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Ahh... that moment when you are reading a thread and find a post of your own, you cannot remember posting...

Usually check my own 'recent posts' most mornings, cringing...

Rode past my local Midas this afternoon and saw a circle of mechanics in the parking lot, beers in hand, playing hacky sack.

******' love Fridays.
Phyllis Diller, , is dead at 95.
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Been a fairly long time since I've had a good barney here. Life is dull.

**** me sideways, the soup ingredients comment made me laugh though. **** malting, who needs that in the brewing process?

As I have no time at the moment and have done a FWK and bought a can of extract recently (while the 50+ kgs of MO, GP and Wey Pils SCREAM at me each time I walk past them) I've been visiting the other forums to see what the hep cats are doing nowadays. Awesome stuff...THAT is where it is all happening. I honestly don't want to sound condescending as that was me for 5 years (and only a few years ago)... but some of the in depth discussions are fantastic(ally entertaining).

Edit: onto my third of Taschris' most recent parcel to me...his mild is one of the best homebrews I've tasted. The aroma reminds me of London Pride, it is quite dark but no obvious roast taste, I'm assuming the yeast is 1968. Through a hand pump this would be to-*******-die-for. The carbonation is spot on (not easy given the transit and CPBF into PET etc).

I'm not one to gush about other people's beers, but kudos chief, ******* lovely. I would pay $7 a pint for this beer without flinching. I sit this next to vic45s robust porter, Billygoat's %5.6 ESB from a while ago and Kleiny's american wheat for a quality beer. Wish I had more of it.
**** malting, who needs that in the brewing process?
Where did he say he was making beer out of it?!?!? He's only using it as an ingredient in the beer he's making. You'd have to be impenetrably dense not to be able to see the distinction.
Arguing on the internet about who would win in a fight between Batman and Wolverine at nearly two in the morning?

Yeah, it is probably time to consider going to bed.
Batman. Defo batman. Car, motorbike within car, big cave, tons of cash. He could afford the adamantium to melt wolverine down.

Batman. Defo batman. Car, motorbike within car, big cave, tons of cash. He could afford the adamantium to melt wolverine down.

Hulk once tore Wolverine apart at the waste and threw the leg half to the top of a mountain. He crawled to the top on his hands and just reattached his legs.

What do you think Batman and his non-lethal take-downs can do to him?

Forget the healing factor for a minute, Wolverine has over a century of combat experience, is both a samurai AND a ninja. Batman couldn't touch him even in a fair fight - which Wolverine wouldn't be seen dead in but that is beside the point.

Batman could beat him at a game of chess.
Aha, but a game of chess it is. Batman would lure wolverine into a destruction chamber where he gets trapped and drowned in liquid adamantium, permanently destroying him like he did to that chick in the movie.

Advantage to the man with wings and a chequebook mate.
Dude. I said "waste" instead of "waist". Don't listen to me. Apparently I'm a MORON.

But you need to start listening again now because Batman couldn't to that because it would KILL him. Batman doesn't do that ****.
I choose to ignore your spelling like batman chooses to spare wolverine ;)

Batman would win -- mostly because he is wealthy enough to pay a whole bloody army to take Wolverine down.
Hopefully this will spawn a thread of its own, while I have little idea of the intricacies of the batman/wolverine debate, it would make for good drunken posting, then morning reading for myself.

Anyway, My dream of a TRBNGR/Hot Snakes gig is over. Both are playing the same night in the same city on each of their side shows. I choose Turbo. Melbourne, I'll see you in December. Allah willing, there'll be a shithot lineup at the Taphouse for my saturday recovery.
Batman would win -- mostly because he is wealthy enough to pay a whole bloody army to take Wolverine down.
If Batman got an army to take down Wolverine he would order them not to kill him. Wolverine would go through an army easier than he might Batman on his own.
I think Batman would be like America.

'We' don't torture people because that is morally reprehensible. If on the other hand they 'happen' to turn up in Egypt and be tortured, that's not really our fault is it?

And it won't take too many .50 BMG rounds to take Wolverine (or anyone else for that matter) out. Maybe afterwards pick up the pieces and incinerate them and fix the ashes in concrete or something, but that's not really a problem.
I have what may be considered a humble but awesome collection of 'back in the day' **** ranging from first prints in the 60's to the late 80's. I gave up on comics around the time I discovered porn and masturbation. But I have the original Frank Miller Dark Knights and all the original issues of every Wolverine series they launched in the mid 80s (including graphic novels).

This argument is even more redundant than the hulk vs superman debacle. He is 'superman' so that gives him an infinite capability compared to the whole 'the angrier I get' business, which is still finite.

Wolverine would be half drunk (and yes, it is well recorded that excessive consumption vs his healing 'powers' can get him tipsy, often happens in Chris Claremont specials) and onto his third stogie before Alfred even shed a ******* tear. Debating otherwise is futile...'he would hire an army' and such is beyond the scope and purpose of the debate...that's like saying that Tony Abbott will be ruler of the known galaxy once he enlists the power of the interstellar Globulons from Region 9 or some ****...

Unfortunately Marvel in print and film form have rarely allowed the excessively lethal nature of Wolverine to be unleashed...but if you check Meltdown series or the main GN from the Japanese era (the whole ninja reference earlier) etc etc...

Let's not allow Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman to muddy the waters here (although Hugh would sing and dance the ******* pants off Bale no doubt).

This is in no way an attack on those who enjoy Batman in whatever shape, but if the universes ever collided and merged then there would be a lot of dead DC characters.

What a pleasant distraction from reality this has been.
I refer again to my conclusive argument in post #7869. Batman would win.

Wolvie would get more ass, though.