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I haven't been on here in a while.....Has this place died right off or something? was there something I missed
I haven't been on here in a while.....Has this place died right off or something? was there something I missed
Pollux said:
I haven't been on here in a while.....Has this place died right off or something? was there something I missed
Thought the same after a 3 year break Pollux. Being back a few months. After working in the LHBS for the past 8 kinda gets you in the mood to brew decent beer. Theres a few characters being banned. Namely Bum who no less started this very thread! Don't know why though. Not to bothered to find out either to be honest.
Hi Pollux. I've moved from Bribie Island to Old Bar. There's another Orange guy on the forum if you have a look around. Best Regards to Mrs and Ms Pollux.

Yes it's settled down around here, mostly brewing discussions believe it or not. :p
So my lady friend has a lovely white little female rabbit with brown ears, keeps it in a little run with a hutch. Couple of people knock on her door with a black floppy eared rabbit they have found wandering and ask if, as a rabbit person, she knows who it might belong to.

No problems, leave it with me, my little girl would love some company, rabbits need a lot of attention as they can die of loneliness.

She obviously didn't get white rabbit properly sexed, it rooted the black rabbit constantly for three days. Neighbours were amazed that two animals could hump for so many hours.

Looming rabbit plague around Old Bar methinks.
I admire their resilience.
Come at them with traps, pestilence, drought, ferrets whatever you like, You just cant keep them down.
My .22 was never going to make a dent.

Natures target practice.
Dave70 said:
Come at them with traps, pestilence, drought, ferrets whatever you like,
I come at them with sauce... A nice cider, brandy and mushroom sauce this time I think...
Well well well! After a 3 ish years break of no AG brewing, today I had the pleasure of cracking open my first brew done with my new equipment. After all the years and hipe I went with DSGA as I hadn't done it before. Wow! What a fantastic experience it is again to taste real grain and hops in a beer.....why did I stop? I wont again. Fu*&^cking well chuffed!!*

*Chuffed in pommie language means very bloody happy.
shaunous said:
Reminds of this recent article I just read yesterday. About time they got serious.
Heard a story on RN earlier this year about how bad its got in far west QLD........Hunters are getting paid upwards of $100 a scalp. Told a mate down here who was a pro shooter and did that sort of work in SEQLD and northern rivers and he nearly **** himself and went back up there. Luckily for drunks like me he was balls deep in the process of opening the best boozer this town has seen (if you like quality beer) and stayed.
That was fun yesterday. Can anyone tell me how long the comment thread got before the Gestapo took it down.