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ours just chilling with #2 daughter

We got Mingles from the Cat Haven they guessed she was one year old. We have had her for a year now! She loves our dogs!
Bucky our overfed slug of a Birman. :blink: Can be a prick at times.

Warren -

I couldn't resist posting a pic of my cat. this is her at about 1 week old:

and this is her more recently, sitting behind her current "housemate"
At first WW I thought it was the cat in the front thought gee that cat has changed....

shes little isnt she!

Thanks Beernut :icon_chickcheers:
Don't have pets at the moment apart from the magpie family and about forty lorikeets but I don't know if I could ever bring myself to have a cat again after dear old Sebastian passed away a couple of years ago :( . He was more like a dog and would go bushwalking with me, trotting alongside like a little terrier and when I changed the oil and filters in the car he would sit on the engine block just to be near me.


Edit: SWMBO is a no-pets person and was a bit annoyed when Seb came to live with us and treated the animal with kindness but no apparent affection. One day I was in the yard and there was a window open and I heard to my astonishment "Who's a lovely little puss puss, who's Mummie's favouwite favouwite little darling..... give mummie a big huggy wuggy " :lol: :lol:
At first WW I thought it was the cat in the front thought gee that cat has changed....

shes little isnt she!

Thanks Beernut :icon_chickcheers:

no - the other one is huge - about 9kg!

(Ok, she is also smaller than your average cat)
That is bizarre Bribie, a walking cat, my partner takes our two dogs for a midnight walk most nights and our cat goes. She loves being part of the family.
that's so cute!

I have tried and failed to get a number of my cats to walk on a lead
Its walk on the lead or stay inside, so he got use to it. All most lost him due to snake bite, $700 later all good.
Its walk on the lead or stay inside, so he got use to it. All most lost him due to snake bite, $700 later all good.

unfortunately my cat is a spoilt little brat who always get her way in the end... the only variable is whether I try to stop her and end up with claw marks or not
Our cat has lots of personality, none of its nice...

Weighing in at a whopping 8.3Kg.... Axl...



Here is my little mate "Jasper" on my Mums knitting, keeping nice and warm during the cold evening

Maggie (black) - from the Animal Welfare League
Isabelle - from the RSPCA

I really never thought of myself as a cat person. Mates have dogs and give me shit all the time for not having one. I like my garden the way it is....

And as someone who up till last season suffered from major hayfever, these 2 have all but cured me.

Both love the smell of the mash but cant stand the final product. They would lick the mash tun clean if i let them!

Our cat has lots of personality, none of its nice...

Weighing in at a whopping 8.3Kg.... Axl...


What a classic...

and yes Dr S our dog has eaten every herb we have grown. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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