Oatmeal Stout

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even though I have plenty of 1028 slurry in the fridge i can still see a 1084 yeast bill coming up this weekend.
Sometimes i cant get started on those starters. :lol: :lol: Leave it too late in the week.
Plus the 1084 would be more in keeping with this style of beer. (Just convincing myself here).
Going to be flat out this weekend but hopefully will do a part mash of this style. I love Stouts , porters and dark beers.

cheers tl much appreciated
break down is as follows
3.4 pale
.680 crystal 140
.113 black patent
.170 carafa special 2
.170 oatmeal

should be enough base malt me hopes

big d
Big D,
Ya got heaps of diastatic power there mate!
thanks heaps tl its another :blink: subject i will need to read up on.geez this hobby is unreal.the deeper you go the more you uncover.
i love it

thanks mate ;)
You guys have raised some goods point. Can anyone point in the direction of a good site or book that talks about grains. I'm interested in the diastatic powers of different grains. What is done to a grain to make it 'flaked' and probably another one million questions i can think of right now.

...theres one. How does the modification effect a grain. ie What is so bad about over modified grains!
In very general terms, the degree of modification is largely attributed to the range of growth of the acrospire that germinates from the grain during the malting process. There is a relationship between the acrospire and the generation of enzymes in the grain that modify the starch reserves that the acrospire uses.
Palmer does a neat description of this here....

If you want to learn more about understanding malt profiles, including diastatic power, get a strong coffee and have a read of this article by Noonan - it's heavy going, but it does provide you with all you would want to know about understand those techo looking malt profiles that you see on the Weyermann, Hoepfner etc websites devoted to flogging their malts. The article's here....
TL :chug:
wedge said:
TDA, i just notice you had 890g of crystal in the recipe. How apparent was this? I dont think i've tried that much crystal before. What did you think?
wedge, I reckon the amount of crystal is balanced by the roastiness of the darker malts. I did a 23litre batch. and upped the OG to 1060 and Bitterness to 30 IBU.
Would you like to sample some? PM me if you wish. I live in Hallett Cove.

wedge said:
Can anyone point in the direction of a good site or book that talks about grains.

snipped another bit>

...theres one. How does the modification effect a grain. ie What is so bad about over modified grains!
Noonan is a god, read that stuff. If your like me you'll need to read it more than once. The book is one very very impressive and a valuble things to have.

As far as the oatmeal stout goes it sounds like the ******** home brew store guy that would only ever use 200g of flaked barley needs a new job. Poor bastard. :blink:

I think the 800g odd of crystal is not too much i think the key is getting to know your yeast and mashing tech then working out from experience what you will get as far as attenuation.

Everyone is invited to the g-spot to drain a whole keg of my oatmeal stout on saturday. So i hope to see most of you there.
I have another one also which i'll bring along to judges the two skunk fart oaties side by side. :chug:

Too bad I'm in Melb. Sounds like a good thing getting over to Goliaths to try that stout.
After reading the feedback on this thread and seeing that great piccy of Andrews I have decided to make one this weekend. I will go through the thread and work out the best ingredients for a part mash.
mmmm i love dark beers.

johnno said:
After reading the feedback on this thread and seeing that great piccy of Andrews I have decided to make one this weekend. I will go through the thread and work out the best ingredients for a part mash.
mmmm i love dark beers.

Let us know what your final recipe is, as this bad boy is next on my hit list. I'm a **** for a Stout :chug: :chug: :chug:

This is what i was thinking for mine:

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
1.50 kg Dark Liquid Extract (34 EBC) Extract 33.3 %
2.00 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) US (4 EBC) Grain 44.4 %
0.50 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236 EBC) Grain 11.1 %
0.15 kg Barley, Flaked (3 EBC) Grain 3.3 %
0.15 kg Oats, Flaked (2 EBC) Grain 3.3 %
0.10 kg Black (Patent) Malt (1100 EBC) Grain 2.2 %
0.10 kg Chocolate Malt (900 EBC) Grain 2.2 %
60.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.0%] (60 min) Hops 24.2 IBU

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.048 SG (1.035-1.060 SG) Measured
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.010-1.018 SG) SG
Estimated Color: 54 EBC (69-394 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 24.2 IBU (20.0-50.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.7 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 4.6 % (3.3-6.0 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 0.0 %
SJW. Just a thought. Those lovely dark grain flavours you are adding could get lost behind the residual flavour from the dark LME. What about using light malt and upping the dark grains a bit?
Hi all,
This is the recipe I will most likel;y go with. After reading all the recipes here, checking the Maltcraft specs and working hard all morning I reckon I have more or less come to a conclusion. Its more or less a combination of all the recipes posted on this thread. Thanks all.

