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Made my day Dave70!

The clam is a morphological favourite of mine. Its colon runs though the middle of its heart. The action of the heart causes excretion of waste. Love is ****. If you're a clam.
You city slickers can have your million dollar views of bricks, here's a view tonight from my backyard and it cost a lot less than that.
Not going to put this in the rant thread, after a pleasant day in the garden, settled down last night to read the newspaper, house prices in Melbourne and Sydney continuing to rise, levy on foreign ownership not making any difference because it is still cheaper for Mr Wong in China to pay that levy and continue to buy in our market.
Our big new shiny computer which serves the tax office and Centrelink recently sent out the amount one owes in Land Tax, this computer seems to be casting a wide net snaring those who no longer own that land and it is up to them to show that they no longer own that land, same thing happened in the quest to catch the dole bludgers. Cast a wide enough net and leave it up to the recipients of the dole to explain the reason why they are on disability or Centrelink payments.
While I have no complaints about paying land tax, I wonder what Mr Wong will do with his letter saying he owes land tax on the investment property he bought, and how does the tax office collect from a foreign investor?
Hopefully they either snag him at the airport when he tries to visit, or they just sell his place, take the tax and forward the rest of the cash on to him...
I've taken too long to say this but wide eyed, you need to stop using commas and use full stops often instead of separating sentences by paragraph.
Whew, I feel like I've lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.
My father in law is a senior lecturer in English and also a wine buff, I love mispronouncing wines, he always corrects me. Pinot Noir is my favourite, say it as read, gives him the ***** something solid.
wide eyed and legless said:
My father in law is a senior lecturer in English and also a wine buff, I love mispronouncing wines, he always corrects me. Pinot Noir is my favourite, say it as read, gives him the ***** something solid.
When you arrive at the table with your signature dish, do you say 'and now, my piece of resistance!'
Bridges said:
Hopefully they either snag him at the airport when he tries to visit, or they just sell his place, take the tax and forward the rest of the cash on to him...
Well if Mr Wong never visits Australia, the tax office would have to put a caveat on his house to stop him selling it. Though he probably would pay his land tax it would only be peanuts to him. It was just a thought that occured to me about how the ATO enforces overseas investors paying their dues.

Dave70 said:
When you arrive at the table with your signature dish, do you say 'and now, my piece of resistance!'
**** I am going to have to use that one. :lol:
Not a subject I know much about WEAL but given a local council can sell my property to recoup unpaid rates, surely the ATO can do something similar? I'd like to see Mr Wong actually contribute in some way.
And mr wang, mr hung, mr hang sen, mrs chong, chang and chow.

Could just say foreign investors (who might also be from Switzerland) and cover all bases.
manticle said:
And mr wang, mr hung, mr hang sen, mrs chong, chang and chow. Toby Wong.

Could just say foreign investors (who might also be from Switzerland) and cover all bases.
I wonder then, that instead of keeping up with the Jones' we should cover all bases by saying keeping up with the financially comfortable spendthrifts next door?

Cant be pigeon holing everyone with the name Jones now. :unsure:
Droopy Brew said:
I wonder then, that instead of keeping up with the Jones' we should cover all bases by saying keeping up with the financially comfortable spendthrifts next door?

Cant be pigeon holing everyone with the name Jones now. :unsure:
Exactly the same
Bridges said:
Not a subject I know much about WEAL but given a local council can sell my property to recoup unpaid rates, surely the ATO can do something similar? I'd like to see Mr Wong actually contribute in some way.
Reading in the Sunday paper Mr Wong and Friends have received $2.7 million in fines for trying to scoot around the rules for overseas buyers, no doubt the tax office has it all in hand. Again the ATO is going to come down on the black economy, I wonder how many people don't know how much information is stored about their movements and the vehicles they purchase in their big new shiny computer.
wide eyed and legless said:
Reading in the Sunday paper Mr Wong and Friends have received $2.7 million in fines for trying to scoot around the rules for overseas buyers, no doubt the tax office has it all in hand. Again the ATO is going to come down on the black economy, I wonder how many people don't know how much information is stored about their movements and the vehicles they purchase in their big new shiny computer.
Well back in the day I might pick up the telephone and say, hey WEAL, come over to my house for a quite beer and we'll sit on my newly constructed veranda where we can get a nice view of my brand new, personally imported luxury car.
These days you just take a selfie standing in front of these things (with a short, detailed narrative and suitable emoticon or course) and post it on all forms of social media. Cos whats the point of owning / doing awesome **** unless the world knows, right?
The ATO etc could get by with a ******* Commodore 64 and spiral notepad.
wide eyed and legless said:
My father in law is a senior lecturer in English and also a wine buff, I love mispronouncing wines, he always corrects me. Pinot Noir is my favourite, say it as read, gives him the ***** something solid.
My father is a school teacher...still corrects me on gramma, pronunciation and I fell your pain

and its Shiraz...not sirah