I've been to keen to see that since it was in pre-production. I downloaded it what must be a couple of years ago now. Weight of expectation is not allowing me to watch it.
house-made porchetta, pork belly, pancetta, smoked bacon, a fried egg and parmesan. icon_drool2.gif icon_drool2.gif
Great! Now I want a Schlenkerla Urbok. Thanks a bunch, Fents.
Not as good as the Buggeritti
Today, I got paid twice as much I normally do to do half the amount I normally do .
Things are looking up.
Ah the.fun of.group.projects. Write what I like and preface it with "due to constraints such as non group , this assignment is limited to...." Fk en over. If it that way inclined. I've had freeloaders but never an entire group. Fk harsh dude. Sry to .8k words. 3 days. 1 man. 3 spectators. Group project? Brain melting.
Federal politics is easier than state. u work hard in state politics.You became a politician?