3.00 Kilos Pale DME
1 kilo base malt. Probably Marris Otter
.400 Kilo Flaked Oats
.400 kilo Crystal
.300 kilo Choc malt
.200 kilo Black malt
.150 Kilo Roasted Barley
Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale yeast
I will probably at this stage use EKG for bittering.

This is my first attempt at anything like this and all the info was gleaned from this thread.
I will have a chat to the friendly lads at The Grain and Grape tomorrow and see what they suggest as well.
Any comments, good , bad or indifferent welcome.

Got my Oat stout on today as per the recipe i posted earlier.
Thanks once again to everyone posting all the info from their recipes . I used EKG. I also used 1 minute oats from aldi. Tastes marvelous.
SG of 1060 so it will be a big one. 22 litres and a 1 litre starter. Cant wait till its ready.
So boys how did they all turn out? and what version of the recipe did you use?
I read thru this post and came up with the following
Malts. Pale 4100
Chock 250
Roast 100
Crystal 500
Roast barley 350
Flaked Oats 500
Bittered to 38 IBU and pitched Wy 1084 and fermented at 18C. The brew dropped 44 points from 1057 giving me about 6%Av. I packaged yesterday after 2 weeks in secondary and thought I would have a sip of the half stubby left over. Well, I drank the lot and marvelled. It slides right down. I dont know whether to call it Giddygiddy Stout or Slippery Stout for both names apply.
Mine started at 1060. Stopped at 1030 :angry: 3 days later and is currentlt at 1024 in secondary. 2 and a half weeks after I made it up.
I am trying to get it down to 1020. Then bottle the bugger.
Still tastes delicious.

This is what i am going to put down next week, but i was wonding what the hell is Cara-pils? Beersmith says it increases head & retention, so is it worth adding some to this recipe ro will the crystal do a similar job?
Also is there a ratio of Quick Oats to Base malt grain to avoid 10 lires of porage. I have got 1kg of Base malt to 500g of Oats.
I reckon i could make this one up to 25 litres with an estimated OG of 1064 at 23l.

Brew Type: Partial Mash Date: 10/08/2004
Style: Oatmeal Stout Brewer: STEVE WRIGHT
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 15.00 L Boil Time: 90 min
Equipment: My Equipment Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %
Taste Rating (50 possible points): 0.0

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
3000.00 gm Pale Liquid Extract (3 EBC) Extract 52.6 %
1000.00 gm Pale Malt (2 Row) US (4 EBC) Grain 17.5 %
500.00 gm Oats, Flaked (2 EBC) Grain 8.8 %
400.00 gm Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (250 EBC) Grain 7.0 %
300.00 gm Chocolate Malt (887 EBC) Grain 5.3 %
200.00 gm Black (Patent) Malt (985 EBC) Grain 3.5 %
200.00 gm Roasted Barley (1900 EBC) Grain 3.5 %
100.00 gm Barley, Flaked (3 EBC) Grain 1.8 %
60.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.0%] (90 min) Hops 20.8 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs SafAle English Ale (DCL Yeast #S-04) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.064 SG (1.035-1.060 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 0.000 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.017 SG (1.010-1.018 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 0.000 SG
Estimated Color: 102 EBC (69-394 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 20.8 IBU (20.0-50.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.7 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 6.2 % (3.3-6.0 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 0.0 %
Actual Calories per 12 oz: 0 cal
I will be bottling my Oatmeal Stout tonight, it started at 1.056 and dropped to 1.025 in 3-4 days, that was 10 days ago and has only dropped another point since.

This is the first beer I have made that I could drink the whole lot straight out of the fermenter.....yum. :lol:

Grain Bill was

3.5kg IMC Trad Ale
1.25kg Galaxy
520g CaraMunich II
500g Uncle Toby's 5 min oats
400g JW Roast Barley
100g JW Roasted Malt
100g Chocolate Malt

35g Northern Brewer @ 60 min for 43 IBU


Mines all gone :( was a nice drop too. Next time I will up the quick oats to 500g and perhaps 20% more roast and choc malt.

Got a few brews in line before I will get back to a stout ...
Crispy said:
I will be bottling my Oatmeal Stout tonight, it started at 1.056 and dropped to 1.025 in 3-4 days, that was 10 days ago and has only dropped another point since.
Hiya Crispy,
What yeast did you use for this?