Unhappy camper
Bloody Gen-Y. I expect it to update it's Facebook feed next.The thing lands and starts tweeting.
"Trip was long and boring. Mars is red. Can't wait for tonight's episode of Jersey Shore. Woooo"
Bloody Gen-Y. I expect it to update it's Facebook feed next.The thing lands and starts tweeting.
Severely overlooked, but hell, we just dropped a one-tonne mobile science station on Mars. On Mars!
In my opinion, that's awesome.
Edit: Added linky.
Sure is awesome. But also utterly useless to better our lot on earth, surely?
Definitely a big help to assist the underprivileged and starving of the world.
Wonder if conditions are right to grow barley and hops?
thanks. was searching the correct english "ross' bar". Thats not his craftbrewer bar though is it? Ive seen more recent ones with the font flooded
Think it was Sir Francis Drake who sailed round the world. Columbus... didn't he solve murder mysteries?Come on... the search for stelar mass black holes lead to wifi (http://www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/wlan_background.html)... who knows what this will bring. Besides - the quest for knowledge and all that. Imagine of Columbus had listened to those who said "round the world is all very well but its not much use for our peasants back home".
Closer to home I'm somewhat cheesed off. Brewed an Octoberfest yesterday. Was carying the full fermenter when I tripped over some crap the kids left lying around. My back went Twang. I had to sleep sitting up because I couldn't lie down.
On the plus side I didn't spill any. Fermenting away. Smells lovely.
thanks. was searching the correct english "ross' bar". Thats not his craftbrewer bar though is it? Ive seen more recent ones with the font flooded
https://twitter.com/sarcasticroverThe thing lands and starts tweeting.
there are 2 more lineup announcements to come, last year a bunch of good bands were announced after tickets had already sold out.
but yeah, $190 + booze is a pretty expensive day.
actually yeah I'll probably be there, should get a ticket sooner rather than later.You thimking of going to Bastardfest Liam.......just across the road from ArchiveHoping for pass-outs to chug some crafties.
It was $187 before they were announced anyway.tickets are $190, I blame metallica.