NSW Fires..

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The Wastelands
Hope everyone is alright out west of sydney!

My house is in cranebrook, but about 6km south of the fires! They are heading east at the moment towards the northern road.. I hear the Windsor one is bad as well!

Hopefully everyone's stuff comes through alright.. There's already been 2 lost properties!
My sister and her family left Bligh Park for an impromptu stay with the olds earlier this arvo. With a 2 week old in the house it was the only choice.
The wind shifted a little around 3 pm and smothered our workshop at Rivo with a post apocalyptic smog.
Supposed to get a storm this arvo. Judging by the stars I can see out the window and hot breeze I can feel on the side of my face, I'm guessing I'll be watering the plants manually again.
Not good.
Luckily for us we have had the wettest winter in at least 60 years so no fires for us for a while but once things dry out I am sure I will need my cfs gear.
Thats the problem, no clearing, and on today of all days (30+kmph HOT winds) they decided to do some massive spread out back burning.. probably started the hawksbury one themselves!

From what ive heard on the news, the castlereagh and windsor ones may have been deliberately lit.. **** heads!
Castlereagh fire started from a shed that caught fire and got away. Straight from fire command about an hour ago.

Hope everyone out that way is OK.
Not good, looking like a hellish fire season ahead for many areas.

Have had the odd day or two on firefronts looking after crews over the years. Not good. Just hope there's no repeats of the last few bad seasons. Bad enough to lose properties and livelihoods, but loss of life changes the landscape of families for generations.

Be safe.