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Goddamn it feels good to be hitting my driver well again.
Barely play golf these days - pretty much rage quit because of my shit driving - but if i'm hitting it this well, along with a short game that's always been quite tidy, it's very tempting to get back out there more often.
Americans Beaten up for Greeting Women on New Year
Times News Network
Jan 02, 2012

Two Americans who tried to greet local women on New Year's were beaten up by passersby who perceived the gesture to be offensive.

Russelcay Francis, 48, and John Douglas, 47, and another unnamed comrade, who work as security personnel in a cargo ship, were in Tuticorin as their ship was anchored in the port.

On New Year's eve, after having a couple of drinks at a hotel where they were staying, they went to Palayamkottai-Tuticorin road. Police said Russelcay, Douglas and their friend were dancing on the road, inebriated, wishing passersby New Year.

Excited over the reciprocation they were receiving from two-wheeler riders, the three started shaking hands with women. At one stage, it was alleged that they started kissing local women.

Shocked and frightened by their behavior, the women started running away while local people who witnessed the incident were angered. Earlier, the Americans attempted to enter a local temple with shoes and beer bottles, which irked locals.
Agitated over their behavior, local people caught hold of two of the foreigners and thrashed them till police intervened. The police took them to hospital for treatment. The third seaman is missing.

Tuticorin Central Police station sources said Francis and Douglas were brothers from California. A case has been registered against them for harassing women as well as under Section 295A for hurting religious beliefs because they attempted to enter the Prasannavinayagar temple in the area with shoes and beer bottles.

... quite funny
Anyone in Perth will know what I'm on about- That ECU advert with the chick doing the 'vocals' sounding like she is dying or gargling metho.
It's so annoying.
jyo i don't know mate every ECU nurse chick i have met has always swallowed ;)
Have to love walking past the ATM at the shops and spotting a $50 that some previous person had left behind. Stood there for a couple of minutes to see if anyone came running over after realising they hadn't grabbed all their cash, no sign.......

Odd thing is I spotted one in the exact same machine roughly 6 months ago. Either I'm the luckiest person in that shopping centre, or part of a sting.....
One of those "how honest are people with tattoos" segments you see on ACA or Today Tonight, I'll bet...
I'm offended that you think I'd watch such bile.
There's not even that Robson chick to rub one out over anymore.
FFS... Some of these threads of late is like watching a retard trying to **** a door knob. :angry:
You know what rocks, handing in your resignation and a day later being chased up for a sickie you had last month.....

I walked into the time and attendance office and they asked if I have documentation for it, I said no and their response was "Oh well, guess we might as well approve it, after-all, what else are we going to do? Sack you??"

I'm currently weighing up if I should ask for a month off work after or before my annual review ;)
whats a sickie, whats an annual review for that matter ?

I haven't been in a permanent position for over a decade, it must be a pita to have to give notice and explain a day off fishing..

not bagging those that like the security of a permanent job btw, just sayin..
I resigned in Dec, gave 2 weeks notice and they walked me 2 days later.

Government job starts next Monday.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Pics or it didn't happen.


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