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Grrrr, you just remembered you put a beer in the freezer to chill, last night, thank **** for plastic bottles.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Still....thats a huge temp difference..

Do you pre heat your tun by pouring in a few litres of hot water and letting it warm up. I found doing this in winter helped.
No I didn't preheat the tun. Its a keggle wrapped 3 layers of insulating foam. Its new to me but was given by someone else who didn't have a problem over many many years and he brewed in his garage. Doing a boiling water test on the digital and the dial thermometer now. Not to worry. I knew I would have to tweak it seeing as its new equipment....but I didn't think I'd have to chuck it out. Live n learn.

Edit. The digital hand held one was at 98.5 in the pot of boiling water and the dial thermometer that mounts into the tun sat at 96! I re-calibrated it with the screw on the back to 100.

Just need to heat my strike temp up into the mid 80s next time to try and get the sweet spot for this equipment. Admittedly it was only 5 degrees when I started this morning. The sun wasn't even up!!
Beertard said:
Grrrr, you just remembered you put a beer in the freezer to chill, last night, thank **** for plastic bottles.
Don't you hate that......messy when its a glass bottle.
Pre heating will help, especially as its stainless..

You only need a kitchen kettle full to pre heat it.

I do this whilst milling the grain and getting strike water ready.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Pre heating will help, especially as its stainless..

You only need a kitchen kettle full to pre heat it.

I do this whilst milling the grain and getting strike water ready.
cheers champ - will give it a go next time.

Hey Stu quick question - did Tony reply to your message asking him to PM you in a thread yesterday or the day before? Ive PMd him but it comes back with he cannot accept anymore PMs at the moment. Want to get in touch with him
can you ask him to PM me as his inbox must be full.....need his EKB bitter recipe again as its disappeared from the DB.
Sometimes you just have to sit back, look at and then taste your brew and say to yourself " **** this beer is good" I'll have another one and another one and another........
grott said:
Sometimes you just have to sit back, look at and then taste your brew and say to yourself " **** this beer is good" I'll have another one and another one and another........
I'll pretend I didn't know that, and give it a try tonight. :D
Going to the snow Friday with a mate for a couple of days.
Plenty of snow, but I'll bet its going to be WINDY.

Hardly even ******* worth it...
My wife just got another job, after being retrenched two months ago. Thirty minutes before we picked up her new car, which we can now afford. Yay.
We've enough of her payout left to pay off allll those damn credit cards.
My tiny little local just swapped its Coopers Pale Ale tap, after the Publican told me a month ago he'd never get rid of it, to a JS 150Lashes.

Not sure wether to be angry, happy or meh?

But 150 Lashes at $4.90 a Schooner, well, can't be to angry with that.
Yeh well, funny thing that. I was the only one drinking it, everyone was saying 'Have u tried the new beer, taste like wine or some bad breakfast juice'. No one ever said that about the Coopers, and a few drank it, but he claims no one drank the Coopers and people will like the Lashes more.

Time will tell I suppose.
150 is OK.....but its basically a 1or 2 keg beer.

Shall ask the Coopers rep and get the full story.
I got out of him after annoying him that when he took the pub over 6 months ago that he sold his tap rights away. But This one tap was to stay coopers, he may have changed his mind after all.
So the words of the the Blues Brothers..took the liberty of " bullshiting " to you
They could try Hoegaarden on tap. Yesterday, an employee at Dan Murphy's said if I liked Hoegaarden then I would like 150 lashes. According to him they are pretty much the same beer. This advice came unsolicited.