as it is awesome as well.
i just went and purchased a new can of coopers apa goop and be2 i still have stacks of galaxy left would a galaxy/citra mix work? any other suggestions?
Elderfi said:

i just went and purchased a new can of coopers apa goop and be2 i still have stacks of galaxy left would a galaxy/citra mix work? any other suggestions?
Yup, it'll work. Just up to your taste buds as to how well it works. Galaxy and topaz also work well as does galaxy and cascade, galaxy and Nelson Sauvin, galaxy on toast with vegemite etc etc etc.
Elderfi said:
I just took a hydrometer reading and had a taste. Its taste great!
In that case you should be on a winner. Hydro samples never taste anywhere near as good as the finished beer!

Give this 3 months in the bottles and it will be even better, if you can bear to leave it that long!

I've never added Galaxy to my beer, looks like I better try it.
I have been using up to 75g of galaxy in a pacific ale clone. I love it. So easy to make and such a nice beer. Been mixing boil times up a bit but still very similar results. All I use is 2 cans of coopers light and 250g of wheat malt in 70 degree water for 20mins then the hops and us05 yeast. I just bottled one yesterday which I dry hopped on day 3 and 4 with 25g and the bottling tube clogged a few times but wasn't too bad
I have bottled now patiently waiting.... the wort tasted good, the dry hopping was the best thing ive done so far. Im worried i may have an issue with head retention and the body of the beer. This is only because ive used Be2. Im hearing mixed results about Be2. for my next batch would using a can of light with APA goop be the best option?

My first batch I made a JSAA clone it came with a can of whispering wheat (blackrock) and a pouch of mangorve jacks blonde, I accidently put an additional kilo of dex into it. It tastes good after about a 3 weeks in the bottle and i think it will taste really good after about 6months, however it is super strong. But it has a really good mouth feel and holds a great head (ill post a photo next bottle I crack)

Id love for my pale ale to have the same head retention, fingers crossed!
I'm now in possession of some nice hop flowers (and voile at $4.79 per m at spotlight), to make some hop bags and some nice big galaxy pale ale - probably a S&W style one, maybe using a saison yeast.