Havent brewed in 6 months, got 7 empty kegs from 8. Even have a double batch of cracked grain in a sealed bucket from about 4 months ago.
Havent cleaned the fermentor from the last brew thats still sitting in the fridge (cold and thankfully nothing growing in it)
Have an SS herms system in bits sitting on the ground next to the rig that hasnt been touched or used since I got it months ago.
Have absolutely no motivation to make more beer. Its like my interest has dropped off a shelf. Havent logged into AHB in months. Didnt enter BABBs or QABC. Have all but stopped drinking... maybe 1 or 2 a week, down from 3 to 4 a night.
On a positive note, have lost 20kg
The only people who FWD stuff are septuagenarians so they will eventually be culled out by the Grim Reaper anyway. And what a relief:
"The difference between Blonde women and Dogs - you will love this, it is priceless"
"15 ways to tell if your mother in law is lying, read this it is genuinely funny and you will fall about laughing"
I expect most of them drive Winnebagos and are called Archie or Cecil. Not like us spry young hipster baby boomers Warra.
So depressing when your latest beer tastes like ****.
Bottled it anyway, wife trying to make me feel better by saying "it may get better over time", but you know it won't.
Half in mini kegs so less bottle washing.
Oh well, gotta find a free day for the next brew.
Commiserations. I have had three otherwise decent brews completely ****** by stupid cal sulphate mathematics/experiments. I often blend (in the glass/jug) with some of the less excellent brews. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. My deepest sympathy. After 2 months off brewing with nothing but FWKs in between I know I will be gutted if my first triumphant return to AG and the joys of recipe formulation isn't at least 'good' haha.
edit - in regards to the above comments about process/hobby etc...I agree; but to be honest I haven't missed the hobby as I have been flat out, but I have missed having ample supplies of beer. I don't mind buying slabs and do it quite often, but I like to feel extravagant rather than desperate when doing it hahaha