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My guess is that the seal on the cap won't hold pressure but if it does go bang please report back with photos.
I was wondering where all the good beats had gone, but obviously there are still a few left in the Northern Suburbs of Perth.


And I bet George sears you good, better get some balm in stock.
Bribie G said:
I was wondering where all the good beats had gone, but obviously there are still a few left in the Northern Suburbs of Perth.


And I bet George sears you good, better get some balm in stock.
thats out near where I used to live about 18yrs ago.
Had my galaxy s3 for 4 months. One of the kids dropped it and smashed the sceen. Aftermarket screen is $230!! Fkn robbery. Whats qorse if looking at recontracting and the price diff between a s3 and s4 is hugger all. The s3 should be dirt cheap mm ow. Fkn robbery Itells ya.
I've found that they fail at the cap. The extra juicy 2.4l bottle is great, strong caps. Others, not so much.
Back on topic in the offtopic thread

Ive found the aldi bottles hold well. Cordil bottles are crap. Useless.
Okay I haven't looked in the bookshops yet, but does anyone know if you can still get those little "carspotters" books? The ones that show all the cars that are available at that time?
I had a couple when I was a kid, but they've since gone awol. A real pity, as one was a 1967 issue.
My 4yo son is obsessed with cars, soaking in info like a sponge - He's picking them by badges now, "Daddy what kind of BMW is that?", or "Daddy what kind of mitsubishi was that? It was little, it was green and it had a wing to help it stick to the road".
One thing I'm finding now I'm entirely doing kegging is that fittings aint fittings.

Some of the ones you pay reasonable money for are just flimsy bits of plastic **** and they behave as such...******* beer leaking out of the disconnects, other ones sucking air in when pouring.

I wouldn't mind so much if the leaking disconnect was a $4 special, but I paid a lot of money from a reputable online retailer for a flimsy piece of ****, whereas for only a couple of dollars more I got a brilliant cornelius brand disconnect from Gryphon. Looks like I'll be sending a bit more business West. No affiliation etc.
Do any of you guys know if boiling hops with malt is a good idea? Might it improve a beer?

This board, man...
I reckon the seal on the lid will give before the bottle bursts. Dodgy as.
I'd just like to comment that I find the current gallery images far more agreeable than previous ones that showed that kid who looked like he was dragged from bed or drunk sluts giving ******** to stubbie bottles.
But why?
Those pictures convey a story, in this case, of not quite clear bottles of cider, boxes of PET bottles and hydrometers sitting around 1.030.
And isn't that what AHB is all about?
Just got connected to NBN by satellite.

I have gone from 1000kb/sec to 6000kb/sec.

Can now look at 6 times as much porn per hour than previously.

I can also upload 4 time as much porn per hour...less likely to happen
TasChris said:
Just got connected to NBN by satellite.
I thought the NBN mean't a physical optic fibre connection?
If it's just a signal bounced off a spaceship, whats the ******* point?

Or have I got it arse backwards?
Apparently they are doing the cable work past our place in a few weeks. I then have to contact my provider to tell them to hook me up. Does this sound right?