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That sucks PF. Was there any CCTV footage?
Hope they catch the stupid prick.
I was the victim of a vicious assault . Broken right arm in 2 places. fractured skull and eye socket and 50 staples and 30 stitches . They caught 1 off them and he has been on remand now for 9months awaiting sentencing. Its a sit road to go down
Well, yes, the stupid pricks made a run for it and people chased after. Got their plates and reported to the police. I'm hoping they are stinking up a cell and giving each other black eyes right now. Westfield got the CCTV too and handed it over to the cops. I'm shocked they did this in a shopping centre. In a deserted alleyway, yea, I'd get it, going in alone at a bad hour would be asking for trouble from the derelict fauna. But right in front of woollies inside a shopping centre! Less than a brain screwed on between them.

I will admit that ignoring their jibes and carrying on would've saved me the black eye and broken bones. But really wtf. Well, maybe just a sign of what things can be. We're only so civilised down here. I'd always told myself that racism (or any other discrimination for that matter) is mostly about bad understanding. Of course, the dark underbelly of stupid brainless was never on my mind. Mind ya, this could happen anywhere with the wrong kind of stupid and big thug. Still doesn't make me feel much better. The people that came to help sure did :)

btw, no Liam, lol. My dear sis asked me what I'd do if the pricks didn't get punished right and promptly asked me to see a shrink based on what I said.
bum said:
I like your guide but that thread is turning quite hilarious.

I especially like the guys who are congratulating you on a good post then immediately go on to recommend the exact **** I assume you're trying to combat.
At least no one has suggested bread yeast yet.
why would i want to meet 40+ singles in my area? Have you been to my area?

Really loving these new ads... -_-
To see Angelena Jolie in all her glory you need to see the movie Taking Lives. Must be extremely brave to go through surgery or extremely disallusioned. Not really sure what to make of it all the joys of Hollywood.
.DJ. said:
why would i want to meet 40+ singles in my area? Have you been to my area?

Really loving these new ads... -_-
You say that.. but google knows what you really want.
.DJ. said:
why would i want to meet 40+ singles in my area? Have you been to my area?

Really loving these new ads... -_-
i must live in a better area,been getting ads for 20-30+ singles, or google knows i'm a deviant.
PF - sorry to hear about what happened to you. Hope you recover quickly and without any lasting issues. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the legal system to give the pricks what they deserve.

My son was assaulted a few years back. He was king hit from behind by one prick and hit his head in the gutter when he went down. Another prick kicked him in the head while he was out cold in the gutter.

He has made a miraculous recovery and is doing well today. But it took 6 brain surgeries, the removal of part of his frontal lobe, a week in a coma, a month in intensive care, 3 months in a rehab hospital and about 2 years of therapy and support in the home for him to get back to close to what he was before.

This pic was taken after one of his surgeries

Hats off to the police -the dogs that did it to him were arrested the day after .But it was 12 months before either of them saw a day in court.

In the end the first one got 2 1/2 year in a youth detention centre - he served 12 months. the second one(that kicked him) got only 12 months but only served 6 before parole.

Once again - hope you OK and the eye and any other injuries heal up soon.

Take Care

Grumpy Paul
GrumpyPaul said:
PF - sorry to hear about what happened to you. Hope you recover quickly and without any lasting issues. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the legal system to give the pricks what they deserve.

My son was assaulted a few years back. He was king hit from behind by one prick and hit his head in the gutter when he went down. Another prick kicked him in the head while he was out cold in the gutter.

He has made a miraculous recovery and is doing well today. But it took 6 brain surgeries, the removal of part of his frontal lobe, a week in a coma, a month in intensive care, 3 months in a rehab hospital and about 2 years of therapy and support in the home for him to get back to close to what he was before.

This pic was taken after one of his surgeries

Hats off to the police -the dogs that did it to him were arrested the day after .But it was 12 months before either of them saw a day in court.

In the end the first one got 2 1/2 year in a youth detention centre - he served 12 months. the second one(that kicked him) got only 12 months but only served 6 before parole.

Once again - hope you OK and the eye and any other injuries heal up soon.

Take Care

Grumpy Paul
**** thats a lot of stitches, GP.
Hope your son is doing alright.
Man I am hung over. It feels totally disproportionate to the amount I think I drank.

"The evening began at the gentlemen's club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon."
Bizier said:
Man I am hung over. It feels totally disproportionate to the amount I think I drank.

"The evening began at the gentlemen's club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon."
But probably directly proportionate to the ABV of the drink.

"Another pint of my Westmalle Tripel clone anyone?, sure is goin down easy'..
Don't forget, the Eurovision Song Contest starts in just over half an hour. Can't wait.

Go, Azerbaijan :beerbang: :beerbang: :beerbang: :beerbang:
Wait. Does forum software even allow you to ban people from specific threads?

I hate it when people drop the fact that they admin/mod elsewhere but I admin/mod elsewhere and I've never seen that feature.