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*** Yeh!
Steve said:
Cleaning some second hand bottles and came across a Reschs DA (Dinner Ale) long neck. Anyone here tried it? Great name but from the google reviews it wasn't to popular.
When Tooth's brewed it, it wasn't a bad beer but like all other beers, soon as CUB got hold of it they managed to fcuk it like anything else that they have touched over the years.
Originally it had a flavour of real hops with a hint of crystal and was a very popular beer for many years.
It was the beer that my Dad used to drink at home and it was more than likely the first beer that I tasted at the beginning of my drinking career.
dicko said:
it was more than likely the first beer that I tasted at the beginning of my drinking career.
A lot of people won't get that, but you're right, we do have a drinking career and it needs to start somewhere.

Something to be proud of.

It's important.

Cheers Dicko.

The 'What's in the Glass (commercial)' thread has disappeared.This has been mentioned in 'Recent Status Updates" but no answers as yet. Does anyone know whether it's a glitch or a permanent change.
Spent the weekend digging out tree stumps and pouring concrete. I'm a broken man. My soft, pasty, IT industry body was not built for the rigors of manual labour.

On the plus side... I now have footings for my SHED! My long planned, beautiful shed. With walk in coolroom and a permanent home for my brewery. Kallooo kallay! *happy dance*

The first batch of timber arrives this week. I begin construction Friday. So does my teenage son. He doesn't realise this yet and continues to loaf around the house oblivious to his fate, intent only on spending the maximum amount of time asleep as is humanly possible and spending the few hours he does spend awake eating everything in the house and reading Japanese comics on his phone (doing his Japanese homework he calls it...).

I am slightly worried that dragging him out of the dank cave he calls a bedroom into the sunshine for a long weekend of physical labour may cause him to crumble to dust or something. But meh... can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. As long as my shed gets built...
Similar situation here (except I have a pale pastey tradies body and haven't done any work yet)......House in Bris sold, waiting on title for for our 4 1/2 acres outside Launceston to be handed over before I can get slab for my 10mx10m shed poured. Have cold room panels on my job on flinders island (left overs from the morgue) waiting to come back on the next container, apple (eating, cooking and cider varieties) and cherry trees ordered......exciting times.
Saw the bit on Big Bang theory where Sheldon is giving his mum the 'puberty' talk.

That show is still worth watching.
As long as 'Penny' is appearing in her 'evening wear' every now and then, well worth it....

Yes, I am in the butter face stage of my life. :ph34r:
I have no idea about the show but just did a google image and there is nothing butter about that lady.

Evening wear is perfectly acceptable.
Doing 60 hours in a kitchen split shifts with your days off on a Monday and Thursday... Brew on a Wednesday night after work, figure 11pm or later and drink ones self into the next day. Cheese on the other hand is made on a non drinking Wednesday flowing to the Thursday so you have time to get all your steps down. Then smash a few so your ok to drive next morning. I want to try some all grain but atm work is crap hours to have a day to it and I'm liking what I am getting now with kits and bits. Not paid itself off yet as I have spent a months beer money on supplies but will like everything I put my mind to. Cheese, beer, tobacco etc.
Always carry on mate should I include my kids one a full time care low functioning autistic and the daughter high functioning, the baby seems to be normal, so to speak. Time will tell but I reckon I cracked a normal kid, he would be showing signs by now.

I try to give my kids all the worldly experiance I can from cooking like I do every day to the garden etc. beer is a product of the garden and cooking and I want to learn this to get a great brew.

Cheese is the product of milking Nd fermenting/culturing and I hAve explained this to them also, heat equells curd with extras.

Tobacco on the other hand is a year long process turning seed into smoke able product. The kids know this is dad's leaf but wNt to enjoy the time harvesting and prepping it for smoking.

Like home brew they want in and found them putting a few drops of highly hopped ale into dolls shoes.... Just to try it my daughter tells me, it isnt like real beer (Carlton draught usually) it is nice and fruity, I like it..... I moved the fermenters to the garage away from prying fingers, eyes and hands. My son just jumped around like usual. I'd guess he didn't taste any as he won't taste new foods anyway but he seemed to be excited over the last brew, I bet because of the stinky hops(mouth watering) want to drink them.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Big Bang is about as funny as 2 1/2 men...

Both as funny as getting teeth pulled
Q: How much coke did Charlie Sheen do?

A: Enough to kill two and a half men..
Cocko said:
Now, I don't want to panic anyone but some of this is pretty much irrefutable:

Foil hats on, people.
Son of a bitch.
I knew it...
