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Certified Pisswreck
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Hey Gang.
As much as i hate to do it, but im gunna have 2 weeks off the booze.
Started today, bit of a new year detox i guess.
Doesnt sound like a long time, but i could roll onto a month, see how i go.
Anyone else doing the same atm?

On the bright side at least it gives more time for my brews to age!
A lot of people have an alcohol free month, they usually choose February because it's short.

That's it, no deer for a month.
Did it back in the '90's when working behind the bar and doing uni part time.

Lost 7kg in 2 weeks from not drinking, then dropped another 4kg in the next two weeks when I cut out the soft drink and the packets of chips.

Good luck with yours.


Yeah, Im mainly doing it to drop some kg's.
My 134kg battleship needs to be reduced lol.
Jesus. No offence (seriously) but unless you're like 6ft5 you're gonna need to do more than 2 weeks, Jig. Best of luck with it.
I am currently only entertaining the idea of a month off mid year (read: July) because it is in the cold part of the year.

Good work. It will be worth it. All the best on your journey j1gsaw.
I will be having 2 weeks off the Booze every 2 weeks as part of my new Job and being on a "Dry Camp" :(

I dont drink shitloads really, about 1+ Cartons per week so it will be interesting to see how much Weight I drop in that 2 weeks... :unsure:

:icon_cheers: CB
Jesus. No offence (seriously) but unless you're like 6ft5 you're gonna need to do more than 2 weeks, Jig. Best of luck with it.

6" Close enough.

Used to bodybuild, was 138kg at my biggest.
6" Close enough.

Used to bodybuild, was 138kg at my biggest.

Every year me and a mate go dry from New years to Australia day... so good having a nice lager in the pool come the 26th. I'm 6'5" and 112kg. Last year i went from 116kg to 102kg in the same period. I should think 138kg is a touch large...haha. Have always wanted to be that big sometime in my life, just to play rugby at tight-head... just once.

good luck with it mate... i'll be there with you.

Edit: splng
I try and do a month off each year. In 2009 I did january and mid september to mid october. I did it twice last year because it was really hard doing it in january as it is so hot and I was begging for a drink. My advice is to do it during a cooler month...
Did my first alcohol free month mid November to mid December last year. I didn't even brew during that time. Choose a month that suits you, but for me the winter months are the hardest, thats when all the rich dark beers seem to come out of the cellars.....

i'm on board with you j1saw. after a very bingful december it's detox january. 3 days in and i'm bored out of my mind (i'm eating very healthy and drinking just water). it'll be worth it, need a break once in a while.
cheers, murray
Moderation, learn some.

No need to take a whole month off (or two weeks) cold turkey. That'll possible lead to a big old binge when you finish.

Aim for x AFDs per week, where x is one more than you usually have, and increase that to 3 or 4 over a few months. Also, reduce the amount you have during the week. There's no need to get blotto every bloody night. A good way could be to keep less bottles in the fridge, or if you have kegs... you're stuffed :eek:
There's no need to get blotto every bloody night.

its not a case of a "need" to get blotto....

All that great brew, and you might get hit by a bus tomorrow. May as well guzzle some more tonight. I cant take it with me, the bloody coffin would float out of the hole.
I work 2 afternoons / evenings a week and drink moderately on the day before work and have two alcohol free evenings at work, plus the next day alcohol free until beer o'clock. Does me. I gave up alcohol from 1995 to 2002, ended up on Prozac and still have the crowbar I bought from Bunnings to belt up the next door neighbour (didn't end up doing so). Then on holiday in the UK I went a pint of Boddingtons and that did it. On my return I was welcomed back into the arms of the ale. :)

And those who know me will vouch for the fact that I am the most amenable of people nowadays. Unless you get between me and my beer <_<
Ahh... I enjoy learning about beer as much, if not more than drinking it.

Seriously with the way the Aussie dollar is check out amazon and order in some beer books if you don't already have some.

How to Brew ~ John J. Palmer (overall)
Designing Great Beers ~ Ray Daniels (maths)
Nup radical brewing by mosher is awsome to read whilst off the booze. Interesting to read and keeps ur brewing juices flowing. I love that book.
I am doing Feb this year, my rule will be that any keg that hasn't had a tap attached yet can not be touched till March. So I'll be allowed to drink the kegs that are part full, this should allow me to have all 4 kegs (damn you rego being due over xmas, I could have bought more cheaply:p) actually full and allowed to condition for once.

Also I need to start watching my weight, I've gone from being 85kg and able to eat what ever I want and never gain weight to suddenly cracking 100, in the last 12 months........ :unsure:
Nup radical brewing by mosher is awsome to read whilst off the booze. Interesting to read and keeps ur brewing juices flowing. I love that book.

Continuing with off topic I got given this book for Christmas and not surprisingly, for those such as CM2 who know my brewing style, I love it.

On topic, although I have done the 'February' before after particularly heavy silly seasons but I definitely prefer the drink less option.
I drink rarely during the week, unless it is club night once a month, or I've got a new beer on tap or delivered, in which case I might have one on a couple of nights.
Between exercise and diet changes, not diets, I've gone from 97kgs last year to 87, which is fine for 6'3 for me...
And that's without giving up beer, because I'm not willing to do that unless forced...

The first time we did detox we had a weekend of retox come 1st March...
The first time we did detox we had a weekend of retox come 1st March...

That is the exact problem with taking "a month off", it's akin to a binge-purge cycle and does not promote healthy drinking habits.

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