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Especially if it was posted in the wrong spot.
Eumundibrewery said:
Comments on Eumundi Brewery - winery [ forum march 27 ] need some explanation.
AHB Forum members know obtaining a Micro brewery Licence is a long, expensive exercise with 3 tiers of Government & Public Impact Studies.. We have had beer & wine sales Licences for 15 years but our Brewery Licences , granted in 2009, then needed DA from local Council ; this took 3 YEARS . The Company could not trade from 2009 till 2013, no cash flow & almost went out of business.

We tell this to all our customers, including Screwie, to explain the rundown gardens etc & the need to use an external contract brewer.

From 2007 until 2012 the Companies two winemakers evaluated many brewers in Queensland for our microbrewery. They found that Rudi Herget is by far the most technically competetnt & commercially oriented brewer in Queensland.

So, What are sortakinda german beers ?
His beers are made from German malts, hops & yeast using German techniques perfected over 50 years of international brewing & are a "mean drop ".

Please call in, try our beers, learn about red & green tape & bureaucracy & watch us grow

Gerry Humphrey 07 54427444
citymorgue2 said:
dude why put it here and not on the retail thread? Ok the off topic thread is hugely read but you should get ur message/info out in a dedicated thread. Kudos and keeping up the challange and finally suceeding.
Here is the corresponding thread, for those playing at home
I concur (to Bums post). Getting one's grammar down all proper is important too. I think for the most part he's done a'rite there.

And for a final edit thanks to Snorkel....That thread really didn't seem like it warranted an online defence, I'd certainly give the place a go if I was still up there based on what I read. Beer was allright, Bribie still has a hard on for ol' timey QLD lagers and flavourless rocket fuel...Run of the mill stuff.

But getting to serious business, I'm taking my dog to the vet tomorrow for an endoscopy. She hasn't been well and has cheated death a lot in the last 6 months. If I'm posting **** all up on AHB's **** tomorrow (and it may be hard to tell, 'cause I'm such a prolific poster) its because I'm very drunk on single malt, having made the decision not to have her wake up. Fingers crossed for the old girl.
Hope everything turns out for the best jlm, fingers crossed your celebrating with a single malt tomorrow night and her in recovery.
Good luck with your old girl, jlm.
There's a few software threads at the moment that make me wonder how people managed before the software existed.

Am I the only person who uses software to design recipes, puts some notes on a piece of paper then never looks at the file again?
So I DO need a bunch of timers to make good beer then?

I never knew. I just thought I was crap at it all this time.
It's all fun and games and then Cocko has to take things too far, crosses the line and feelings get hurt.
Just the one? I need more, apparently.
How do they fare on the 3m drop test? 'Cos that's something I do with my phone.
bum said:
There's a few software threads at the moment that make me wonder how people managed before the software existed.

Am I the only person who uses software to design recipes, puts some notes on a piece of paper then never looks at the file again?
Don't feel alone fella, pretty much what I do. But I go a step further by printing out the recipe and brew day schedule. Then I use the stopwatch app on my phone for the big day. or if my batteries running low, I pull the clock off the garage wall and set both the hands to 12 for simplicity.

I rocked up to Absolute HB one day to discover I had picked up a news letter from the young blokes day care rather than my recipe for a Saison off the kitchen counter.

After I told him what kind of beer I was chasing, Pat was able to calculate what I needed by simply using a pen and piece of paper. IBU's, OG,FG', the lot! He didn't even need a calculator!!
Do you think it was a trick, or can people actually do that??
Considering the formulas are all in how to brew and contain nothing harder then multiplying with decimals I would have thought anyone who did grade 5 maths would be able to do it. Assuming you remember the formula that is.
bum said:
So I DO need a bunch of timers to make good beer then?

I never knew. I just thought I was crap at it all this time.
It's called a watch, son. Y'wear it on yer wrist.
I know, right? "Okay, I'll add the next lot of hops at 10:15 then."