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Droopy Brew said:
They could start by releasing all paedophiles into the shark pool. That would free up a few hundred beds in a matter of days.

Seriously though, relatively minor drug ofences make up a fair chunk of the prison population (Abs says around 5-10%). There is a good case to be made for things like home detention in these cases so we can save the jails for violent offenders who need to be separated from society.

We aren't as bad as the US though where minor possession offences make up something like half of the prison population and the other half is whatever black guy the cops stumbled across that day.
According to something somewhere i read. Unless its a serious case, most are getting fines and good behaviour bonds. To spare our gaol problem. So its a good time to be a criminal in Australia apparently.
Airgead said:

Seriously though, relatively minor drug ofences make up a fair chunk of the prison population (Abs says around 5-10%). There is a good case to be made for things like home detention in these cases so we can save the jails for violent offenders who need to be separated from society.

We aren't as bad as the US though where minor possession offences make up something like half of the prison population and the other half is whatever black guy the cops stumbled across that day.
Theres a better case to be made for decriminalization and common sense lawmaking.
If we wound the clock back and began drafting laws from scratch based on objective evidence rather than conservative ignorance we'd see alcoholic beverages and tobacco listed as a schedule 8 drugs, right up there with smack and meth. Choking up courts and locking people away for possessing a pot for example, a substance with no known lethal dose is simply ludicrous.
I mean, keeping us safe, thats what its all about right? The government protecting its citizens from themselves?
If that be the the case it would seem they have it arse backwards currently.

We know that brain re modeling and development doesn't end until our early 20's anyway, so raising the drinking age is undoubtedly good idea.
Wonder how much room there would be left in prisons if the white collar criminals were sentenced and the sentence carried out,
Craig Thomson says he will not pay a bean to the HSU, says he has no money, and still claims he was a victim of identity theft. :lol:
Will the HSU spend more money chasing the illegally obtained debt, I doubt it, will he be made to serve a prison term, I doubt that too.
seriously, i think far too many get off lightly with a mere rap on the knuckles and there should be many more inside than there is

build some feckin more prisons and lock them up, not tell them you've been a naughty boy/girl and thats it!
Liam_snorkel said:
those naughty boys & girls cost around $300/day each to keep in prison, are you going to pay for that?
$300 a day???

I would happily pay that to teach the little fuckers that did this to my son back in 2008 a lesson.


Sadly we didnt get our monies worth as a community from that instance.

One of them served less than half his sentence of 3 years before getting parole. He was up on more assualt charges while on parole but the for unkonwn reasons that wasnt enough to have his parole cancelled.

Do I think we should have a tougher justice system? - hell yes.

Do I get emotive about this issue? - look at that pic and imagine its one of your kids, what do you think?
Its not like we a choice anyway.

I say privatize it. Plenty of entrepreneurs with cash to invest. Whats Clive doing these days?
What those ne'er do wells need is some good o'l fashion hard work. At least they'll be to tired to rape one another.

Hoo -aah....hoo-aah.
GrumpyPaul said:
$300 a day???

I would happily pay that to teach the little fuckers that did this to my son back in 2008 a lesson.


Sadly we didnt get our monies worth as a community from that instance.

One of them served less than half his sentence of 3 years before getting parole. He was up on more assualt charges while on parole but the for unkonwn reasons that wasnt enough to have his parole cancelled.

Do I think we should have a tougher justice system? - hell yes.

Do I get emotive about this issue? - look at that pic and imagine its one of your kids, what do you think?
Sentencing laws here are a ******* joke. The form this prick had and was still walking the streets simply boggles the mind. But lets wait until somebody get murdered, then we'll 'get tougher'.
GrumpyPaul said:
$300 a day???

I would happily pay that to teach the little fuckers that did this to my son back in 2008 a lesson.


Sadly we didnt get our monies worth as a community from that instance.

One of them served less than half his sentence of 3 years before getting parole. He was up on more assualt charges while on parole but the for unkonwn reasons that wasnt enough to have his parole cancelled.

Do I think we should have a tougher justice system? - hell yes.

Do I get emotive about this issue? - look at that pic and imagine its one of your kids, what do you think?
I thought we were referring to non-violent drug offences.
Yep.There is a big difference between someone who bashes someone half to death and someone who is locked up for a few bags of pot.

Violent offenders - he'll yeah. Lock them up for a good long time (but how about we do some rehabilitation/anger management/etc in there and don't just brutalise them into being even more violent arseholes than they were when they went in).

Non violent offenders - how about we try some other approach that costs less and might actually work. Because locking people up sure as heck doesnt.

Edit - my spell check woudn;t let me say aresehole.

Bring back Borstal and definitely the Birch, that is something you would never want 2 doses of.
My family's away this weekend. Hence, I've got a brew lined up (bourbon stout) and might go for a round of golf during the mash. Probably the thing I'm most looking forward to though is picking up my keys and wallet, walking out the door, and hopping into the car then driving off to a place I want to go. It's an experience those with kids might recall occurring before they had kids.
Airgead said:
I was once on the Newcastle Flyer in that state of three-quarter-sleeping that every long-distance train commuter knows.
There was a woman sitting next to me, long hair, power-suit - I must have opened my eyes briefly when she sat down at Hornsby.
She smelled of too-much perfume and cigarettes.
Just before Strathfield station; somewhere down the back of the carriage a baby was crying intermittently.
I don't know for how long, maybe only a few minutes, maybe since forever.
Suddenly the woman is screaming: "CAN'T YOU SHUT THAT BLOODY BABY UP!", flops back down in her seats, hmph!-s.
Now wide awake and grumpy, I only said to her "She would have already if she could", but I wanted to say so much more.


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