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SWMBO is not a fan of beer but I do have her try all my beers and any beer I buy that is new to me - she has a knack for pin-pointing certain strengths and weakness of a beer even if she doesn't know her arse from her elbow. So I had her try White Rabbit Dark Ale today. She makes "the face" then says " tastes like, um, nail polish remover." And I ask "Acetone?!" and she says "Yeah," and I tell her I'm not so sure I'm with her on that one.

Then as the beer warms a little I notice that the alcohol is very present for a beer that is 5.whatever. I think it is a fine beer but it pisses me off no end she picks up these things before me.

Some people simply have heightened senses...

My wife will taste/smell something I can't, but I tend to hear and see things quicker than she can.
Ah, the old hunter/gatherer routine. I fall for it everytime!
When I was a little boy I used to get worms, they were fairly common in the old days in the UK where people gathered and personal hygiene wasn't up to today's standards and probably still isn't over there, but I may be wrong. At our school they would worm us all regularly with choc flavoured drops.

I know what worms are like, they come out of your anus at night to lay eggs then go back in again and you itch like you wouldn't believe and have an almost unstoppable desire to scratch your posterior tender parts whilst shopping in Woolworths. I know this is extremely unpleasant information to relate on the forum, however in may ways head fleas in schools are probably the modern Australian equivalent so things haven't changed too much, in a sense.

Today I bought a pack of Combantrin. Hey it's really cheap, about three dollars a dose, I mean what can you get for three bucks nowadays? Not even a schooner so I reckon that's a really good deal and my hands have been above my waist for at least two hours so I reckon I'm on the mend.
At the BABBs meeting next week we can share glasses and you can shake my left hand with confidence. :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:
Was it in this thread that I discussed doing smaller batches so I could brew more often? No matter - that is my intention. I just realised that by reducing the size of my next planned brew in this way I'll be able to do it AG with my current gear. I'M GOING TO GO CHANGE MY VOTE IN SCREWTOP'S POLL! **** all you k&k n00bs - you don't know how to make beer!

I know what worms are like, they come out of your anus at night to lay eggs then go back in again

I did not know this. I do so dearly wish I could have remained ignorant of this fact.
And I so wish that the post re worms had not been replied to by Bum

All shapes and sizes with these fookers

This here is THE watermelon (apologies for on-topic)

I see your knife and raise you a knife.

LOL awesome google image search there.

I see we've all played knifey-spoony-spoony before.
Damn me and my tabbed browsing....

I opened a pile of threads and responded a bit slow to this one.