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Some really nice looking cats here.

Here's my Abbey, he's a bit gender disorientated as he was supposed to be a female when we bought him but turned out to be a male at desexing time, but the name has stuck.

I have two - an older male and a younger female.

Female loves to help with all aspects of brewing including weighing and crushing grain:


Older one just likes to sit:


Both love to eat:

Here is our cat Maggie, from the Hahndorf Animal Shelter.

1 year old, lots of attitude, especially when the neighbours cats are on the other side of the window!

^------ Gooooooooooooooood morning cat lovers!
Two pages and not one pussy joke!

This is AHB, right?
Cats are a blight on nature. Dislike their love for the native birds :angry:!

Wholeheartedly agree TDA & don't forget the numerous other native species they destroy. Feral cats are the worst but those domestic types aren't far behind in the killing stakes. :angry:
Just came across an article in the Sunday Mail claiming that cats are becoming a less popular choice of pet by reason of the above & availability due to compulsory de-sexing. :party:

your mates a wanka if you dont mind me saying so, unless your talking feral cats and then i'll retract my opion.

your mate needs to think about the fact that the cat maybe someones beloved pet. If your 'mate' did that to my cat (or dog) I'd take him to a special spot I have where me and him would spend some one on one time. he wouldnt like it.

Im sure this post will get removed so i hope you read it before it does get pulled.
Meet Aanuka -

Shes a Dat (half dog half cat)...plays fetch whilst i sit on the couch drinking throwing her paper, brings it back every single time. Thinks shes second in charge behind me but in front of the wife. Rescused from a vet in south melb who found the kittens in an alley. The junglist stripes and white socks are what pushed me ober the line choosing from 6 other kittens.

Dont hate TDA - he's a good bloke, just hate on his opion.

Just realised i may have contradicted myself by sayng i prefer my mice dead over alive in the mice in grain thread.

all a matter of opion - MC Conrad.

plus just quitley i reckon he was stirring the kettle ;)
Bum... biscuit I love the name... Bum and Biscuit.... he he he!

I love cats some people hate them! + 1 to what Andrew said!

And yes CM2 I dont think he would.
I was a dog person and my wife a cat person. that was until we got a cat. she made me choose the cat from the rspca so i would choose one that suited me. now i like cats also. we also have 2 dogs. all of them get on great together. the cat even grooms them.
socrates the cat, charlie and oscar the dogs.

edit: i dont have an issue with TDA just his knob of a mate
We have one cat (Mingles) when we decided to get one I wanted one RIGHT NOW, so lloyd was not working that day so off to the cat shelter he picked a beauty, she also like our two dogs, Red Heeler (suzie she is nearly 17) and a Puggle (Lauren she is 6 months old and a nut case). Only in the last 3 months have we changed the two dogs over to a natural diet, so no biscuits or pal just bones, offal and vegetables (uncooked). Suzie who had a bad bladder problem and we thought she was on her way out is completely cured! What used to take them 50seconds to eat there dinner can now take 20 minutes chewing up chicken cacuses!

edit: I dont mind people shooing our cat out of there yard etc but know kicking or dunking!
yeah our cat fights the dogs for fresh meat and roo tail bones.

shooing an animal is fine but no need to be cruel. agreed. hell we had one neighbour who loved our cat and would let it inside their house to keep them company during the day whilst we were at work. they did draw the line one day when they found sox in their car and they were going on a fishing trip. obviously the bait smelt too good pass up. they foudn sox in their car half way down the street. silly cat
LOL.... that happened with Lloyd half way down the road, Mingles jumped out the window and body rolled.... she didnt land on her feet!
Animal cruelty, regardless of the animal is not acceptable.

Absolutely agree with you there Andrew.
Cruelty to any animal is absolutely deplorable & BTW I do not "hate" cats. I just think they are a menace to the environment for the reasons I have stated in my post. If a friend has a cat I will be kind to the creature even though I have my own opinion about it.

That said, there are no crueler creatures on this planet than the human race. No animals on earth do to each other what we do to our fellow humans.
And we call ourselves civilised? :(

I think he'd learn even more spending a little time in the fucken drum.

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